Why do millennials keep blaming boomers for their own failure?
Why do millennials keep blaming boomers for their own failure?
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Liberals blame old/white people.
Conservatives blame young/brown people.
Losers need someone to blame
Two parts.
1. Boomers really did utterly fuck the economy. Before millennials were even old enough to vote.
2. Because responsibility for yourself as an adult is hard, and it's easier to be an adult child and complain.
But they don't.
I went to a career fair the other day where 4 final expense (funeral/death prep) companies were pitching jobs. The crowd was mostly under 35 and very excited at the prospect of tapping the boomer death market.
"We're only 2% tapped into this market... with the youngest being in the mid-late fifties, this market will grow for some time. There's another 30-40 years of work here, people!"
>crowd smiles audibly
I wonder whose behind this post..
They act like they are so much better than us and had it easy in comparison to us with job market and expenses and then they bitch that we lazy.
Because boomers think they deserve a bunch of free shit.
Social security should be stopped immediately and that money used to pay down debt
>they bitch that we lazy
Boomers don't realize that they sold out their buying power and generated currency debasement. Their expensive assets and equities help blind them to this. Young people are suffering because their wages do not support these high prices. Boomers also bought into the "I got mine, jack" mentality and pretty much became loyal servants to the elite.
Pay them no attention, old people are still old and hardly threatening. Just don't buy their expensive houses okay?
baby boomers were and are fiscally irresponsible.
>baby boomers were and are fiscally irresponsible.
Compared to who? At least boomers were smart enough to save for their own retirements, even as many of them lost their pensions. They were the first generation forced to fend for themselves, at least in part, for the retirement funds. And they kicked ass, for the most part.
Millennials, on the other hand, are the worst savers in the history of civilization. The impending crisis in 50-60 years is going to be catastrophic.
Meanwhile, Gen X just quietly handles their shit without complaining or making asses of themselves.
I personally blame the jews.
How can we save when shit's more and more expensive though? Also things like student loans and the fact we gotta take really shitty walmart jobs?
You can't say millennials haven't saved for retirement when none of them have fucking retired yet dipshit. The kids are 20/30 give them a fucking chance.
>How can we save when shit's more and more expensive though?
Inflation is lower now than any point in history. Millennials have no fucking idea how to function in an economy with inflation because they've never experienced it. Boomers and Gen X know their shit because they went through it.
When you don't start early, you fall behind. This is common knowledge. Millennials will never catch up.
>Social security should be stopped immediately and that money used to pay down debt
That would cause an instant recession and likely depression.
And it's hard enough to get a job already :(
Asking this question shows you know nothing about the economy.
It is undeniable that Boomers have lived through a different time-period. Economic growth was vastly stronger, and more intense compared to the millenial economy.
I agree that we millenials have more tools to our disposal to build ourselves into a success than ever before. But the competition is fiercer, and the cost for failing harsher.
This makes millennials blame boomers for "You had it easy" Which to some extent is true imo.
>Economic growth was vastly stronger
This is the key thing.
40 years ago, housing was dirt cheap. You could buy a good house for ~2 years average salary. This automatically becomes an amazing investment with housing booming over the next decades.
Also, the stock market had like a 30 year bull run. If you invested in pretty much anything, you'd be set for life.
Houses now cost about 12x average salary where i live (Australia), and economic growth is dead. Greedy elites have too much control, and the economy is unstable.
I highly doubt Ill ever buy a house DESU, but then again it would be kind of pointless as it would just be me though wouldn't it? What the hell would I do with most of that space? Buy me some gundam action figures?
Environment is 2/3rds of everything, and will power 1/3 afterwards. After all, one can only make a choice from what is available. They both grew up in and spent the boom that the Traditionalists suffered to create but never had themselves. We were then raised in their image, but by the time we came of age that bubble began to disappear. It doesn't take a genius or a blamer to realize that overall they screwed us pretty bad, but to be fair we might have been as selfish if we were them. The gross part is the lack of humility afterwards, because they still have a me-me-me mentality overall. Yes, there are exceptions, and we cannot really blame them fully for believing a lie (middle class has never existed before in history and was created to forge a large desolate populace in order for a power move to be made eventually "for the betterment" of the people; i.e. give up on rights for free stuff). Anyways, there are more laws now, less freedoms, and less to go around. Even playing it smart often leads to bad results which leads a populace to further dive into distractions (not to mention political upheaval to keep them angry/fearful). Ruling 101 x a really great plan. The new generation to fear is the one after Millennials, because they've only grown up in the world that this plan is trying to create. They are the "new" populace, and we the last main work force ushering them in essentially. They are at the height of the social engineering, and will be the survivors as a base class.
I'm got really lucky, and my company is very successful.
I'm making about $1m per year now... and even still I'm hesitant to spend $1m on an average house... It's just so expensive. I feel really sorry for normal people... There's no way they'll ever be able to feel financially secure.
I've yet to really have much of a real job at least you have something. Heh.
Oh, i have a lot. I'm not trying to complain or anything, more-so saying that i feel sorry for the youth of today, and i hate it when old people trivialize their problems.
Yeah I'm almost 30 myself. I'm gonna be a really really late bloomer.
The crisis is coming SOON.
There are too many old people, and not enough young people to pay taxes to support the elderly baby boomers.
no real reason to post after what this guy said.
try r9k
compared to every other generation ever
This is already a problem in Japan isn't it?
What's your business?
I don't think Japan has it worse than any other western country. Their demographics are as bad as the rest of us. All over the developed world, healthcare spending and pensions are a ticking time bomb that will require either killer taxes or choices with consequences no democratic government would be willing to accept. Not just talking lost votes, either
This. My dad is an early gen Xer and I'm one of the first in gen z. I don't understand why some millennials and boomers keep generalizing and criticizing each other instead of focusing on themselves and their individual success.
Boomers also bought into the "I got mine, jack" mentality and pretty much became loyal servants to the elite.
This. Boomers are scum.
try getting cancer
Well boomers did screw up the economy, but I think it takes more effort to stop the motion set in place.
I personally just roll with it to make money, even though i want a diffferent world
Just a heads up, the stock market hit NEW fresh high this week. In June we added above 200,000 jobs and if you dont want to work at mcdonalds, look for a different job on indeed.com.
But, please, tell me how millenials have it worse off. Those boomers fucked us hard.
Job reports are bullshit. They're just doing everything they can to keep the public thinking the economy is healthy.
Do some research on job reports. They're doing shit like;
- If someone has 5 jobs, that counts as 5 people with jobs.
- If someone is unemployed, but not looking for work, they are not counted.
Think whatever you want though.
Also, just to add, the stock markets are hitting new highs because they are printing fucktons of money.
Hyperinflation has already begun, of course prices of things are going up.
This is the dumbest fucking thing I have ever read.
>not giving money to people who don't work and instead putting that money into the economy would cause the economy to collapse somehow
You aren't very bright.
>They were the first generation forced to fend for themselves, at least in part,
Literally every single generation before the boomers had to fend for themselves. Boomers actually did a very poor job of saving for retirement. That is why so many are forced to retire before 65 and accept less from SS as a result.
>Inflation is lower now than any point in history.
You do realize inflation has very little to do with the cost of goods right? We aren't on the gold standard anymore. Things are more expensive now because the demand has gone up while supply has flat lined.
Socialism is fucking the economy, Sending jobs overseas because "muh carbon footprint" taxes are fucking the industry. That accompanied by automation and corporate greed is why a lot of millenials(not all) wont get the life their parents had.
Jobs still do exist that pay decently well but they do require a skill set that the avg joe can't achieve. To survive you're going to have to be top shit in your field of work or be a peasant like the majority of the population. High paying blue collar labour jobs are a thing of the past.
>Inflation is lower now than any point in history.
that's why when I go to the grocery store, the price of food has fucking more than doubled in the past 5 years
Truth, I'd say unemployment is closer to 35%
>Literally every single generation before the boomers had to fend for themselves.
The generations before the boomers had pensions. Until you go back far enough that there was no such thing as retirement.
>You do realize inflation has very little to do with the cost of goods right?
You're a fucking idiot. Please tell me I'm being trolled.
>that's why when I go to the grocery store, the price of food has fucking more than doubled in the past 5 years
No it hasn't, moron.
Jesus, this board. Thanks for proving all the bad shit ever said about Millennials.
Na, no way it's at 35%.
The great depression was only 25%.
I'd say its around 12%, and slowly getting worse.
Unemployment isnt the biggest issue with the economy though.
>grandpas post arguments that millennials are irresponsible when comparing their late life gains with young adult starting currency
>Same old "back in my day" routine
>They've created a system that caters to their parasitic retirement fund that benefits them but is disastrous for our smaller workforce output than what they had at our age
>They feel threatened that we're trying to rectify all of the shit swept under the rug
TL;DR Take your meds
you used to be able to buy a house-40k with a job ($5/hr)
now you have a job (20-30$/hr) and are paying off a house- 500,000-600,000
they fucked with inflation and housing bubbles by buying everything all at once and letting immigrants in that made houses 4x more the cost of what they are worth
the VERY CONCEPT of a 25yr mortgage was LAUGHABLE to them, but anything less than that nowadays is LAUGHABLE and you are asked if you inherited money
>this thread
stopped reading that image at 'femenism'.
they did, back in the day divorce laws didnt quite FUCK men up as bad
you give them an inch they will take a mile
t. retard boomer
>The great depression was only 25%.
maybe according to your retarded history professor
>smart enough to save for their own retirements
>gets monthly check from government because "i paid my dues"
and yet these are the same people who think immigrants can use social welfare programs kek
Where else am i meant to get info on this other than official historical sources?
Yeah, they solely fucked women up! Life was so much better then, right boys?!
how exactly did they fuck the economy?
They sent jobs overseas, let small business get reamed by megacorps for short-term perks to everyone's detriment, let in billions of Mexicans to do any jobs which couldn't be offshored, affirmative action, and essentially voted to give themselves 50% of the government budget (pensions and social security, health etc. basically go solely to old cunts.)
No, you see, when flour becomes too expensive, you can substitute sawdust...
I think the herd mentality likes to claim their own successes but point fingers when it comes to failures when in reality the both reality both exist in everyone
What I'd like to know is if this is manufactured at all or if our behavior is genetically inclined to act like this. The media seems to promote divided sides because controversy sells but it's also human nature to act for one's self interest
>this country
I was listening to a boomer talking to a young man and the young man was mentioning normal young people problems like student loans and not being able to find a job. Well the boomer went off about entitlement and shit, and talked about how the young generation is lazy but how his generation went to the moon but we haven't accomplished anything. Right, because YOU built the space shuttle. Oh wait....
or cardboard
Meh, boomers blame their parents for their failure too.
I think the past three generations have been complete utter shit tier.
>monthly check from government
Anyone who expects social security to be their only source of income in retirement is going to have a pretty shitty quality of life. That applies to boomers, X's, and Millennials. Social security is a safety net, not a retirement plan.
You'd better figure this shit out, and fast. Time is ticking, faggot.
>2008 financial Crisis: "The economy is falling apart!"
>2016 nice jobs report: "The reports are lies!"
Have you ever heard of the $$ store?
The reports aren't lies, they just don't reflect the actual labor participation among working age people. That's what should matter. What is more, only jobs in the private sector should be counted, since public sector is just another group of wefare recipients.
because they are lies you delusional faggot
oh yeah, the dollar store where everything is more than a dollar? Idk why they even call it a dollar store when shit is 3-4 dollars in there. Plus its literally garbage from china.
Reminder that boomers did Brexit
>What is more, only jobs in the private sector should be counted, since public sector is just another group of wefare recipients.
Shut up faggot. Police, fire fighters and teachers are not "welfare recipients." Hell, even something like garbage collector is honest hard work for someone.
Just because you're a jobless NEET, don't project your insecurities onto others. The reported labor rates are correct; you just suck.
>Reminder that boomers did Brexit
No, Brexit was much more about education than age.
Idk man, here in ontario I'd say his statement is quite true. I can't speak for the US
that's because the more education someone has, the more brain washed they are by socialism
this.Ageism is literally a cancer
And people with degrees dont have to live next to the cultural enrichment the EU kept importing.
To be fair the jobs being added into the economy are part time jobs with no benefits. This is why the job reports look great and the market is doing well. People are working two jobs and making less than someone in 1985. The reason inflation is low in the US is the constant QE the feds performs every quarter. Printing money prevents further devaultion of the dollar.
I'm glad you're Canadian. Stay right where you are, kay?
>The reason inflation is low in the US is the constant QE the feds performs every quarter.
Um, QE stopped in 2014. Are you LITERALLY retarded?
But it was the reason why inflation was kept down. Even though it stopped two years ago the effects are still lingering. It only now we're seeing some crack in the structure and inflation has been creeping up a bit. At the moment it feels like deflation. But the job reports are facade. It does help the economy and markets but the jobs added are part time jobs. Under Obama he added over 6 million part time jobs replacing most of the full time jobs lost during 2008 crisis. About 3 million jobs haven't been recovered.
>implying none of the other generations, including millennials, did that too
Jesus man, show some intellectual honesty. Not ten minutes ago you were claiming the Fed engaged in active qualitative easing every quarter. Now that I disproved your argument, you instantly shift to more nonsense and conspiracy theory?
Just fuck off. Your coffee-table politics might impress in high school, but in the adult world it pretty easy to spot an ignorant tryhard like you.
>Silent generation sending jobs overseas
You do understand this was teh ultranationalist generation? It was the early boomers in teh 80s who were in the their early 40s at the time who sent jobs overseas. The greed is good mentality took off with the boomers than with their parents. Also silent generation and before were quasi-religious and took the Sunday as a religious holiday. This change with teh boomers were became education to an extent and saw Sunday as a working day and a huge profit making day.
>hurr durrr in da real wozrld u need be adult
Dude quit flinging your shit at people and expect you take you seriously as an adult. Your sperg out is the reason why you're on Veeky Forums. Also you didn't disprove anything. You're just have a sperg out moment. Your whole post is ironic given that you became the exact person you're trying to be superior too. Also this wasn't politics its economics. Next time you want to be a smart ass choose your tone of argument and words better than some 5 years old in finger painting class.
Sure thing buddy.
Is your comment backwards? The chart showed higher educated people voted to remain.
Stay retarded. All your posts show how stupid you really are. Screen shot this for the incoming financial collapse in the next couple years. I might not be around to say I told you so.
This board is a fucking shit show.
Here; I googled this for you. It's an easy intro into something which is not controversial in the slightest. Millennials have it much more economically than Boomers did.
i thought blaming boomers for every failure was a universal thing.
Or maybe it's because they have the intelligence to understand common human decency and why it's worth giving up some of your own money to support others in times of need.
What does supporting people have to do with brexit? They left because the EU was fucking them financially and the pro socialism retards couldn't understand that.
> farm jobs overseas
> exploit cheap immigrant labor
> abandon customer service
> build up the university money vacuum
> propagate military-industrial complex
> The home loan and mortgage backed security debacle
> Started the lobbying process with government "donations" from groups & companies
> Drove down lower class incomes, maintained middle class incomes, and skyrocketed upper class incomes.
> maintained middle class incomes
>maintained middle class incomes
what do you mean? What do you consider middle class?