ITT we talk about making money online
I have some specific-ish questions, but general discussion is encouraged because its all useful, or at least interesting
If possible I'd like to make a full living this way, but for now money on the side is good too.
Specifically, what I would / wouldn't be interested in:
would be:
>any form of content creation (images, videos, music, reviews, articles, etc)
>creating / hosting a website
>freelance / contracting work IF I can learn the subject in less than a few months, and can be done entirely online
>open to any other ideas
wouldn't be:
>buying and reselling items
>extremely risky investments. I'd love to hear them because they're interesting, but just a heads up I'm likely to go with something less risky
(I'm not saying I don't want any risk, obviously everything has some risk. I just don't want to throw my money against the wall)
I'm interested in stuff like the stock market and maybe crypto-currencies, but would rather not get into that stuff in this thread
(unless you have something particularly groundbreaking, cus there are plenty of threads for stocks / CCs)
>what are some examples reliable ways to make money online (I know anything I pursue has some risk)
>any sites like YouTube, where content creators take a cut of the ad revenue.
>Preferably with a reasonable amount of users
>alternative ways to make money online? eg: patreon or kickstarting a successful product, etc
>general tips - what to do / not to do - common mistakes - etc
If you don't have any answers to my questions, just discuss shit with others idrc