Robinhood General Thread - /rgt/

Robinhood General Thread - /rgt/
Bull Riding Edition

Official Veeky Forums chat

--FAQs for Robinhood--
Visit the website first -
If you're not into robinhood -
> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade.
It's also pretty basic software.
> When is it coming to my country?
Probably never. They only have plans on an Australian beta (
> It's been X days, why isn't my account isn't verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, try emailing their support. They are very good.
> Is this the right place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
No, please go to Stocktwits, Plebbit, or one of our many chat groups.
> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.
> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want to go open a second account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using Yahoo/Google finance or even Stocktwits for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.
>How do I git gud?

> If I have Robinhood do I need to worry about 'Free riding' violations?
No, its not applicable for limited margin accounts (instant), and if you don't have instant, RH won't let you buy with unsettled funds
> Can I use Robinhood on my PC?
Yes, download an android emulator. Setup is extremely easy.

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Found this site and thought you guys might find it useful. It's an earnings calendar, but better: gives actual predictions and data to back it up.

Premarket shows green all across the board

Going to be a good day (or at least good morning)

Fuck, am I too late? It literally doubled in the last week.

I should have paid attention to the memers.

That has got to be one of the most poorly designed sites I've ever seen.

Looks useful though.

I just want to remind all of you how hard I was shilling $CLF last month when it was $4.60 a share. You guys called me a worthless shill. Eat a dick faggots. Sorry most of you freaked out and sold bease it wasn't a two-day moon mission

>started with $400
>lost quite a bit
>back to $412

Should I just quit now? I'm not sure if I'm cut out for this.

adapt improvise overcome

Can somebody who knows what they're doing share some useful resources to find and evaluate stocks? I just got into trading and don't want to rely on hype stocks.

First read up on how to evaluate stocks:

Then find some good ones

Finally do some in depth research b4 u buy

Hey guys, first time posting on this forum. But MNKD is going to shoot off like a rocket, so buy at open for pennies, and by the end of the day you should be VERY comfortable. This is one of those once in a lifetime moon missions so don't miss out.

when the FUCK is this thing coming to Australia. does ANYONE have a real estimate?

When you stop shitposting

fuck off cunt

Wait time just got ten weeks longer, aussie!

Nah Jews

I'd say you're too late. At best SGY will hit 24 today.

Just bought a shit ton of US Steel

Gonna get 5,000 shares of MNKD at open before it sky rockets. If you Guevara smart you will too. If your poor at the end of the day it is your fault

Why won't he stop?

Just did the same. Thanks for the tip.

JUNO is up 24% in premarket now that they are allowed to resume the drug trial. Should I sell now or hold?

looks to be a good morning for IMNP. as predicted :)

AMD LAST CHANCE. Last quarterly earnings it shot up 65%. This quarterly earnings report comes out July 21.

If you're up 24%, then set a stop loss at +20% and just see how high it goes. That way you make your 20% but could go higher


Better charge that phone so you can get some MNKD at open. You don't want to miss this moon mission, gonna blast off and leave the solar system senpai

Wow, my RNG experiment paid off. IMPR just got bought out. 30% jump AH. Now going to have to RNG another stock.

What did you do?

Bet my nigga


I got the total number of stocks in the NYSE and put that number into random dot org then bought the stock that corresponded with the number generated. Seeing which is the better picker, meme stocks or chance.

congrats, user. good call.

Should I sell TWLO?




You lucky guy!

Lol, you cucks!! I'm sitting here watching your gains evaporate!!

... shoulda bet $TVIX

If anyone is curious, did NASDAQ this time and RNG picked HCAP.

>falling for the Clinton meme
Read from anything BUT Investopedia. They have Chelsea Clinton in the mix there, so they inherently cannot be trusted.

looks good. i'm in.

What list do you use that assigns a number to a stock?

Fuck! I was debating between MNKD and NETE, decided on MNKD and now NETE has jumped 20%. Oh well, I still think MNKD will pay off eventualy.

no. get out of MNKD while you still can

I used this one this time.

It lists 3127 stocks in alphabetical order. I just put 3127 into the RNG.

Nice try shill. Everyone who is smart knows MNKD is going to make a fortune

Ah ok. I was looking at that but didn't see a number assigned to a stock, but I see it in the csv file.

That red line is really fortuning right now.

Then you miss out on NYSE though...
Though I guess you could just add it on.

What happened to AVGR?

Everyone who is smart knows poop is expensive.
It has its reasons why it's expensive but I don't ever care to list them.


Just bought 2k worth

Will MGT continue to stagnate or fall because of the dilution, or has it been priced in?


This general is just worthless memeing now

There's nothing wrong with it right now. It seems like the drop sobered investors up a bit. If anything, around now would be the time to buy and forget about it until the beginning of August unless they drop some PR.

>dude nobody is giving anymore moon missions
>lmao this place sucks
Why not actually try discussing potential money makers instead of just looking to get your gambling fix? Oh, that's right. You're a colossal faggot that doesn't understand what he's doing. Get out.


Poignant counter rebuttal sir

>still not contributing anything worthwhile

That faggot aside, I think SAEX is going to roll again. Loaded up.

Everyone should buy CEFL, MORL, DHY, DHF and use the monthly dividends to put toward your penny stocks


that's not a bad plan... but it requires self-control and discipline. i think those are in short supply here.


Pump and dump?
Back your shit up

Once it breaks .25, it's going to runrunrun.

There we go. I'll see you faggots up top.

MNKD to the moon today, big news coming at noon so get in while you can!

i've heard this several times, what exactly is the conspiracy ?

Easy bait. thanks for making me money faggot

haha NETE finally memeing

Domo arigato, Mr. Fagato.

Is there something like stocktwits except not full of delusional crazies?


Gonna let it settle, seems to be gently falling to support. I'm very bull on it in August though.

Anyone else shorting FCX? Got in at 12.77 yesterday, easy money

>made 120 today
>price currently moving in my favor again
>at 600 profit now if i would be holding

this always fucking happens. last week i missed out on 3k of gains in a single day.

are you manipulating this shit? who is bidding 250,000 buy


RNVA was fun


A-any minute now right

Patience. The volume literally quadrupled within the past 30 minutes. It'll run. Right now .265 is being an edgelord for whatever reason.

Waiting on funds is suffering.


I love you. Have a pepe.

I planned to hold but it's getting a little too hard.
Maybe I should start unloading...

what are you planning to sell at?

Alright faggots. Just graduated so I finally started up on Robinhood.

Bought shares of Sprint and AMD. Also bought shares of Turtle Beach (hoping for a triumphant return soon).

r8, h8, masturb8.

Already down .6% feels good man

Yeah. Us.


I'm not sure yet. It's not even 12, desu.

anyone get blasted by the go pro spike? should have fucked off with what i couped yesterday

very true. i set a stop loss and i'm not playing with significant cash so i'll chill for a bit.

>just graduated so time to fuck my shit up early.
Sounds about right.

Get out while you can

Guys does it mean anything if a stock has been pretty much staying at the exact same price for several days? I'm bored out of my mind

Don't fuck yourself and sell. It's boring but chances are it'll spike on any PR. Sell then.

Would you rather be bored with the potential for money or sell and potentially miss out?

SHEEEEIT. I'll keep you guys updated by how fucked I get. I got stop loss for 90 cents.

WTF happened to OESX?

SGY fucked my head up.