>Would you say your motivations are like Frankenstein, you are obsessed with your work or do you only work because it is needed to pay bills (or say suck up time doing something less harmful/useless).
I'd say none of those. Sure, I do it because money, it'd be foolish to say otherwise, but personally I don't need money. I don't spend it, I have all that I need already and I'm okay with the things I have. Of course there're maintenance costs, like food, electricity, water etc.
Actually, I'm rather afraid/anxious about the future, the uncertainty of it all and to me it just looks very grim, so having a kind of work where it's independent of your residence, any financial crisis, unemployment or other nonsense seems like a smart solution to flock to, that is if you are able to. Really, independence of it all, being able to be out of the inner circle of society and having stability while being in that position.
Though, if I were to make a lot of money, I'd just send my parents away on vacation, as they're getting old now.
Sometime I just stare at chart and do nothing, sometime just paper trade and I do exceptionally well, always better than live trading. That's the thing I'm working on, trying to psychologically change my mindset, as that's a huge limiting factor(fear, anxiety or something else).
Best thing about it, is it allows you to do anything you want, sometime you just can't trade, something feels wrong and that's fine. There's always a market tomorrow.
You can trade and listen to something you want to, either that's music, podcast or reading a book, you can do many kinds of things and it allows you to actively learn something else or be aware of ongoing events, as it takes a lot of time to keep up with the world.
I actually do exercises, push ups, pulls ups, sit ups and such. That's something people who work full time aren't able to do.