Veeky Forums approved books

Veeky Forums approved books

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I disagree

What does Veeky Forums think of this book?

There's also a meetup group in my city about it.

I like that one. Im also finding this one to be good.

The coolest part about four hour work week is how he talks about building a business and Outsourcing stuff and getting like an assistant and paying people in India to make calls for you and what he's talking about the Drop Shipping is cool too

I flew through this book as well and I should probably read it again. I look for "golden nuggets" as people call them and typically you can gain one or two useful insights

4 Hour Work week is all about a paradigm shift from feeling anxious to having to go and get a real job and moving towards the freedom and flexibility of either owning your own business or having a rat hole or you can make it consistent income. Either way books are like this are basically about making money work for you.

I should also add that it's better to be in a financial position that's better than the average for consumer

As he warns in the very beginning it can be dangerous to make a commitment to shift your lifestyle so drastically

I read this book once a month, especially before hyper social events and interviews. Never had one where I didn't get a callback. Thanks Dale.

I didn't like the part about selling product. I'd rather do part time online service work in USD and live somewhere cheaper. 20 hours (if not less) a week is still half as much work as normal people, and living abroad will enable me to travel in daily life and save more of my money if I live in low cost of living nations. Now I may make my own practice, yes, rather than work for a company. So much of the book focuses on just selling products. Not everyone can design a product.

However I loved the general concept. I had been set to early retirement, but felt discontented that I could not retire until I was ~40 and would need to waste my youth. So 4hww was revolutionary for me on that term, so I can live now instead of slaving and waiting. Although I am considering a hybrid of working fulltime for six years to build money and skills for a resume, and then going part time. So I'm very grateful for the book's message but I'm not going to follow it exactly.

htwfaif is pretty solid. I've found it valuable, and read it once a year or two. I've noticed an improvement in my interpersonal skills when using its methods. At the very least it helps combat natural aspieness.

>I should also add that it's better to be in a financial position that's better than the average for consumer

I'm literate and have an IQ in triple digits, so already that is inevitably so. But no really I would partner it with having multiple income sources and an initial cushion, and lowering one's cost of living as much as possible. That offsets much of the "danger".

>books are like this are basically about making money work for you.

Exactly. By the way, if you can recommend any similar. I've ready many general investment and personal finance books but am always on the lookout for more.