Was he right?

Was he right?


I once sat on a 10 hour stream with him.

To start with, I thought he was great. Everyone was mad at him because of the sensational headlines: "raises cancer drug price by 5000%", but these idiots don't understand how the market works. And he was schooling them.

But later he turned into a complete psychopath. Someone asked him if he's read a book and he said "Don't you ever dare ask me if I've read something, I've read every book worth reading". No sense of irony here.

Another person asked him about his biochem credentials and where he learned his trade, and he went crazy again -- "I build two billion dollar companies I know more than PhDs".

He'd also spontaneously put on an African American Vernacular English accent and start talking like a gansta rapper or some shit.

Dude definitely has some mental problems.

>I once sat on a 10 hour stream with him.

That's one of the most pathetic things I've read ever. Literally /r9k/ levels of pathetic.

Sort your shit out m8. Jesus christ.

This was at the peak of his fame. Journalists were popping in to ask questions. It was quite entertaining.

Sorry you missed out.

>you will never be a socipath multi millionaire

He is a reflection of our society. He is us, good or bad.

And it is a horror to watch.

Why is it a horror?

>missing out

Lets recap:

You sat for 10 hours in front of a screen.

while idolizing an autistic sycophant.

trying to feel important by proxy because some "journalist" from gizmodo popped in.

and over the course of this 10 hour period you were actually entertained.

>but these idiots don't understand how the market works.
It works because law and custom allows it to. Shrekli came as close to testing that principle since the bankers in '08.

His book really opens your eyes

'I am God' - Martin Shkreli

you think that's bad, when Moot left people actually listened to his entire interview

At least moot had some relevance to this shithole. This pathetic mongoloid sat and listened to shekelreli for 10 fucking hours in some weird boot-licky cuckolded fashion. Probably in hopes that he'll learn how to become the next wolf of wall street or something.

>I once sat on a 10 hour stream with him.

You saying there's nothing to learn from hanging out with a multibillionaire?

Albeit, true, you're a fucking lackey at best.

>hanging out
>watching him on livestream

Sad af m8

I don't understand the hype for this guy. Doesn't all of big pharm engage in the same shitty tactics that he was in on? What exactly did he do wrong to piss off the general population where Pfizer and Roche manage to stay under the radar? Everything about this guy's rise to infamy is so bizarre. Was it because the medication he chose to scalp was for gay niggers?

About what?

>Everyone ridicularizing him by being in a 10 hor live stream
>When I`m watch twicth streams all day long everyday

>only good answer in the thread
>shat on for spending 10 hours observing all kinds of human nature
idk why you guys even come here