How do I profit out of the France tragedy?
How do I profit out of the France tragedy?
What is this???
Details user. Pls
Buy Volvo stock. The truck was a Volvo and any sane company would do anything to buffer this event from their reputation.
Someone, probably ISIS, drove a truck into a crowd in Nice during Bastille Day celebrations.
"Many dozens" is the official death toll and it's been reported that police exchanged fire with the drivers.
Do gun stocks go up after these terrorist attacks?
This happened today user?
Damn yo.
I don't watch news or anything.
I kind of love it when I find things out thanks to Veeky Forums. At least by lurker on Veeky Forums's boards you can find out opinions on both sides (no matter how autistic some may be)
But anyways, I hear it was revenge strike because France has been bombing other countries for a number of years now.
So I ask you, user. Is this justified? Is this really a "bad" thing? Why is it when France is out killing people it's "just war stuff" - but when a guy grows balls and takes revenge for his people "HE'S A TERRORIST!"
Absolute bullshit. My heart and prayers are not with ANY French. They had this coming to them
t. ahmed, future suicide bomber
French civilians aren't responsible for the actions of their government.
short tombstones
Story, as of now:
>guy in truck slowly moves to big crowd during Bastille Day
>suddenly goes full speed and rams into the crowd
>current report states that he started to shoot a weapon whilst within the vehicle (still some uncertainty)
>police shoot back, the guy is dead
There's plenty of smartphone videos being shown on the news of the act happening, starting even from when the truck is moving slowly.
The facts:
>the guy is dead
>just about absolutely certain that this was a terrorist attack
>unsure whether this was an ISIS-related attack (though it probably is)
Ever since the Paris attack the police/military has been on a "high alert situation". President Hollande kept extending this alert.
He faced critique for it as it cost a lot and put lots of stress on the police/military forces.
Just this morning, he announced that he'd end this alert on the 26th.
I doubt he'll go through with that, after all this
>"Many dozens" is the official death toll and it's been reported that police exchanged fire with the drivers.
News here in the Netherlands mentioned "at least 73 dead, and more than a hundred wounded"
That "hundred wounded" probably means badly wounded. They typically don't care to count minor stuff during big shit like this
>tough questions we don't ask here
I just want to know how to profit from it thx.
And when America is out killing civilians what does Obama say? "Collateral damage".
Let this be collateral too, then.
War is war. You kill my people, I kill yours. That simple
Watch the the entire 1st world overreact and end up killing hundreds of thousands more innocent 3rd world civilians.
>it's just collateral damage though
Damn that Volvo made it far into the crowd with bullet holes in it. gotta admire that high quality craftsmanship I guess
I think the exposure the news gives it should drive the price up somewhat. "The Volvo XX truck crashed into civilians..." will be replayed for a week at least. All of a sudden people are looking at Volvo stock and before you know it you have 10-15% profit.
>And when America is out killing civilians what does Obama say? "Collateral damage".
And everyone judges him and America for it every time.
You cry about those poor poor innocents that die in the Middle East, yet go full edge about how you don't care one bit about the innocent civilians in France, even saying that they had it coming.
That sure as fuck sounds like what those french/american soldiers were thinking, don't you think?
Fucking hypocrite.
If I wake up in the morning and see a shit in the toilet, I don't get worried.
If I wake up in the morning and see a shit on the kitchen table, I do.
It's not collateral damage. They're specifically choosing civilian targets with the goal of killing as many innocent people as possible, thereby increasing Islamophobic sentiment in the West, which will in turn increase recruiting for them as more religious and semi-religious Muslims become disillusioned and radicalized.
"Revenge" is a smokescreen; ISIS doesn't care about Muslims who aren't fighting for them, or about third-world dirt farmers who live too close to bombing targets.
Remember that when Dorner went on his rampage, he targeted people related to the LAPD because that was who his beef was. He didn't just start shooting civilians at random.
Your argument is exactly what Israelis use to justify their government's extermination of Palestinians, by the way.
Engineer those pop up barriers that sense jihad
try r9k
or /r/cuck
guess you could start reselling those "pray for Paris" t-shirts with upmark but thats just pure evil.
You're now on a watchlist.
Short muslims, long Christianity
>high alert situation
Didn't work out very well, did it now
Do these happenings ever affect forex? Also, bring back francs
You think so?
Gove'ment has long since been keeping track of Veeky Forums. I am forget user :(
I shall resume lurking. Please excuse me
2. make a shirt with the french flag and write "pray for france" under it in a modern font
3. shill it hard
4. profit
BONUS: say that profits will be going to charity. Profits are calculated after all salaries are paid; pay yourself the entire gross revenue as a salary therefore there will be no profit leftover. technically it's not lying it's just business.
act quick, the teespring pros are already all over this, grab a piece of the pie.
Please be bad bait
Do people actually buy those things? They know they're amoral scams, right?
No one cares as long as they can selfie themselves wearing those tees and tweet it.
yfw u can't buy volvo w/ robinhood
Go fuck yourself hypocrite. If you truly cared about ANYONE'S life you would never support an irrational retaliation. You really think those innocent Frenchies support the death of your innocent civilians?
Fuck off, ISIS.
Fuck the frogs - rule Britannia - Napoleon sucks ass.
short lorri truck businesses??
T shirts. Get some custom made shirts on a website that say "I stand with Nice" or whatever with a picture of a bunch of multi racial people holding hands. Market these to college campuses in the USA/Canada where people will be dumb enough to buy them.
More Tshirts. Except these ones you need to exploit people's edgy rage towards Islam. Get some shirts that say "Pray for Nice" with an anti Islam sign right on the front. A bit like Bad Religion faggotry except with that stupid fucking crescent moon and star. Market these to people on the right/far right., /pol/, possibly certain subreddits, anywhere you think there will be angry frustrated people. Use your imagination.
I would do this immediately though. You need to capitalize on their emotions ASAP because in couple weeks something else will be in the news headlines and they will mostly stop giving a shit like always.
|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
It drove 2km/1,2mi into the crowd.
Yugoslavia all over again. Serbs were right muslims cannot be trusted.
>came here to post this
>someone did it 9 hours ago
Ice Cold user
Plain white t shirts are pretty cheap. What material?
Best question, how do I profit out of Turkey ?
How do I profit from the Italy massacre? like 45 dead, 3 accomplices on the loose