How much do you spend per month?
How much is in your savings account?
What is your long term plan?
How much do you spend per month?
having money in your savings account is like having a certified preowned car parked in your garage
The savings and financial portion is mainly money gone into stocks
I save about 80 % of my income, and the rest I'm saving for trading. I think I save about 2300k USD a month.
I spend about £2000 per month.
I save about £2500 per month.
Long term is to continue this way for another 5-6 years and then retire early in eastern Europe, where I can live on £500 a month.
> $14 per month on food
>How much do you spend per month?
Very little, I'm a minimalist to the extreme. Feels good, seriously.
>How much is in your savings account?
Not much, few grand, most of my net worth is tied up in my company.
>What is your long term plan?
Keep growing my software business, get acquired, or not, keep living simply, do things that are fulfilling and try to provide value. My dream is to make a piece of software that everyone uses and loves and finds very useful.
What's your job?
software developer for investment bank
Out of curiosity what do you do on a day to day basis? Is it frontend/backend software?
Come in at 8, write code, go to gym during lunch, write some more code, go home at 6. I'm work on developing an in-house high performance database engine which deals with real-time market data, so it's mostly low-level C++ code.
Gotcha, that's interesting.
>How much do you spend per month?
I don't even like to think about it.
Way too much.
>How much is in your savings account?
Maybe $15K?
>What's your long term plan?
Live off investments/passive income.
Are you me OP!?
>How do you spend your time?
Think showing the whole year makes more sense OP. Assuming you pay rent/mortgage, etc. That's not included on your spending. I pay bills at the end of the month and most regular spending is on credit. My true savings ratio is about 60%.
Do any of you people not live with your parents?
Makes no business sense to not live with your parents
What software is this?
Well i recieve 940€/month in welfare money for students. 200€ of that needs to be paid back when i have finished my studies.
I save about 300€/month
Good point. I spend way too much on food. Bought a PS4 which I majorly regret too.
It's an online spending analysis for Lloyds bank