How the fuck does Veeky Forums deal with stress while costanzaing around? Surely you must have some methods other than not giving a fuck about the people you screw over?
If they deserved to not be fucked over they wouldn't get fucked over
stupid people pay a tax for being stupid
Not sure if the context you're considering.
A lot of people would consider what I do whilst trading securities"fucking people over" but the way I see it, no one has a gun to their head telling them to execute a trade that doesn't benefit them. I merely make trades in my best interests and never consider other people's interests because they're not paying the food and electricity bill.
I get your point, but does lying to them ever stress you out?
I just dont feel it. If screwing people over is a bad thing, dont do it.
You never lie to people when trading. You just click buttons.
Lots of marijuana
I don't know what you mean about "costanzaing around". I don't really screw anybody over as we all agree to the same terms in our trades. I don't even know who the fuck I'm selling options to.
In terms of stress from being in the market, I deal with it by going completely liquid after big plays. I then proceed to have a creative day at home. I spend very little money on this day and think about the market only in abstract terms. I usually get that "eureka!" idea that makes me want to go right back in the market the next day.
What I meant with constanzing around is shit like trying your hardest not to work on the job.
I don't know, it's not stressful depending on what job you do. I work for a company through a union currently while studying for my BSA. I could literally sit there on my phone and no do any work at all and it would be doing more work than the next guy. Unions are some worthless places to overachieve yourself.
I don't lie to them but I do let them lie to themselves. No, that does not stress me out because people lie to themselves every day and I would be a fool not to recognize or leverage that for my family.
Don't do a stressful job.
Stress free jobs exist. But they are rare and you have to work hard to find one. Sometimes they are in places that would suprise you.
You're selling them to me.
How about when you're fucking them over and they call you out on it?
I don't fuck them over and if anyone ever "called me on it" I would BTFO them and laugh.
No one has a gun to their head and they should have listened more carefully to my risk disclosure. I'm always very forthcoming. You'd be amazed how little people truly listen.
Truly, people get ripped off far harder when they patron McDonald's and Disney than by misreading some trader's recommendation.
In fact, ive never had an angry client in 16 years, even when things go poorly for them because I am so honest and up front with them. I empathize when things don't go well, but it's simply not my problem when I've done a quality job all around.
Any *legit* ideas?
Inb4 kneepads
I work at the electric company in a very large city as the lead SharePoint dev. It is extremely stress-free. Round these parts ppl just care about safety and reliability and that translates into every department
> No competition
> Everything needs to run well, not fast
> Compliance means triple check everything
> Deadlines r nonexistent
> Job security, electric company ain't going nowhere
> Cutting edge tech, we have a lot of analytics going on so we get to use redis n cassandra n Matlab n other cool stuff with our apps
Exactly, natural selection.
you are the only person on Veeky Forums who has a clue tbqh lad
Being on the winning side as well as weed. But at some point there is basicly no point in leaving work behind when your hours are over. The key to success is being able to write a good damn e-mail in the middle of the night and not to get stressed out.
You try to make friends, hint them off when its time to make the move and they are to slow to follow.
They get screwed over because they don't listen 99% of the time.
there really is no way to deal with stress other then to Drink and just go berzerk sometimes when the stress hits a boiling point.
Thanks dude, and everybody else.
Somehow I had a propper nights sleep, something I didn't have for weeks now.
unfortunatly, with lots of weed
>Costanzaing around
Veeky Forums is more like Newman, a fucking nobody of nobodies that has some type of superiority complex with severe autism.
How do I deal with stress? xanax, ativan, adderall, and prozac mostly
man that stuff is great, literally cannot feel it unless i'm stressed though, kind of weird.
>take .5 mg while i feel relatively easy like 95% of the time, nothing
>take .5 mg while i'm in the heat of battle and I have to make a multi-million dollar decision, mind completely clears and i got it
might be placebo effect though, whatever, it works
this tbqh
I don't take xannys more than once every 3 days, usually to help sleep, but I can't imagine life without them
I work as a broker, and genuinely try to help people. Brexit was a busy day of people calling me not knowing what to do, it's nice calming them down. Though if they ignore me and do it anyway I don't care, it is their money, they can do whatever they like
I deal with stress by buying buttcoins.
>unfortunatly, with lots of weed
>unfortunatly, lots of weed
>nfortunatly, lots weed
>fortunatly, weed