All of Veeky Forums get in here and post your:
>Net Worth
(bank account, assets, future inheritances, etc)
>State / Country
>Job / Salary
>Who or what you owe for your success / failure
All of Veeky Forums get in here and post your:
>Net Worth
(bank account, assets, future inheritances, etc)
>State / Country
>Job / Salary
>Who or what you owe for your success / failure
> ~ $280,000 in bank
> House is worth approx $300,000
> $4100 in shares
> 36
> Minnesota
> Controls Engineer / $71,000
>Hillarys big donut
>Net Worth
bank - £4000, stocks - £8500
>State / Country
Leicester, England
>Job / Salary
Systems admin, £28k
>Who or what you owe for your success / failure
~ 600k securites portfolio
+ some real estate here and abroad, don't know exact value.
HF / ~ 200k CHF + discretionary Bonus
Myself; but also being born & growing up in a wealthy country with affordable top notch education.
$100k in liquid assets at 23 in the midwest, 0 inheritance no debt
20,000 moneroj
32k cash the rest in stocks and mutual funds.
Its because I have an average paying job but no gf.
Net Worth:
>bank account
>future inheritances
Completely unknown
$±10,000 in the stock market.. started it with $2,800 so I'm happy.
>State / Country
Alberta, Canada
>Job / Salary
Oilfield trucking & pressure unit operation, $30/h.. yearly total is very fluid.
>Who or what you owe for your success / failure
My family for being awesome.
My friends for being solid.
And Veeky Forums for giving great stocks once you filter out all the mud (do your research!).
> Networth atm 320,000€
> plus 30% of a company that has last year and this year turned a profit of 200,000€ per year. I don't know how you could valuate it but let's say another 30,000€ for me
> 400,000€ networth
> 26
> Finland
> running the business
>parents. I own the company thanks to them, however I turned it profitable myself.
Local houses 2 : 1.37 mil
International house : 900k
Liquid funds :45k
Diversified portfolio
Managed fund : 2.3 mil at 34% p.a
Self managed trading account : 159 k .
Successes : I started with less than 5 k in 2011 due to natural disaster. My motivation was to build a little bit of capital so when I was older I could use it to build tenfold and have a family
Age 21
Country Aus
Job student / junior stockbroker
Salary . From this year on 975k +
All are in usd
>Net Worth
$30k + $30k inheritance - 10k debt
us equivalent net worth would be $80k pp corrected
>State / Country
>Job / Salary
c# dev / lead dev $16k + benefits
>Who or what you owe for your success / failure
both my parents are financially irresponsible and incompetent as fuark typical boomers so i could never learn from them how to handle money took me 30 years to figure it out. gf been a great help she is frugal like a jewish scottsman.
>: I started with less than 5 k in 2011 due to
>Age 21
>Country Aus
So you're telling us in Aussiland you can open up a brokerage account as a 16 yrs old?
I went to school and sold health supplements online to the Chinese .
My account had a bit of parental funding over the past few years but 100 k max .
I am second gen Chinese :)
fair enough...
> connections in china to buy for dirt cheap, connections in Aus to sell out.
Sure buddy, you did it aaaaaall by yourself
> Net Worth
> £6,000 in bank accounts but owe £2,600 on credit card (0% until mid-2019). Would conservatively estimate inheritances of around £400,000, and I've got a decent government pension
> Age
> 31
> State / Country
> UK
>Job / Salary
> HR professional for the government - £31k
> Who or what you owe for your success / failure
> I messed up A LOT in my 20s. Right now my situation doesn't look brilliant but in 2009 I owed £7,000 on credit cards, had no savings and no income. A year ago today I earned £5,000 less and owed £5,000 more. I'm happy with the way I've sorted things out, but a long way away from where I think I should be.
>future inheritances
Enjoy having your parents waste all of their life savings just so they can stay alive and suffer a little bit longer.
Enjoy when you parents sell their house so they can afford to die in a retirement home.
USA 1000
>>Net Worth
Probably about $0 or slightly negative (bank account Vs student loans, both about 10k)
>>State / Country
>>Job / Salary
>>Who or what you owe for your success / failure
I haven't really failed or succeed yet, I just started. I guess I owe my college success to esr and my mom
>Net Worth
~ -$25,000 CAD
>State / Country
>Job / Salary
Software Engineer / $85,000 CAD
>Who or what you owe for your success / failure
I owe the army for fucking me up in training *before* I got sent to Afghanistan, and taking pay cut to get out of tech support into software development for my current path.
$16k for a lead development position?
yep small firm could get more i guess at a bigger one. not by much mind you.
>Income: 3100/mo
>Bank: ~$400 USD
>Stocks: 1253.28 +28% in last 30 days
>Car/Equipment: ~$16,000
Wew being a poorfag is gr8
also that's my net sans benefits, it's more like a $24k salary before taxes which ppp would be a $40k in the us. but i get to use a car for free no miles limit and a phone too and other stuff. so it's more like a $50k salary (bt) in the us really. not bad not great. enough to scrape by.
average annual salary is $11k/$18k ppp us. min wage is half that.
it's a sad fucking country really.
Without thinking about an inheritance, net worth is about £270,500 as I own my own house and everything in it.
I am 27 next week.
I live in the UK on the South coast.
I'm an accountant.
I owe my wife and in laws for my financial success and my mum and dad for my educational achievements.
like 10k
freelance webdev ~12k/year
I made a lot of mistakes in my early 20s that ultimately led to me selling drugs to pay my rent a few years ago. I recovered and have just been treading water before going out and getting a real job where hopefully I can be making 80k+ in 2-3 years. I make very little freelancing now but desu I only work like 20 hours a month. I'm using the free time now to acquire skills for jobs/interviews and basically creating a fake business so I can lie about what I've been doing this past 10 years. If I had actual references I could easily get a good job now. I think i'm going to go with some mix of fake references you can buy online and saying I've been freelancing for the last couple years. If it doesn't work out I'm probably gonna kill myself desu senpai.
>Net Worth
~$30,000 savings for school
~$2000 in bank
~$1000 in BTC (started with 250 and played around for 2.5 years)
>State / Country
Canada, Ontario
>Job / Salary
currently admin at a summer camp, $500/week
>Who or what you owe for your success / failure
parents forcing me to do stuff I didn't want to do, up until 3 years ago when I got serious
1k cash(in bank)
>State / Country
canada/ ON
>Job / Salary
part time it work 15.5/h
>Who or what you owe for your success / failure
my parents leting me live at home w no expenses
>Got hit by a car
8k in bank
2k in tfsa (investments)
Able to pay most of my school on my own
>God bless co-op programs
ON / Canada
average of $25/h on a co-op term
My mom for making me study, my bum friends from hometown for disgusting me enough to want to keep working hard
$500 in bank
Car note, credit bill, student loans
bank teller/ loan grunt
>whom I owe my success or failures
No one yet I still haven't succeeded or failed I'm still going
>Net Worth
>State / Country
>Job / Salary
Currently looking for a developer job, living on ~200$/month
>Who or what you owe for your success / failure
Failure at finding a job
>>Net Worth
>(bank account, assets, future inheritances, etc)
>>State / Country
>>Job / Salary
None of the above
>>Who or what you owe for your success / failure
And Video Games especially MMO's
Hey at least you're making money
And you're not spending it on dumb shit like true poorfags do
Don't own any apple products, so there's that at least.
>>net worth = 0 = college student
>>Free non-stolen neighbor's wifi, ISP won't accept anything other than a 2 year subscription when I'm staying just for a few months at a glorified isolated shack in transylvania = too expensive .
>>looking for a 7 eurocredit donation in exchange for my eternal gratitude, and the joy of making the day of a stranger a bit less miserable.
>> credit will be used to buy 10 GBs of phone data for a period of 5 weeks/35 days
>>total cost = 7.24 Euro 7(main sum) + 0.24 VAT
>>Phone nr.400732480695.
>>promise to post new speed asap
P.s. No need to bring knee pads, I've brought my own.
Unemployed NEET trader.
A chunk of blame goes to education, most to myself for not getting into finance earlier.
Graduated university with a mechanical engineering degree.
>Age 28
>bc Canada
Failure: multiple factors including no parental support in university until it was too late because my parents are greedy rich fucks. Not studying hard in university which lead to a failed year. Picking mechanical, following my 'dreams' instead of picking civil which has better job options. Went to Germany be living there are lots of jobs. Wasted 1 year.
Yeah mostly fell for a lot of memes. That is my primary failure.
> Net worth
Bank: $20k
Assets: $0
Future inheritance: Impossible to say, and my parents are only 18 years older than me so I wont see my inheritance until im like 60-70.
Could be anywhere from $400k-700k after splitting it in half with my sister if we are counting in inheritance from grandparents that my parents will get before I get it.
> Age
> Country
> Job/salary
> Owe for success/failure
Its my own fault that I'm a poor NEET, cant find a job and have no university degree
>>Net Worth
>>State / Country
>>Job / Salary
20k€ netto/y
>>Who or what you owe for your success / failure
My grandparents for being immigrants & integrating. Went from bankrupt to upper-middle class
My parents for making me study Latin & maths
Myself for getting 2 degrees & being smart
>>Net Worth
>bank account
$5,800 USD
House @ $180,000 Owe 36k as I spent my inheritance on the house
Car @ $22,000
>>State / Country
>>Job / Salary
Construction contracting/ Private Pilot/Structural Engineering/Advanced Structural Systems
>2014 Salary - $35,000
>2015 Salary - $40,000
>2016 Salary - $53,000
Projected 2017 salary at $59,000
>>Who or what you owe for your success / failure
Myself for seeking business opportunities within my capability/finishing my degree
also my boss for seeing potential in me, training me to be able to buy his company from him and providing me with enough money to live comfortably
Net Worth:
$2000 - I have pretty good credit though
Oregon, USA
Bank teller
I have no idea what to do with my life. I backed out of the military because I just didn't wanna be a soldier.
>Net Worth
>State / Country
Alberta, Canada
>Job / Salary
>Who or what you owe for your success / failure
I'm a social retard and can't network or make connections, as if that wasn't bad enough I graduate into the worst economy in 30 years
This & that, you're doing good user, keep it up and you'll be in the top 10% in no time.
>Net Worth
$30K Savings
$100K House
$15K Emergency
>State / Country
Rehoboth Beach, DE
>Job / Salary
Game Developer /XXXXX per project
>Who or what you owe for your success / failurev
I owe success to my decision to stop being a pace of shit self loathing NEET and my refusal to work a minimum wage job.
2000£ in the bank
owe 1500£ tax
30,000£ student debt
overall -29,500£
>net worth
>reasons for failure
Deciding to switch from CS to pre-law.
>Net Worth
(bank account, assets, future inheritances, etc)
~$220k split between investments and bank account. I don't really expect to inherit anything.
>State / Country
>Job / Salary
Software Dev / 82k
>Who or what you owe for your success / failure
Mix of luck and effort. Learned to program on my own to switch career paths and made some smart/lucky investments.
th-thanks bro
Net: -$200k
age: 29
Resort food and bev Ski bum/40k
Engineering degree from a top 10 private school was probably a bit of a waste. I learned a lot, but probably could have had just as much fun at a state school without the collar
>Net Worth
>State / Country
>Job / Salary
>Who or what you owe for your success / failure
Student loans
Edmonton? Who are you working for?
Edmonton is such a shit city. I was there on business and go in to a restaurant get something to eat. When I come out my rental car was broken into and my laptop was stolen.
Your one bad experience made you hate an entire city?
Pretty much. Plus it was cold as shit and dreary lol