I got 170$, what stocks do I buy to become le millionaire?

I got 170$, what stocks do I buy to become le millionaire?

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ok maybe not millionaire, but get up to 300$ in a week or 2 at most.

Buy and hold KNPD

Profits will come hard and fast

>"Hey guys, I want 200% returns in a week or two at most."

Any other way to turn it into 300$?

Go yard sale hunting and resell for profit.

NXTD then sit on it for a couple of weeks


YOu won't make that much money that quickly with stock investments my boy. Not unless you can see into the future.

Go buy some shit IRL for cheap and resell it or invest in tools and go make a living mowing lawns. If you can't make at least $500 in two weeks doing that then idfk what to tell you

The average pay here in Serbia is 350$, I would be lucky if i made 300$ working in a call center all month for 9h a day. What do you think, for how much can i sell this fountain i made?