In the Bay Area with a BA in psychology.
My bf has a tech job here but I have no idea what sort of job I can get. I've been applying but so far only one company has gotten back to me (rejected).
In the Bay Area with a BA in psychology.
My bf has a tech job here but I have no idea what sort of job I can get. I've been applying but so far only one company has gotten back to me (rejected).
Well there's your problem.
Massive underemployment and unemployment await you.
Go to one of those coding bootcamps for three months and then apply at startups non-stop until one gives you a 100k/yr junior developer position.
100% serious
Don't forget to claim to be a full-stack developer on your resume too
>BA in BS
Try and get in as a civilian contractor with any branch of the armed services for psych evals
Open your own tarot/palm reading shop
become a private sex therapist/relationship counselor
Just stay at home. Your BF earns enough for both of you. No need for you to put in any effort.
I'm seriously no good at that and I don't have a passion for it.
>civilian contractor with any branch of the armed services for psych evals
Sounds interesting, thanks.
I don't want to be a stay at home wife, and he really wants me to get a job
He's obviously not the right person for you if he wants to you wage slave away your entire life instead of sitting comfortably at home taking care of the house. You should dump him.
Masters in social work through whatever top 10 online program is in your state and get a job at a nonprofit or something. You can either be hands on or administrative. I too fucked up, but at least it was part of the plan.
>about to graduate with a BA in philosophy
>no idea what to do
What the fuck guys and girl...
>guy 24 old
>finished psychology 5 months ago
>found job at HR
>payed 4.3x the minimal salary in my country
>making a bit less than my engineer father he is at 5x, he has 17 year exp, work in factory.
> I sit at desk literally dumping poor fag resumes in the junk mail cause they cant even spell right. Or rejeceting stem autist cause they can even form a decent sentace in a interview.
Advice to girl: finish major in clinical or consulthing you doofus they pay shit ton. In case of Murica 100k a year. I recomend clinical cause consulting need supervision for x time and after studies. Otherwise HR like me.
Obvious not native speaker is obv. Also not from Burger land.
HR job with just a bachelors?
I'll look into the clinical degree
>My bf
tits or gtfo
BAs in Psych are good for general office work, just remember that you're in one of the most coveted, advanced, well-educated, and high paying metro areas, so you should've gone to a good school and have a good GPA.
Not if she doesn't want to be a NEET.
>cause they cant even spell right
Weak bait.
not OP, but tarot is a pretty good way of getting money out of brainless sheep.
I do it when I'm between jobs.
>my country
>implying not US or Britain
probably means in the native language, dumbass.
How much of that 16.5% is inheritance or mid 30 year olds still considered millennials
I wish they had split up way more than just 20k
What research or internships did you do while in school? If your answer is "lol none", then you brought this on yourself.
Did research in child development psychology
>you spent 4 years and $200k studying a subject?
>that's not enough!
>you should have also spent every waking moment of your life either participating in extracurriculars, internships, or working!
Then consider grad school. That's mostly what research is good for... to the point it's basically a requirement to get into a funded PHD. Internships are for getting jobs fresh out of school.
If you went out of state or to private school and paid completely out of pocket for a psych degree, you're fucking stupid. And that is coming from a psych major.
>every waking moment
Hyperbole. Besides, even STEM and Veeky Forums students have to do internships. Those take up more time than research ever will unless you're doing original research.