any tips / resources to suggest for improving your work ethic?
I literally have none
any tips / resources to suggest for improving your work ethic?
I literally have none
Be your own boss
You'll work a million times harder when you actually reap the fruits of your labor.
Work ethic as a wage slave is stupid. You're just busting your ass so Shekelberg can buy another yacht.
prretty much this, until you actually start working the job you want to work, do not pour your effort into something that deep down you really dont care about
getting paid more improves your work ethic. otherwise just be a shit employee like everyone else.
It's a life long effort to have a great work ethic. First make sure you get sleep and feed yourself good meals. If you're not doing physical labor then you need exercise.
The hardest part is starting to work. You need to fool yourself into working. Even if that means telling yourself: "I'm only going to do this bullshit for five minutes." And do just that. Work 5 minutes. Even if you have hours of work. Then do it again. 5 minute increments, then take a break. Soon you'll work up to 20 minutes, 25, 30 and you'll be killing the game.
I'm in a position where I'm not a wageslave, still dependent on my parents...
However in ~4 years time I'm going to need something going on in my life financially.
The thing is I have no motivation to do anything, and I can either look to start some kind of business or go to school ect.
I need a work ethic more than ever to get something going so I don't end up a wageslave
Fake it till you make it
tell yourself you hate being bad at things you do, try to be the best at what youre doing out of ego so you can say "im better at x task" and shit on noobs. works for me
thats work ethic WHILE working though, i have no actual desire to begin work. cant help you there but once im forced to start then I can go ham and have a good work ethic.
choose objective standards of productivity and work to exceed them
Yes, of course. They've done studies on this. Pretending to be happy and smiling will actually make you happy, pretending to be a productive worker will get you there.
Understand that owner operator has a specific goal in mind. Talk to him or her about what their goals are in the company and ask how you can help. If they're a good owner operator they might give you some new tasks. If you show a lot of enthusiasm they'll give you raises and promote you even further. Hell they might even have you in charge if you kick ass well enough.
Yes good goy! More productivity for Mr. Steinburg!
Read Millionaire Fastlane, Demarco talks about how he deliberately lit a fire under his own ass - this will help you cultivate a work ethic like no other. Don't listen to anyone who talks shit about this book btw, no one seems to get wtf it's even about.
I heard buying buttcoins improves work ethic.
>Don't listen to anyone who talks about this book btw
Isn't that like 40 pages? How old are you?
My work ethic came from observing people I respected and trying to emulate their behaviors. My first job was in construction and I was suppose to be driving some stakes in the ground. There I was just kind of being a puss about it and an older guy, a favorite uncle type took my sledge and told me that the fucking stake won't drive itself. He proceeded to explosively drive the next five stakes in no time. He said "see, you just have to be aggressive sometimes." From then on whenever I'm confronted with a problem I just act like its a stake I have to drive and act aggressively to accomplish my goal. Always be looking for mentors.
That mentality that won't get you anywhere. My employees that help me the most are the ones that move up the ladder. They help me reach my goals, I help them reach their goals , which for them is bigger pay checks.
>Distinguish myself from coworkers by not being a lazy fuck
>Company has a really bad quarter. Round of layoffs happen
>All of the lazy fucks get laid off and their responsibilities get consolidated into one person (me)
>No raise, not even a "hey, we know this sucks but we're working on it", just the fat HR lady emailing me a new job description that's three times as long as my previous one.
Is there any way to fucking win?
Any book called millionaire fastlane sounds like a scam.
ask for a raise or you walk too.
you realise they need you right
>ask for a raise or you walk too.
I'm planning on doing that once I have an offer somewhere else. Last person who tried that here got canned a week later. I know the situation is different now but the owners are cunts about money.
>you realise they need you right
Not really. The market is insanely competitive in my area right now for my field (IT). The last time they posted an opening for our department they got 200 resumes in about 3 days. I make $80k, and if they wanted to they could probably hire 3 people at $25-30k to replace me and hope it works out.
If your duties can be farmed out to $30k entry-level workers, why aren't you hiring freelancers to help you out with the more tedious stuff with your 80k salary?
Because the majority of my job (Network Solution Architect) involves being onsite at client locations and interacting with them in person to figure out what they need.
Even the tedious parts (building BOMs and scoping out specific models of equipment) requires somewhat in-depth knowledge of the product lines we sell and some proprietary software.
I said they could farm it out to entry-level guys if they wanted to, and that they're dumb enough to try it. I didn't say it would end well for them.
Although that is something that I'm not devious enough to have thought of myself. I'll keep it in the back of my mind and see if it would ever make sense for me.
cool storyfam
I have a crippling fear of failure, such that I overwork and overprepare for everything.
Try that.
Homeless+ hunger= work ethic
>mfw same fagging 3 times, absolutely adorable.
Enjoy your 9-5, wage cuck.
3 Posts by this ID
Never has a truer statement been said.
Except it has to be the threat of hunger and homelessness rather than the reality. Nobody will employ someone with no fixed address/working shower.
The effects of literal starvation actually mean I can't hold onto any labour job (if they even hire a skeleton in the first place)
Mostly I drink tap water and lay down to conserve energy/not feel so hungry and ensure I have enough to pay rent
>Read Millionaire Fastlane
Pdf link?
Is it worth it?
>Pdf link?
>Is it worth it?
No it isn't worth it, that's why I recommended it.
If you don't have enough drive to find it on your own then good luck with life m8 and enjoy the 9-5.
>If you don't have enough drive to find it on your own then good luck with life m8 and enjoy the 9-5.
I don't really know why I said that actually I found the pdf before I made the comment
>No it isn't worth it, that's why I recommended it.
So... you recommend any other books man?
Got some time to kill
>So... you recommend any other books man?
>Got some time to kill
Yup. Veeky Forums talks endless shit about Millionaire Fastlane and 4 Hour Work Week but they are the 2 books that changed my life. People recommend stupid ass books here otherwise like Dale Carnegie shit that is 100 years old and 95% filler. 4HWW is basically my bible.
0 to 1 is a good one if you're looking to be the entrepreneural type.
What's going on in this photo, OP?
Nigger lives matter protest and the Arayan qt just walked by giving no fucks desu familia
One time some IT user posted his story about being the sole It person in a company. He made everything so convoluted and complicated that it would take several months for a new guy to get familiar with his system (so thats several months of profit loss i case anything happens). I don't know what your job is about, but getting an upper hand like that is always desirable.
The ID's are present newfriend. Enjoy your QUICK CASH! Stop doing this TODAY! Get RICH FAST!
pick you are poison nigga
Have fun at work tomorrow ;^).
Shill harder.
I own my own business. Everyday is a workday summerfriend.
I own my own business. Everyday is vacation. Learn to business better ;^)
Just stopping by to ridicule your stupidity.
Good luck with that. Maybe another reaction pic will further your argument.