I'm dropping out of school. I got screwed out of being able to finish my computer science degree due to bad decision making, depression and bullshit degree requirement changes that I won't be grandfathered into. I could start a new degree but that would take another 3 or 4 semesters. I'm almost 23 and just want to move on. I have a pretty deep seeded resentment for the university system as whole and would honestly be fucking miserable staying here.
I'd fuck off and travel for a while until I figure shit out but I have 2k credit card debt (built up during aforementioned depression) and 2 years left on car lease.
I'm a mediocre programmer and web developer but I don't have the portfolio or experience necessary to land a job without a degree. I might be able to build up a portfolio and maybe get a job in programming in a year or two if I'm lucky.
I don't have any experience in anything outside fast food and courier (which I do now). Aka my resume fucking blows for an almost 23 year old. I'm just not qualified for anything except dead end teenager jobs.
Pros: I'm reasonably attractive, sociable and good at bullshitting with authority figures so I think I can navigate the professional world better than most people in IT. Also no student debt.
Wat do???
Kayden Perez
are you asking us to give you a career suggestion or a depression medication suggestion?
Adam Gomez
I believe he's asking for the obligatory KYS.
Kill yourself.
Cameron Baker
Do this
Wyatt Fisher
Career. I'm on meds now and doing fine
Christopher Wilson
First paragraph: >I dicked around and failed my classes and now I blame the college instead of myself
Second paragraph: >more millenial bullshit about how your poor decisions are other people's faults
Third paragraph: >fuck this I'm not even gonna read all the rest of your pity blog
Nobody is stopping you from finishing your computer science degree. Give me one good reason why you can't finish school
Evan Jackson
this is Veeky Forums
once you have a job then worry about what you actually want to do.
>im on medication for my depression, im a western 23 year old who gave up his education in a good field
Jacob Howard
Not blaming other people. I fucked up in a lot f ways. But I literally cannot finish my degree. They changed requirements in a way that fucks me over. Not going to get into the details because it's irrelevant.
Also my resentment of academia is mostly political. But also this school is littered with bureaucracy and power tripping professors and administrators.
Isaac Collins
>Also my resentment of academia is mostly political. But also this school is littered with bureaucracy and power tripping professors and administrators.
thats a bitch ass excuse to drop out man.
Thomas Reyes
It's not irrelevant. Why can't you finish your degree? And don't tell me some bullshiy about your specific school policies. There are hundreds of schools. Unless you live in some third world Europoor "country"