why do I keep listening to those /x/ shit youtubers about the secret banking system and how easy is to make millions by simply knowing how the secret laws of the shadow banking system in america works.
I just wonder how much legit are all that.
why do I keep listening to those /x/ shit youtubers about the secret banking system and how easy is to make millions by simply knowing how the secret laws of the shadow banking system in america works.
I just wonder how much legit are all that.
>listening to financial advise on the conspiracy and general schizo board
idk man... its like the world is run by witches...
you have to go back
I'm not from that board.
I like project camelot, but I just want to know how legit is that shit.
its bullshit dude. its all apart of that brainwashing shit similar to oracles and star signs and shit. just a bunch of poor idiots who think there smart and thus are lost in there little worlds.
dont let people like this freak you out man
I dunno bro, I'm not even american, they seem like they were legit telling the truth.
maybe you need to listen to the video.
yea, no... im not sitting through 2 hours of that.
>how easy is to make millions by simply knowing how the secret laws of the shadow banking system in america works.
How many of them are millionaires?
It's pretty interesting, even if it's BS.
dude, watch the video.
If it's easy to make millions they would be millionaires and sipping margaritas in cancun, not making shitty youtube videos
I dunno nigger, watch the video.
... you seem like your plugging it
dude, I'm not even american.
It seems legit.
I'm starting to realize markets are basically ponzi schemes.
I just wanted to talk about the video.
There's weird shit out there.
you seem to mock the video guy without even listening to what he says.
you seem like a shill.
read the comments on this in particular:
'So what I'm saying then is that I, David Kuvelas, am responsible for the two biggest discoveries in world history, dwarfing the splitting of the atom, dwarfing atomic particle theory, dwarfing how time slows down the further you get from the surface of the earth, dwarfing all discoveries ever made before, combustion engine, aviation, jet engine, rockets, magnetism, everything, my two discoveries dwarf all other discoveries ever made, showing I'm a true genius in this life.
"In the year 2006 while trading the Forex market I made a discovery that the entire Forex market isn't really trading but is being controlled by a computer program. Later in the year 2009 I discovered that the Oil market was also being controlled by a computer program and didn't really trade.
Sometime after that I discovered that all instruments in the world don't really trade but are being controlled in advance by a computer program.
In the year 2010 I started teaching people my discovery on the Internet. In the year 2011 a Freemason Jew called me on the phone after purchasing my videos and told me that I'm to stop selling the videos immediately, and that from this point forward I'm to work for him and trade for him."
hahaha oh god
so you're argueing that trading is still done by humans?
These aren't my words, those are quotes from dude's website. It is a fucking goldmine! He goes on to say that he discovered the real secret to blackjack when he was 21 and that basic strategy isn't real. He of course sells an ebook for 400 dollars. I have no idea how someone gets this wacked out.
>"watch muh video"
there are alot of retards out there
I like to believe I'm a critical rational person, but the more you spend time on the conspiranoic shit and taking the so called red pill start making sense after a while.
Like I said, there's crazy shit and when you start having time watching that shit it doesn't seem so.
your loss.
> and taking the so called red pill (it) start(s) making sense after a while
you dont deserve a red pill. only people who are overdosing on blue pills beleve in conspiracy theories and superstition
>Like I said, there's crazy shit and when you start having time watching that shit it doesn't seem so.
So you're saying its real? Or that it seems real to these nutbags who fall down the rabbit hole and lose all logic? I'm in the latter party, but I fucking love reading this shit lol. good scifi material
by being in that party, I mean I think that they are nutbags. I'm kinda drunk and not sure if that came out as clearly as it should have
I dunno if it's real, but many of their shit is repeated by people I know has no clue about each other.
The lesser ones like peter schift talk about the superficial shit without having a clue about the deeper shit, it's when you start to dig into deeper shit even shit like ISIS comes as part of a major plan.
And I watch even blue pilled shit like lectures from universities, that still talk about the superficial shit that those nubjobs are talking about.
What superficial shit, senpai? Explain
did you even read my reply, or did you just see the buzzwords and made up the rest in your head
I'm with you. People want to preach fast sexy systems to make shittons of cash or talk about conspiracies and say that it's a weird coincidence that many different groups of peoples know about the same 'things', when in reality it's not that weird at all. Mathematics, agriculture and many other topics were not constrained to one group of people when they were initially discovered and talked about.
the most blue pilled level are the american mainstream news (CNN, fox news, CBS).
the it comes the russian propaganda (RT)
the it comes basic redpill youtubers like Peter schiff, the investors who talk about the coming collapse and other economic youtubers.
then it comes basic more advanced redpill shit like Dollar vigilante that talks about the jew numerology and debt jubilees, he's right about the comming one this year (he talks about october).
then you have dissinfo agents like Alex jhonex.
then you have the UFO shit like project camelot.
then you have stuff more redpill like benjamin fulford.
then you have the people who talks about the current world war between the illoominati factions, like sionist vs the russians and chinese.
then there's more weird shit that deals with God and spirituality (not religious shit) and the coming of jesus.
sorry bro.
I don't know man, I just don't buy it. I think I saw the debt jubilee shilled on here before.
maybe you need to start watching more deep shit.
sorry bro.
english is not my native language.
okay. well basically were saying that you are being mislead and you need to be less gullable
youtube documentaries? lol
I want to believe! Provide me some proof or some cool mind blowing shit about how I can crack the market easily. No one ever has.
I like to read and watch that shit, it's fun.
I know it doesn't have a real effect on my life.
It's not the market, it's using the banking system.
its not a good sign that ive used stop memes like 4 times today on this board
i like reading conspiracy shit but I don't believe any of it
I'm in the same boat, it's fun, but you get to a point where it just make sense, even more sense than the mainstream views.
I'm sure if there's a collapse soon that will be a definitive proof they're right.
Maybe they're still holding up until elections.
OP, you really-- ... You can't... Wha--?
How ... Okay. Let me show you something. Let's imagine I make up some crazy, semi-plausible theory and preach it as fact. One person believes it and does what you are doing now.
"Hey, I heard this folkloric explanation of something. I'm pretending to be skeptical but clearly I want reassurance that there's validity to it because its simple and I enjoy simplicity."
>sorry user, as a person who can think, that's insane
"Did you watch the video?"
>no user, I don't need to watch the video, you told me what it was about, and I've hear--
"But did you watch the video?"
>user I'm not watching the video, it's fucking lunacy, it's just a crank selling shi--
"Okay. Your loss."
Have you ever seen conspiracy theorists talk about retarded UFO theories and shit? This is exactly what they do. "Watch the video. Just watch it." Dude, I don't need to. It's not a fucking alien. It's a light in the sky. Here, I'll watch it. Oh, look at that. It's the same fucking conclusion because it's an objective one and not me drawing a conclusion based on what I find convenient or interesting.
You are spreading this moron's ideas. He's probably made assloads off of his stupid ebook. You are literally the virus transferring this genetic information. Stop, you fucking retard. Of course people trade with algorithms, this isn't the god damn 80s.
Stop being such a faggot and find a hobby. This is state of the art conspiracy theory disease at its finest.
Also, OP, if this is the kind of stuff your faggot ass finds interesting, why are you here? was made specifically for woomeisters like yourself.
Helpful links for these retards :
said like the true hero Veeky Forumsnessman
>stuff I see on CNN and RT is now schizophrenia
>peter schiff gets invited on real TV news to talk about the economy
>he now uses memes as arguments.
>his only arguments are insults and memes
>he hasn't counter argued nothing of the guys video points
again, im not watching 2 hours of that shit.
won our case. he made it crystal clear what our argument is.
i have nothing further to add. so im going to reply to you with stop means whenever i scroll past this thread
None of it.
Banking is a mudane desk job of making spreadsheets.
As someone who literally has a futures account and can trade oil. What the fuck is this dude trying to say?
I'm actually baffled right now.