I want to join the marines, live in the barracks and eat on base for free. Save all the money I make in a year (which should be about 20,000). Would I be able to invest in a portfolio or something with the money I save and get wealthy off of being a Marine? Is this a good or a bad idea Veeky Forums?
Marine savings= get rich?
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well 20k is not much money. are you looking at putting that money into long term investments or are you saying you want to day trade?
You're not going to get rich off of 20k unless you're also a brilliant investor.
You should also know the Marines actually do shit. Army and Navy is 'coast through life on the government's dime'.
long term investments or anything that will earn me passive income. Can I make passive income happen for myself with 20-40k?
I want the honor and valor of a marine. How much more work is it to be a marine than be in the army? Do you have to not do a lot in the army?
If you're a young dude the services are not a bad gig. You're not going to get rich that way but it's probably one of the better jobs you can get as a 17-18 year old with literally no skill set.
It's also worth noting that even though you can theoretically save all your pay in real life you'll be lucky to save half. You are still going to have some regular bills and a TON of incidental service-related costs. The largest of those is probably going to be travel costs because every time you take leave you're going to want to get as far away as possible. I also never met a single soul that ate at the DFAC every meal.
You've also got pretty good odds of hating your fucking life by getting stuck in a toxic unit. And by hating your fucking life I mean literal 24/7 hell where a bunch of PTSD-ridden NCOs fuck your shit up non-stop because they're crazed zealots.
Ahahahah, bullshit. Coast through life my ass.
I know you're trolling, but I worked my ass off as a squid.
Here's a little taste:
>F/A-18 Squadron
>right after 9/11, got deployed early with no end in sight
>12-20 hour workdays on the flight deck with no weekends off and only a few hours of free time on "beer days," which occur every 45 days at sea
>had two beer days in a row, almost three
>people jumping off the boat in the middle of the night without a float coat because fuck life
>ears get fucking destroyed by engine whine; 3rd degree burns by some dumbass F-14 Top Gun wannabe freaking out and turning too quickly and too early; fracture leg after a premature arresting gear retraction and getting cleared to cross deck; literally great white sharks show up during swim call and SEAL snipers are scrambling to protect us until we can get out of the water
>finally get a port call in Bahrain of all places
>get shitfaced, pick up Russian hooker and condom breaks
>hello STD
>rinse and repeat carrier work for like 5 more months, making 3 day port calls here and there
>get back to shore
>"yay, we made it"
>nope, fuck you you're going back out early
>6 months later in the same situation
>pray to lord kek to end my misery
Worked with plenty of Marines in my short 4 years. Cool dudes, but all this "I'm speshial cuz Semper Fi" shit just needs to end.
It got old like 200 years ago.
if you can do that in military then hats off to you my friend .
Nice plan, you will not do that though. No one stays on base. You will want to go to town. You will want to buy a car to drive around and you will want to get laid. The best plan is to put in your 30 years and get 100% retirement if that is what you are after.
Get an MOS that will give you valuable job skills
Don't be a grunt
My brother was a fiber optics guy in the military and earns like 100k laying fiber optics for At&T
Why? Join the navy. Better living situations and food.
Fuck Bahrain, I'd rather go back to Iraq than spend another summer in that shit hole. I worked in Airframes.
Mainly because I think the Marines push themselves more, and the uniforms look better. Navy uniforms are look shitty. Plus I would hate to be on a boat for a long period of time.
Hope You don't get stuck in an MEU. They're called marines for a reason.
well what's wrong with bahrain ?
booze, check
call girls, check
minimal probability of attack, check
As another possible enlister (Or commission depanding on what happens in a year when I get my AAS).
Its nice money OP But there is no way your gonna save 20,000 every year for 4 years (Don't sign up for 6) at base pay or even deployments.
And like this guys saysYour gonna wanna eat out every once in a while with your fellow marines, Get a pretty nice car or get BAS and live in your own place instead of barracks.
I'd really lower your expectations and think more realistically. Give +5% of income into retirement maybe 7%. Buy a really modest car like no more than 4k. Throw some of you check into vanguard mutual funds or index funds. Buy a few treasury bills every quarter.
Lastly make sure you go into a MOS that transfers to the outside world or take advantage of the GI bill.
Either way it would be totally dependent on your personal discipline to not spend money. While being surrounded by impulse buying, nigga rich on the 1st and 15th, Booze drinking, whore mongering, making it rain in the club, "Hey bro come chill with us on leave and spend money" Brothers in arms.
If you can not spend money in that peer pressure environment, hats off to you.
All sounds pretty easy and mindless to me, dude
Literally everywhere outside of Iraq and Afghanistan you have minimal chance of attack, dummy. And the only reason they attack there is cos you're an invader
OP the military is a last ditch resort. You can do better (or maybe not, in which case I'd be glad of the option).
But you're not gonna get rich, or even close to it... All my military buddies are gonna be saying "hello, welcome to costco" well into their 70s
>All sounds pretty easy and mindless to me, dude
Whether it was "easy" or not is subjective. To me, it was a challenging time, mostly due to the kind of work I was involved in.
At first, I was humping shitloads of heavy chains around the deck as a Plane Captain, then eventually made it to my shop (AT) where I was constantly carrying around radar antennas, receivers, transmitters and other bullshit that often times weighed 100+ lbs. Fuck those shitty charlie Hornets and their goddamn clunky 1980s technology.
Anyways, keep in mind you can't take an elevator on the boat (most of the time), so you're walking up and down ladders n shit constantly, going from your shop to either the flight deck, hangar bay or supply. Also, I was like 135 lbs soaking wet at the time, so my skinny little ass struggled a bit with heavy loads.
Back on topic. So, this is about saving money or something while serving, right? OP, if you're young, then you're going to need a lot of discipline to do that and you'll most likely fail because of "muh dick" and its priorities.
If you have any social skills and aren't a total NEET, then your buddies (who you live with, work with... basically do everything with) are gonna want to go clubbing, fuck bitches and all that shit, which essentially costs quite a bit of dough.
You'll save money on deployments for sure, but most likely not while sitting comfy in your base.
Unless you commit to being some type of frog-posting meme factory who doesnt do shit outside of work and the internet, you're gonna have a hard time financially with all of the temptations.
I want to focus writing a book and playing melee so yeah I don't mind being a NEET. Trying to quit drinking and partying so idc. I also want to focus on martial arts/physical fitness and getting good at piano. So instead of going out and partying or whatever with the boys I would just stay and work on my hobbies.
It's a good idea, in theory.
In reality only 2% of people have the discipline to pull it off. I was fairly frugal compared to a lot of the guys I served with, and I only managed to scrape ~12k together before I got out.
What were some of the things that prevented you from saving more money? What did you end up spending money on a lot?
Stress, women and having a social life.
All these things require alcohol, which is expensive as fuck in large quantities.
Marine 0311 infantry here. I didn't take the time to sift through the comments because I know half of them are from plebs of a lesser branch. And the other half are from beta bitches who Dogg the military because A: they couldn't get in. Or B:because they are college kids who really didn't see any purpose in joining (and that's ok). Long story short I say join. No matter what Mos you choose you will developer a mindset and maturity that will surpass most kids your age by fucking light years. With that being said you will go through the roughest shittiest moments in your life but it instills a fire in you that you will carry for life. Are you going to get rich? Short answer no. Are you going to be a better person and LEARN how to use your mind and heart as a weapon. Yes. You can take those skills and build a fuckin empire if you have it in you. Btw I make 50k a year no kids but I fell for the wife meme so it's not bad at 23. Once you get out you go to college for free and also free housing. Just know that this "self investment" is a long term thing. Hope this helps devil prospect.
Also I know I some shit but idgaf.
2651 here. Your motivation disgusts me.
Join, but not for the heart and soul meme they sell the grunts to keep them from suck-starting their rifles. Join because the military sets you up financially for life if you don't fuck it up.
Misspelled some shit holy FUCK.
what the hell, nobody warned you not to be an airdale?
Yeah I posted on /b/ about joining the marines and they said the marines are the most brainwashed branch. They seem to be right about that
I do want to start my own empire so I think the military could help me achieve that. Idk if the marines are worth it though just because of the bullshit they have to put up with compared to other branches
Depends man if you are the quiet reserved type look into the others all of them provide stability. Some provide the attitude.
Keep in mind this is the opinion of someone who is literally a brainwashed drone that got dumped into the Infantry because he was too retarded for another job.
99 asvab. Also what the fuck do you think the whole point of the military is?
To redistribute wealth to retards and protected classes.
Somones gotta do it
Nah we need people who actually have relevant combat skills. Watching the USMC try to stay relevant during the last 15 years has been a laugh riot.
You are better off getting a job that pays well and living a spartan lifestyle than trying to save that $20k.
>the last 15 years
What has happened?
I got out even before that, and haven't kept up.
I mean this is what the average bernie Sanders voting retard thinks, buy actually the military industrial complex is great for US business.
We make a shit load of money selling military hardware globally and the R&D for military tech benefits civilian corporations down the line.
It's a multi trillion dollar industry
Nah, you know how recruiters are. And this was 17 years ago (joined in '99), so the internet was limited to AOL chat sites, Yahoo and Geocities.
Jesus Christ. Meant to reply to
Probably worth it for the free college. If you get a degree, your military experience combined with it will pay off well. You could even get a technical role and build on that.
Just go for the chair force, it's such an easy life it's laughable.
I joined the RAF regiment as a 2nd lef. Made captain after 4 years and make £40k doing fuck all.
My expenses are next to nothing so I've been able to accumulate £120k at the age of 25. I'll keep going until I'm 3, get my pension and buy a few houses to give myself an income.
If I ever want a big bump in cash I'll do some PMC work as I'm technically SFSG.
I was also thinking of joining the military. Since I have a Bachelor's, would it be better to try to get in as an Officer? Ideally I would want to do IT as a Signal Officer or something else that will set me me up for a good career when I get out.
>All my military buddies are gonna be saying "hello, welcome to costco" well into their 70s
This is my main concern. Most of the people I know who were in the military ended up with roughly the same job prospects they had when they enlisted and work shitty factory/retail/food jobs. Last thing I want is to just waste 4 years of my life like college all over again.
Seems like this guy
Had the right idea.
Just be aware, men also get raped in the US military. And now that gays are allowed to serve openly, well...
What were the requirements to get in?
A levels or equivalent in terms of education.
Lots of aptitude tests and stuff too which are pretty challenging if you're going for a commission. You pretty much have to prove you have leadership qualities.
Oh, and the fitness test which was a piece of piss if you prepare for it.
Luftwaffe hier, and this
if you dont choose an infantry occupation in AF (think TACP or the like), its literally like any other public official job
laughing at the Armyfags who joined because muh hardcore soldier life, and end up with fucked up joints and a fucked up head in their 30s
that's a shame, I was a QM and loved being deployed
>would it be better to try to get in as an Officer?
Gee I dunno, do you wanna make more money and be saluted or make less money and salute everyone?