Robinhood General Thread - /rhg/

Robinhood General Thread - /rhg/
Midweek earnings edition
Official Veeky Forums chat
Some calander:[email protected]

--FAQs for Robinhood--
Visit the website first -
If you're not into robinhood -
> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade.
It's also pretty basic software.
> When is it coming to my country?
Probably never. They only have plans on an Australian beta (
> It's been X days, why isn't my account isn't verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, try emailing their support. They are very good.
> Is this the right place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
No, please go to Stocktwits, Plebbit, or one of our many chat groups.
> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.
> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want to go open a second account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using Yahoo/Google finance or even Stocktwits for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.
>How do I git gud?

> If I have Robinhood do I need to worry about 'Free riding' violations?
No, its not applicable for limited margin accounts (instant), and if you don't have instant, RH won't let you buy with unsettled funds
> Can I use Robinhood on my PC?
Yes, download an android emulator. Setup is extremely easy.

Other urls found in this thread:

First for CERU, also, I was right you niggers.

Where is everyone did everyone retire after closing out their CERU positions or something?

Well come out of retirement we have some fucking earnings going on RIGHT NOW premarket.

Get in on MNGA while it's cheap boys certified Mars mission today

Why? It looks like it already happened.


W.e stay poor idc

great response, no substance at all
gonna flop i guess

I'll own up to it, I though CERU was just a mean my nigga. you enjoy your flight senpai

Brb shopping for Maserati

I guess I should close CERU out at -1000?

And then vow to never short meme stocks again.



My net liq is 3 digits over my maintenance margin now...

I gotta close out once the market opens ;_;

CERU already 3.25 premarket.
Jesus, this momentum is scary.

Here. Now go post pictures of lambos and wolf of meme street.

I literally got squeezed out.

>tfw weak girly hands

hoping today treats me a bit better

Gotta reup my insurance soon, I'll be shitposting from social services office.

What meme should I throw 250 at?

Some ER's supposedly coming out this week

Buy Daimler if you can, should be DDAIF for you guys.
Also screencap this.

gearsm - Today at 8:11 AM
SPHS-possibleentry 4.52
TWER possible entry 4.02
SPU possibleentry 6.32



That seems like the only good one desu


This the new MNKD

$gss buy the dip?

>tfw lose money with nxtd
>tfw really want to buy back into it at a dip

just gonna throw my money out the window as soon as I get it to streamline the process desu

I'm new to stocks
If a stock was $1 and I brought 100, then was $2 at the end of the day, and I sell all my stocks, I make $100 Profit that simple?

Who else /rekt/ here?

Unsettled funds stuck with nxtd could have put more into imnp fucking kill me

Yes, it's literally free money. 50/50 chance either you gain or lose :^)


I'm literally getting fucked right now

steel is way down. probably a good time to scoop it up

Long intel 50 shares.

I know I'm just going to get owned again but fuck it.



so good bye to todays gains its down for good rip


NXTD my nigga.

Phew, pulled out of NUGT yesterday, just in time. What are we buying today bro's?


Long LUV 50 shares.

Lets do this shit.

Fucking Robinhood!!!

This. Robinhood can suck a fat cock.



Why can't I sell?

>chart still hasn't updated from yesterday's close

I wonder who might be behind this...

memes aside, this is a little concerning

stop loss never triggered, robinhood just lost me like $3 in gainz. My fukin shares of MGT also just vanished with no trace

Our broker is pathetic and it is down user. Nobody can do anything. I can't even log in. I'm just glad it dumped GSS and NUGT for me.

That crash saved me some money t b h everything I was trying to buy is dipping

Is robinhood kill?

So can we sue I want reparations I lost 200% of my portfolio because of this crash robinhood needs to pay up. I'm losing a yacht every minute ree.



RH just saved me from selling PGNX at $6.00


Also Jesus Fucking Christ MGT better get it's shit together or I'm fucking DONE

I hope robin hood gets up soon I want to catch the MNKD rocket. It is going to have massive gains today. You guys may want to jump on as well if you want to get five timesbyourbmoney back friday

Well at least it looks like GSS goin back up a bit with aumn but grrrrr

Someone please donate to the Robinhood Team an actual server ... this is not acceptable

Why are precious metals catching dicks today?

Honestly this is inexcusable. It was up for a few minutes. How is this even possible?

my CERU and my BGT fucking vanished, nothing in history about them selling when I had stop losses. My portfolio value is the same, but the stock is gone and I have no funds from them. What the fuck. Switching to a real broker once this shit gets worked out

They are fixing it guys. Remember to jump on MNKD as soon as you can guys

Not this shit again...Lost $70 so far today on shit I wanted out of.

>the caption

US dollar strong as fuck user.

Down a quick $50 cuz this shit.
Another vhc lol
It's like they watch this thread and pick exactly when to fuck our assholes

You get what you pay for. Your shit tier mickey mouse broker does this at least once every 2 weeks.

Yep it's getting time to find a real broker. These downtimes are fucking inexcusable at open. They have HOW MANY HOURS TO FIX SHIT WHILE THE MARKET IS CLOSED?

I got a real broker the first time I personally experienced this lel.

What is the broker with $1 a month $1 a trade?

What's the next cheapest broker? ustocktrade? I want to check it out but $1 per buy and sell plus $1 per month seems like it would really eat into earnings when dealing with

I think mine is working. Just today's chart that is not working

This. It's how RH fucks us.

OPTT going sky high tho, hopefully that offsets my other losses

but this isn't fucking amateur hour
>trading app
>Trading feature has "degraded performance"


Whoever shilled HTBX yesterday, thanks. It's mooning right now.

NXTD isn't going up. I need it to so that I can sell off this damn stock without losing too much.


tfw as I was buying robinhood went down

We can probably start a class action

I have 4 gold stocks all down $75 total now and can't fucking sell.

Don't panic sell. It's extremely volatile due to it's low float.

chill dude, NXTD wont moon until next PR, expect creeping gains over the next week. You should have bought it to hold not for quick cash today.

So when can we sell?

Alright pal. Thanks for the consolidation. Still making little gains here and there but going to hold till idk



it's gold brah. you'll be fine.

>degraded performance

I'm degrading my fucking opinion of this app

Long term, it's probably worth about $8 or more. Short term, you can probably expect bursts over $1+ when any PR drops. If the volume holds up or goes even higher, it will definitely hit $1 or just shy of it.

>So when can we sell?
If you have weak hands, whenever you make gains.

How is this legal? Seriously?

Same. TGD down almost 10%. The really shitty part is RH letting us see shit crash but not let us do anything about it. Rather just see a blank screen. As if yesterday wasn't bad enough.

>ACH Transfers: Operational
Looks like they have no problem taking your money though.

Are you the squidward poster?

What would be illegal about this?

Well it's not so bad for me as I'm up $200 on them but now only $125 but just fuck me in my ass robinhoob.

At least you guys can log in. I cannot.

If you have 15,000 to trade with get a real trader. Jesus. RH is for people with less than 3 grand.

Seriously. This is a high level thread and you need to provide the proper credentials to even be here. How did you get in?

You signed a contract. They also sell your order flow to market makers and HFT firms too if you want something additional to cry about.

About being a broker, giving your customers the reasonable expectation that you can broker transactions, and not do that?

I think people are laughing at the robinhood using goyim on discord rn.


this. I'm only using this shit because I'm poofag af (principal was 60). any losses I've had on a day are pennies at best or a McD's meal at the worst.

not paying for a broker when you have thousands of dollars in the first place is lazy and stupid, and any suffering you have on RH is your own dirty Jew hands

Chart updated