My roommate wants me to put a car he purchases in his name because he doesn't have a license(he's getting it soon).
What are the liabilities I can be held accountable for if I do this?
My roommate wants me to put a car he purchases in his name because he doesn't have a license(he's getting it soon).
What are the liabilities I can be held accountable for if I do this?
Wow I fucked that up
>wants me to put a car he purchases in his name
Wants me to put a car he purchases in MY name
you will get speeding tickets in your name if he gets caught in camera.
If he doesnt pay up, the authorities will hassle you to pay the fines
Depends on:
-where you live
-is it financed? If so that's a no.
-is the insurance in your name? If so, that's a no.
-Is he a murderer? If so, that's a no.
No, used
No, he's paying insurance/registration
Not that I'm aware of but he has a record
As far as I'm aware of, the only thing that COULD come back to me is if he is in a major accident and I knowingly let him use the car while he was intoxicated or somesuch.
Is he buying it outright? Or with a loan?
If it's a loan, you will almost certainly be on the loan, and thus liable when (probably not if) he stops paying it off, or stops/is late paying you off. If the insurance is in your name, he can fuck everything up and ruin your life for years. Preventing that is going to cost you thousands.
If it's bought with 100% cash, and the title is in your name, you can pull a full jew move and just walk off with the car. There's very little he can do about it.
No matter what happens this is a fucking stupid idea for one of you, if not both because there is no way to properly mitigate the risk that you are required to take.
>used, no loan
Then he can just fucking buy it outright, get the title records, and let it sit in the driveway until he gets his license.
It's not a crime to have an unregistered vehicle that isn't being driven. At least not in any area I've ever lived.
Outright, with title in my name, including insurance/registration.
This is what I'm aware of, but I can't figure out the reasoning behind it.. he says he doesn't have a license, until x date, and needs a car and he'll pay for everything
This sounds shady as fuck so I'm trying to figure out what the fuck is so shady about it
>My roommate
Don't. Just fucking don't. I wouldn't put my name on a car lease/loan for my own mother so never mind a fucking roommate I barely fucking know.
When you connect your name to shit like that and the person decides to not pay or better yet take off with the car, you're fucked.
Not to mention everything he does with the vehicle is on your fucking head. Tickets, accidents, crimes, etc. You don't fucking want that.
If he's getting a license soon then he can fucking wait. Not get someone else's name tied to a car for him to use exclusively. If you really want to do this guy a favor tell him "No". Otherwise you might as well start punching yourself in the face for being stupid.
There's no good reason for it because he can't legally drive even if the vehicle is registered, and when he can legally drive he will be able to register the vehicle himself anyways. He isn't prevented from buying it. My jew senses are tingling. He's either fucking stupid and unaware that he can just buy it, or he doesn't want to be liable for his mistakes/illegal activity. Again, if he goes out, gets shitfaced, and kills an entire family, YOU are going to be on the hook for a lot of it, and proving that you aren't responsible is going to be an enormous pain in the ass.
Tell him he can just buy the car, and offer to drive it to the apartment on his behalf, then he can finish registering it when he gets his license. The seller just has to give you the title and sign off on it. You aren't required to complete the transaction instantly. In fact it's quite common for a car to be in limbo for a month while its in the shop.
If he gets really fucking mad at you when you say this, whelp, now you know for certain. Your roommate is a shithead who is looking to screw you. Make sure you've hidden, or stored anything valuable, and get the fuck out of there. Seriously. Move somewhere else and ghost him. People like this are often vindictive because they are incapable of accepting their own faults, so they can easily justify nearly any behavior, no matter how insane it sounds to a reasonable person.
sidenote: General used car advice. Get it fully inspected, and make sure the seller has a valid title. If the seller gives you a hard time about an inspection, or the title isn't 100% clear (check his ID), walk the fuck away. The car might have problems, and without the title, it might be stolen.
>I wouldn't put my name on a car lease/loan for my own mother so never mind a fucking roommate I barely fucking know.
Another sidenote: The people you can safely lend money to or cosign loans with are the people who don't need you to. If someone has a high credit rating, and a good income, they can get a loan for practically anything. If they have shit credit, chances are they are going to leave you on the hook sooner or later.
I'd have zero problem throwing 50,000 at my mother. It would be paid back within a year, as soon as she could safely afford to do so. She has a credit score that sits above 830 at all times. She could walk into her credit union and ask for a 250,000 personal loan. She'd walk out in under 30 minutes with a cashiers check for the full amount, and it would only take that long because she's reads the paperwork meticulously and makes notes.
My father? I wouldn't give him my pocket lint. He nearly made us homeless when I was a child because of his laziness and poor financial decisions. If I lent him money, it would become a 'gift' because he'd never ever pay me back. The last two times I spoke to him were a courtroom, and a threatening phone call he made after I garnished his wages.
>legal stuff
This doesn't even need any fucking thought, if you have to ask in the first place you should see that as a sign that you're not even aware of the possible repercussions.
Why not tell him that you will "buy" his car and have it until he reaches of age and then sell it to him. This way if anything hits the fan, you have a car to sell and no other drawbacks?
why would you do this?
what possible gain is there for you in it?
even intangible things,like making you closer friends????
i used to have a 'friend' like this. and it ended up costing me money as i had to pay his speeding fine.
but you live and you learn.
everyone in this thread is telling you not to do it.
There is not one reason to do it!
Why even do that? His roomate can buy the car himself.
Buying it just ties up money that he probably doesn't have (he's got a roommate), and might cause him to suffer a financial loss when he flips it. In your situation, the roommate has no obligation to buy the car, and could just buy a different one, leaving OP with a car he doesn't want and might not be able to get rid of.
This says it all. If he can't afford his own crib, how would he be paying for a car? Oh wait, he could ask his roommate to vouch for the ride...
just do it, dude...
So that way he can get some of the money back when he goes out to sell the car. I'm thinking about how you go out to get a mortgage, the house you live in is banks until you paid it off, thus the bank can take it away if you fuck around. The car will be in possession until he comes of age and pays it off.
Tbh, it all comes down to the relationship and how the two view money/spending.
Thats stupid, just dont do it, dont be a retard.
are you retarded
can I put this credit card in your name too
Getting a loan against the car, and then defaulting on the loan, will damage him. Flipping cars is tedious and not a guaranteed way to make money.
This is not Veeky Forums this is just a horrible idea. Try /b/
>buy kilos of cocaine
>stuff them in the trunk
>get pulled over
>"Oh shit, my friend let me borrow his car"
Wouldnt recommend it.
My own goddamn brother got me in trouble and police even visited me for a chat. People say that they'll pay everything and you have nothing to worry about, only few months later they fuck you over with that shit.
that definitely isn't how it works
If the police are tailing and check the plate then your name will come back instead of his. So maybe they won't pull the car over.
That's what I'm thinking. He has a record so he would be targeted desu but he does do shady shit so It'd be fucking stupid for me to do this.
His brother also slings so this is a horrible idea now that I'm sober.
>He has a record
>Brother deals
I bet the piece of shit didn't even offer to pay you for covering for him. Like most low life sewer denizens, he doesn't think beyond himself, and only cares about fucking the people around him over. This guy is trash, and the sooner you get the fuck out the better. Maybe he's not a big enough asshole to try to hide product in your room, but you really don't want to find out the hard way. Constructive possession is NOT a legal battle you want to fight.
People like this are stupid, and they try to rely on others to cover for how fucking incompetent they are. You can make a lot of money being a criminal, but stupid people like this don't understand that cutting corners costs you money in the long run. When it comes to illegal activities, they drag everyone around them down with them instead of networking and developing a web to make themselves untouchable. Think of them like those shitty managers who actually believe they can make employees productive by screaming at them continuously. Yeah, short term they do well, but pretty quickly their department has 4 times the normal turnover rate, and all the good employees are gone. Then they get petty and are so full of themselves they sincerely believe that they aren't the source of their own problems.
When your lease is nearing it's end, send your landlord notice that you are leaving, and find a new apartment. Alternatively, just send him written notice that you are leaving because you suspect illegal activities. I cannot stress enough that it's a singularly fucking terrible idea to continue to have a relationship with a guy like this.