How do I into politics?
How do I into politics?
Understand that taxation is theft and the state is a large scale mafia, become ancap.
I'm pretty libertarian as is but it seems like nobody outside the token libertarian clubs takes us seriously.
shut up nerd
People with opposing political views don't take each other seriously.
All people want is to impose their own views of right and wrong upon everyone else through the state, we ancaps think everyone should be free to do whatever they want as long as they are not violating anyone else's property or coercing anyone into anything, it doesn't get more moral than this.
Why do you care about being "taken seriously" by a bunch of retards whose all political opinions boil down to "you should be forced to pay for things i want and follow the arbitrary rules i believe in because democracy says so"?
We could get into an ideology argument in which you would probably be given the 'so you want child prostitute heroin addicts to buy nuclear weapons at walmart' speech but surely you must believe the only way to impose anarcho-capitalism is by first attaining some sort of political power?
explain to me what you mean by "I'm pretty libertarian"
Mostly economically, less tax, governments should subsidise less. Markets should be far more free and less protectionist. Definitely haven't drunk the coolade and gone full Mises-mode though.
so who are you voting for in november, assuming you're american? Considering Trump is economically a complete idiot and his signature issue is the destruction of free trade in the hopes that it'll somehow bring back shit tier factory jobs, while increasing corporate welfare subsidization at the taxpayer expense. But then Hillary is just the least inspiring politician in US history.
There's a lot of roles to play in the politics. You could be an elected official, a campaign worker, a fundraiser, a lobbyist, a researcher, etc. For the most part, if you want to get into politics, you should have a strong law background and build connections like a motherfucker.
Military, law, or polsci. You can also just do any job that nets you a fuckton of money and use that to campaign with, it's worked in a lot of elections so far.
>You can also just do any job that nets you a fuckton of money and use that to campaign with, it's worked in a lot of elections so far.
Self-funders make for shitty candidates more often than not. They feel like they don't have to listen to advice from anyone and make self-harming decisions as a result. However, you'll need a flexible well paying job because campaigning and being an elected official requires a lot of time and pays like crap.
Ausfag and I definitely don't envy you guys having to make that decision. I'm not incredibly knowledgable about your voting process but if voting for a 3rd party candidate isn't considered a complete waste i'de probably go for Gary Johnson.
>free to do whatever they want as long as they are not violating anyone else's property or coercing anyone into anything, it doesn't get more moral than this.
But user without tax funded law enforcement this is the first thing that happens, see basically all of Africa for an example.
try /pol/
Stupid...people organize as groups, not individuals.
Be a mainstream normie cuck and talk to EVERYONE. By getting involved in people's shit they'll need you. Soon you can leverage them en masse
Mises was a fucking retard.
> He called Milton Friedman a socialist
>if voting for a 3rd party candidate isn't considered a complete waste
It is.
In 48/50 states, your vote actually doesn't mean anything at all unless your candidate wins in that state.
In the other two, electoral votes are proportional, but you need a pretty significant proportion to get even one.
If we're very lucky, disillusioned young people will rally behind some antiestablishment third-party candidate whose platform is "I'm not Hillary Clinton OR Donald Trump."
But most likely we're getting Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.
just click the like nigger
>families are stupid
Okay virgin
Nice linking faggot
the last time a third party candidate won a presidential election was 1860, and it only happened because the country was so divided that the result literally kicked off civil war