Let's get a general feel of /bizl going:
>plans for the next 5 years
Let's get a general feel of /bizl going:
>plans for the next 5 years
South Australia
moon rocketeer
rocket fuel
set up colony on the moon
Kitchen (WHY)
$21,000-$23,000 CAD
>plans for the next 5 years
Become a bartender and hopefully find something to do on the side that will stop me from wanting to kill myself.
Software engineer
>plans for the next 5 years
startup in SF before bubble pops
>serviceperson - fill gas and clean buses and maintenance checks
>58k CAD
>move up within company to a business position, finish school, hope housing crashes so I can start buying multiple real estate
>9/10 - amazing gf, friends and family but full-time school, full time work is difficult. All for the future I guess
89k a year ? Thats pretty good for a 23 year old.Can I become software engineer by myself or do I have to go to school to make 89k a year ?
maybe. idk you.
Software engineer
Pay off 10k loans, make emergency funds, invest in index funds
Oops, forgot income. 110k
Im currently studying business at a decent university in canada.Got some computer skills but nothing tangible programming wise.Which programming language would you recommend me to learn if I want to make money ? Please do not say python
Javascript. You can do full stack website development with it.
Thank you for the answer.It may sound like a weird question but how long does it usually take to master javascript ? Where can I learn it properly ?
Auckland, nz
like 150 a week
i have none at this point
Read Javascript: The Good Parts and do the codecademy exercises.
Mastery will take about 10 years
Thank you so much again sir.I will do my best to learn and master it.
>Business Owner/Manager
>Hopefully open 3 or 4 more businesses
New South Wales
Information Security Analyst/IT
60k AUD
Move into pen testing/security for a bank
outsourced IT part time/ accounting degree in progress
15k or so probably, dont have any expenses tho
>plans for the next 5 years
make emergency fund
constant existential crisis/10
Same but I live in the US of A baby.
So of course happiness 11/10
How is your job? Currently finishing off my Information systems degree and unsure of which direction to take.
North Carolina
In school for Accounting and work part time
$10-12/hr (depending on work performance)
>plans for the next 5 years
Graduate, get CPA, get a job in Risk Assurance at big 4 co
8/10, I wish I lived with my friends but in town over have a few friends here but its not like hanging out with day 1 bros
student/cancer patient
like 300 euro/month
>plans for the next 5 years
beat cancer, complete masters degree, get a job
Been stuck at home for like 5-6 months now, cant imagine being a neet for years
Econ study
Get masters
Good luck with the cancer dude! I'm not entirely sure how to express my want for you to demolish that shit but I want you to know I do.
I hope Veeky Forums helps you not be so bored too, YouTube top 10 videos always get me loosing an hour or so maybe give them a try
Full time student and day trader
9100 euros from grants and ~33000 euros a year from investments
>plans for the next 5 years
Get my masters done and become a wagekek. Save up ~3000-4000 euros a month while working and putting them into stocks and property
8/10 pretty comfy life
Thanks man,
I'm honestly not all that bored. Got back into video gaming a bit, although not as austisticly as when i was 15. Hell I even started lifting although thats getting close to non existant now im 5 months into chemo.
We're all gonna make it
> Georgia
> 29
> Contractor
> Net, $60k
> Grow my business as much as possible
> 5
Meh. Wish I owned a home and did not have a student loan to pay.
Better than being in prison or dying of cancer though.
Logistics manager
>plans for the next 5 years
Buy a New car, git gud at stocks, holiday's, move up the ladder @ my job.
>I don't know what I want to do or where to go
>no idea
>somewhere below 0/10
I love it bro, I work for an company that makes antivirus software and other security solutions. I get a lot of freedom to do what I want, study, analyse malware, work with customers on removing infections on their networks. Thats the threat side, the tech support is not as great but still enjoy it. They want me to start monitoring systems in the backend since i'm the only person online when the US guys are asleep. Once i'm done with this I would like to get access to all the networking/security equipment. I get tons of opportunities to learn new things and can always work from home remotely if I need to. Hows the degree treating you and what country are you in?
English Teacher
roughly $1600 a month depending on how many hours I work.
>plans for the next 5 years
Hope wealthy great aunt dies and I inherit her Florida condo so I can rent it out and not have to work as much.
US Navy (Network shit)
Take home pay is 58,000, currently on deployment so I'm making a lot more than that this year
Probably reenlist and work on deploying as much as I can while buying small properties and renting them out on deployment.
I'd be happier if I were in a relationship right now and building a life with someone but I'm mature enough now to know it will happen when it happens.
>SEC honeypot
go home Yellen
Student / Forexcuck
~2000€ (But living with mummy)
Move to Vietnam before shit hits the fan in Germany and Sweden.
>$1000/month, $120,000 savings
>Med school/grad school
>bookseller/actually on the 3rd month of a 2 years vacation
>28$/hour, usually worked around 30 hours/week
>work 3 years/vacations for 2 years basically all my life
New Zealand
student I guess? But I have a grad position at Big 4 waiting for me nek year :^)
none now, $46k next year
>plans for the next 5 years
do my 3 years and make senior consultant. Decide whether I want to keep living the Big 4 life, or if I want to move elsewhere. Learn to fly planes also.
North Cacalaci
US Marine Infantry
Lateral move out of the infantry to become a network engineer work in the cover sector and earn passive income through online business.
United Kingdom
Systems Administrator
>plans for the next 5 years
Keep working and investing 60% of my income while I decide what the fuck to do in life
Well I'm waiting for an interview (recent grad) at a place with a lot of benefits and upwards movement. At the very least I'll have "professional" experience" definitely want to move out of state. SoCal is hot, ugly, and expensive as hell.
5/10 college was a minor escape from reality, but now I'm back living with my parents.
Elaborate on this bubble. Im on my second year of SE school. Would CE be more viable in the future?
server, hs track and field coach
0-2 years I'm doing my ms in applied math-stochastic processes, optimization, numerical PDEs; 2-5 phd or $$$
4/10. Was much happier when I had a gf and lived on my own. Back with my parents while I sort out my lifestyle. Things will pick up.
Fish Biologist
>plans for the next 5 years
play some games, fuck around on scottrade, watch BLM protests
Construction/flooring/SE student
Finish school, marry my gf, get a solid job in tech while gf finishes med school, invest nd chill.
8/10. trying to better myself in a spiritual and mental sense. Work like a dog and in a long distance (4hr) relationship but meh its life.
Temp + entrepreneur
£300 a week temp + £100-£500 a week business cash
>plans for the next 5 years
Expand my business so I can stop wagecucking from 9-5 for someone else.
Online tutor
$97k on my 1040 after married filing jointly deductions and foreign income tax credits
>>plans for the next 5 years
Buy 2 or 3 more houses
Between 4 and 8 because anxiety disorder, depression, bipolar etc
>IT analyst
>less than 50k
>Save enough to start a small oil drilling company in my parents home country on their land without Chinese investors.
>Southern Netherlands
>Customer Service Rep
>24000 euro yearly before bonuses
>either move to larger city in Germany or Switzerland and get into marketing/advertising
You'll beat that shit nigga! All the best.
Software Developer
work/invest, buy a house, start a Veeky Forumsiness
8/10 - usually pretty miserable, but I bet big on the stock market and I'm finally seeing results.
Summer camp Admin and counselor
~500 / week
>plans for the next 5 years
finish degree with coop program, write LSAT, go to law school
SE is still valuable, just maybe not in SF. Any time there's a major influx of value, popularity, etc; it'll decline too, often with a crash or bubble "pooping". Subprime mortgage crisis is the same thing
>virtually NEET
>5 more weeks of EI
>Start and finish grad school, get good internship, eventually get job with international ngo or gov. organization overseas; alternatively, join navy.
Illinois (USA duh)
Software Dev
Keep working, get raises, pay off student loan debt while saving and investing for life/retirement. Keep learning skills. Continually evaluate whether or not I should go to grad school.
As for happiness...
6/10 compared to where I want to be.
10/10 compared to where I could be.
investment banking - M&A
$100 - $200k / yr all in
>plans for the next 5 years
Work, save money, invest
>Manpower planner for airline
>Move to bigger city with better job in airline
>current happiness is 4/10
>Let's get a general feel of /bizl going:
Engineer and coin speculator
Fuck yea. Day job 156k, #of btc per day varies but I try to profit at least a couple a day
>>plans for the next 5 years
When the kids graduate from high school in 5 years, I'm retiring to Palm Springs with my wife to enjoy the sun and have lots of middle aged sex.
Melbourne, Australia
App Developer, Self Employed
2.1m income in 2015
1.4m so far in 2016
Continue working towards early retirement at 28
10/10, but money has had no impact on that. I was almost homeless and struggling to eat a few years ago, and was still just as happy. Life is beautiful n shit.
I can't really say. I made 12K last year having mowed lawns all that summer between counties, and 5K doing handyman repairs a few months back before my accident.
>plans for the next 5 years
Use my settlement to fully purchase a nice 5 bedroom mobile-structure home I've already put a down payment on out in DE, and already have contacts to rent out the extra 4 rooms too.
Try hard for an overnight security job so I can work while I work to earn money and save most of said money while the renters hopefully cover the basic expenses/utilities of the home.
Finish designing and producing my game likely having real internet at this point, expecting and aiming to earn around 200K if my marketing falls through and the end result feedback is great as its been so far in development.
Save at least 10K on that security job and begin working on the second game. Likely mobile to see if I could earn a quick buck on that.
Rent or sell that mobile structure home.
Use revenue from both game products, security job, and home to head over to the west coast to seek out opportunity.
Likely buy a plot of land if I can, build and live in a cuckshed upon it.
Continue designing games, hire on employees, start a real company, upgrade cuckshed to a luxury home.
holy shit dude, which apps did you make?
Are most people on this board full if shit, this is my first time coming here and I can't imagine people making a significant amount of money wasting their time on Veeky Forums
>people with money can't possibly do X as recreation
Nice meme
>Working as golf sales associates for Dick's Sporting Goods
>'bout 12k including Financial Aid
>Continue towards an MBA, open bowling alley through SBA loan, get married and have kids with qt3.14 nigress gf
delivery driver and student
About 20k
>Plans for future
Hopefully finish my CS meme degree and find another way of making income along with landing a real job.
Like a 3/10
I can see someone decent money, but the one guy saying at least a mil a year is suprising
>Manchester, Britain
>Night Shift Manager at a store
>I'm going to uni in September to study Business Studies
>Software Dev Intern
> $20 hr
> finish college while I transition my internship to a job which seems to be happening anyway. the CEO loves me and my work ethic. But then I want to go to grad school and get PhD
Its not that I am not happy but this internship isnt what I want to do in the future. Its all web dev and shit and I hate web dev. only reason I took it was because my first internship and wasnt gonna say no. But I wont stay here long anyway. the people are nice and its a startup culture with chill everywhere.
idk what bizl is but
>recently fired - none
>get to a point where I know enough about programming / I've met the enough programmers to get a job
I'm working toward a Full Stack 'Nanodegree', which I'll earn in October - paying $200/m until then - after which I'll probably dive into more learning
I don't really have a solid plan, but I'm in the Bay Area and there are jobs everywhere
What do you do on a typical day for the job?
Honestly, this may sound like a stupid question but what is there beyond web dev? I've looked into this exact thing on google's job openings to try to get an idea, but I'm curious to hear your answer.
The role-playing kind
there is plenty of shit other than web dev. hipsters these days shill web dev to the max all over the place. there are so many other good job that pay so much better such as data scientist, parallel computing, machine learning, game dev, security applications, networking. so much potential yet every cuck shills web dev cause its easy.
>Option 1: DO JOB until you finish grad school
>Option 2: DO JOB until you find another job you like
Equi donati dentes non inspiciuntur
>23,000+ 45,000 from investing
>Get a job at a fund
Accounting technician
Around $26100
Finish off my accountancy training - I'm studying ACCA currently - just done 5th and 6th exams,
Find out result on Sunday. Once qualified will be able to earn a lot more
Looking forward to my son being born
>stock broker
>before taxes 340k. After taxes 170k
>get more clients. I got most of my clients off of a senior rep from my firm who was retiring who liked me and knew me.
I work from 5 to sometimes 1 in the mornings. I still do cold calls and still knock down doors some days looking for new clients.
5 year plan is to learn how to give less of a shit about things that don't matter, and to work toward things that do
student; junior majoring in finance. took 4 years off due to heroin addiction
live off 200 a month in food stamps and free rent from job as sober living manager
>plans for next five years
finish finance degree in 4-5 semesters, get entry level financial analyist position in health care industry, rent shit cheap place, buy shit cheap car, live like a nigger on welfare saving every penny working my ass off no wife or kids so i can retire early and spend end of life getting high
8/10 life is easy as fuck as long as you put effort into it
>Healthcare provider
>Save 40% of income, trade jobs whenever possible to delay boredom/quitting, ideally transition to full time investing when I have >300k dollars
>3/10, I'm pretty depressed actually.
I am lost in life and unemployed did you get that job just by bachelors in finance or did you need masters too?
I envy you too because I am your age and have no kids, you did humanity proud by actually having them at about 25.
What is the stockbrokers job in 2016? You are still needed? WTF @ those taxes bro. That is a pretty tight salary none the less.
What part of California are you in?
We're similar
University lecturer
£33k pa
>plans for the next 5 years
Try to get my research spin-off company off the ground.
I made £33k up until April (I was a Research Fellow).
>Just got my CCNA, so get a network job and move up the ranks while continuing to grow my retirement/risk/bitcoin accounts, and purchase a condo that could later be rented.
Victoria (Australia)
Asset management engineer
70k p/a
Get masters in Asset management engineering, hopefully get promoted to manager/coordinator. Also learn more about trading and attain more passive income systems.
5/10 lonely as fuck, moved from my friends and family to start this job.
BI developer, DBA
>plans for the next 5 years
Stay at the company I'm at. Good growth possibilities, with consulting work.
I wish I could get along with a female.
Only 1 is making me serious money, and it's on a strong downtrend in profitability. Milking it for what it's worth.
>robin hood
>$8.00 this week
>make a living off of my investments
No job
-whatever I spend
Get a job while studying, will have to wait 1 year to study while I finish some other courses. Will study something biology / chemistry related.
made 96k last year
I'm working on breaking into real estate as a side project. Hoping to do my first subdivision within the next 5 years
happiness prob a 7/10
>breaking into CA real estate
watch out for that housing bubble, some people say it's a may may, but, i'd be at the very least concerned
>it's only big city life
in the USA (different crisis, sure) it had rippling effects everywhere, hell, the town i'm in right now had a depreciation of home value of 58% in 2 years back then.
Real Estate values are currently in the shitter in my area. Land is going for a quarter the price it has now so I'm picking up land right now like crazy with my savings.
Just landed a 15acre parcel for 25 grand in a populated area
What area are you in?
Canada? nice - a bit cold for me!
>America; Illinois
>write for college newspaper
>minimum wage
>finish college, learn how to invest, maybe start my own business online
>pretty happy; tfw no gf tho/10
Good luck beating cancer man, I don't know how much diet effects it, but I hear cranberry juice has some kind of anti oxidants that are good.
>Let's get a general feel of /bizl going:
>>plans for the next 5 years
Job or death
technical writer
>plans for the next five years
wagecuck my out of student debt
FX sales & Trading
50k salary + 30- 40k bonus
>plans for the next 5 years
Get a job at a better bank, start my own business, finish my CFA
5/ 10 would be higher but recently got out of a toxic relationship and lost alot of friends because of said relationship