>TFW too intelligent to work or start a businese
TFW too intelligent to work or start a businese
>too intelligent to start a business
Same holy shit
Yeah, I can agree with that. Im pretty smart, lol! XD
Now it makes sense!
That's not how you spell lazy
how do you overcome laziness? I just want to neet
I correlated hard work with a steady stream of income.
Nobody wants to work 50 hours/week, but when you see that $1,400 at the end of every 2 weeks, you're like "MORE."
fuck off with this shitty meme faglord
1/10 made me replay
That's so fucking sad. You know you don't like spending the majority of your life working at something unsatisfying, but you rationalize it by saying at least you get $1,400 shitty dollars?
>outperform s&p annual returns every month
>get b's in retard level math at community college because lazyness
Guess I'm just too smart for this world....
>Ends up working 50 weeks a year in order to go to a nice place for 2 weeks and drive a 'nice car' in which there's another 1000 of them within a 10 mile radius. :/
Why doesn't mortgage everything to dangerous levels and fill their home with crypto mining rigs?
You're working 10 hours a day for a measly $14/hr?
whats the alternative?
wageslave. its not just this user that does it. most people do this. that doesnt make it right. but its very common
living in your mom's basement and betting your life saving's of 250 dollars on the stock market
> TFW when too athletic to become a professional athlete
Same. I think I'm too intellectual tbqhfamalam
Wow user, beating the market takes so much intelligence and foresight. When you start a hedge fund let me know so I can trust you to grow my life savings. I'm glad you're getting Bs too. I'd much rather let someone who knows humility manage my money than a Harvard educated perfectionist asshole.
> TFW when too creative to become an artist
> TFW to in touch to become a politician
underrated post senpai
shit user are you talking about me?
I only have $200 left. I bought some games the other day including Battletoads.
>not even fucking joking
Absolute fucking same here that I wept a little inside.
But not from the west.
To think that I was always one of the brightest.
It's not just a meme.
But it's a good meme.
> TFW too good at virology and chemistry to create any medicines