>he's a daytrader
>on the stock market
>on Robinhood
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of hope he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he pushes stocks he's invested in because whenever it falls 2% he has an asthma attack
>he pushes stocks he's invested in because real work interferes with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never have a real job
>he will never know how to invest in anything besides memestocks
>he will never have a real investment
>he will never have any money
He's a daytrader
You sound like a hater, man.
Why do you find it so hard to believe that there's an app providing for free what brokerages have people paying hundreds or thousands of dollars a year for?
Wait a minute.
Wew. True, but wew nonetheless.
That you read all that and focused on "Robinhood" tells me the 12 other descriptions apply to you in spades.
>read all that
That you read all that and can't pick up sarcasm tells me you're a congenital idiot.
>caring is lame
>not raping people is lame
you realize robinhood sells your trades. that's why it's free, shitstain.
>your trades
Nah, I don't think they're selling my trades, "shitstain".
I'd kind of have to do business with them for that to work.
They make interest on your earnings and your funds if you don't use them, they also are probably going to take interest on trades in the near future.
try /sp/
just about everything other than the parts about robinhood and never having money are true for me
character should be someone who trades a bunch of stuff, like Link?
you are kidding yourself if you think every other retail brokerage doesnt do that. i have actually requested their policy on selling retail orderflow and i could not get a response.
it still beats dropping stupid ass fees on orders. i would rather pay the small toll to the hft jews than pay regular transaction fees at most brokerages.
its the cheapest execution regardless in my opinion regardless of that. there are downsides to it, but it's worth the no outright transaction fees imo.
>there are downsides to it
Huge downsides, from a trader's perspective.
4 to 1 leverage means I would make quadruple the profit an RH customer would on a trade, using the same amount of capital.
There's no way I would give that up for free commissions.
what is 4x1 leverage though? free 400% margin is not a thing.
sounds like you are buying on margin? whats the interest rate vs a 3x index etf for 1%? do those always go your way? how about the margin calls when shit hits the fan?
you havent stated what the huge downsides are. im not interested in shorting individual stocks and i can deal with not trading afterhours.
>having a portfolio balance so small you don't qualify for free trades at a full-service brokerage
Step up your game, poorfag.
>what is 4x1 leverage though? free 400% margin is not a thing
Exactly what it sounds like: The ability to buy 4x the stock you have the capital for. And yes, it is free, provided you only use it during the market day.
That's the biggest downside right there. If we're both trading with $10,000 and making 1% on the trade, you make $100 and I make $400. That's why it's worth it to me to pay commissions.
the questions were on leverage cost and margin calls
if you arent a poorfag now, it's in your future.
stay mad and enjoy your trading fees, 6% interest rates, and margin calls.
RH is not bad for cheap execution and leverage if you know how to hedge and do it right, which you dont ;)
thats wrong though. you just dont know shit about what you are paying. hold onto that 4x margin and come back in a year and tell me its free.
can get 3x leverage on the sp500 or 5-10x leverage on the vix (i know you kids dont know what that is) at 1% a year on RH with 0 fees.
Good luck with your trading.
Have fun out there!
kek stay mad and enjoy your margin calls on that "free" leverage. ill never see a margin call with that leverage.
always having fun out there.
Why would you leverage positions on the ^VIX? It's meant to be a hedging tool and if you didn't leave enough capital within your brokerage account to hedge your trades then you're a bad trader.
I'd use Robin hood if they had otc. I'd like to buy 10 bucks of any pink sheet I want without getting raped by fees.
do you know what leverage means? you can get the hedge for cheaper. you are also wrong that it is exclusively for hedging. it's a great short.