How accurate is this movie?
How accurate is this movie?
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That guy looked nothing like Christian Bale
It was pretty good, but I recommend you read the book as well.
t. securitisation worker
Also, was it meant to be so
>dude capitalism is evil vote bernie lmao
The "heroes" of the movie are actually pure scum. Their big short made the housing crisis and economic meltdown worse.
Probably not, since they gave people looking to exit at a loss the option too leave investments.
This video kinda help me understand what happen but I'm still confuse on how a short sale works.
So, Somebody borrow a share off someone thats worth say 100 per share. So while the value of the share drops, the person sales it back to that person for it's original value 100 but reality the share only worth 50 now?
The guy taking out the short sells the position immediately upon borrowing it.
He buys it when he wants to return it, keeping the difference in price.
How is it anti capitalism in any way?
You borrow shares of company x, believing that in the future, that share will only be worth say, 60% of what it is today, so you borrow the shares today, sells them and in the future if said stock is worth less than it was when you bought them, you buy the same amount of stock you borrowed to hand them back while keeping the difference.
The end rant about how the government didnt fix any of the problems
Which is true because they didn't.
>waaaa why won't government fix all my problems
Maybe idiots shouldn't take out loans when they have no income
The purpose of taking a loan is that you will pay it in the long run when you have a steady income.
you cant fucing blame por people and idiots in the movie people are sensitive to that shit
All bank kikes are actually male model tier actors and not fat slobs in expensive suits.
Movie's shit and has brought more cancer to Veeky Forums than Bitcoin and wolf of wall st combined
It would have been a much more accurate movie if it had looked at all three sides of the issue instead of just focusing on the side liberals hate the most, focusing on the second side in passing, and completely ignoring the third side:
>1: Wall Street and the banks were greedy handing out the mortgages like candy and were also lying about their volatility
You saw the movie, you know all about this
>2: people who had no business getting mortgages and homes got them anyways
The movie showed the one dumb stripper who had five mortgages (for her her five homes, if I remember correctly?), and yes it's the banks fault for loaning her so much money, but it was also her fault for being dumb enough to borrow all of that money in the first place. Also the movie did focus briefly on those two real estate brokers who were dumb enough to give mortgages to anyone, but at the same time, the people taking out those mortgages should also be blamed for living above their means, which the movie didn't focus on and even defended poor people (and immigrants for some reason, not really relevant at all) even though it was very much their fault too
>3: the immense amount of pressure the government puts on the banks to give questionable people mortgages
The movie completely ignored this angle even though it's a huge reason why banks gave out so many garbage mortgages (and still do today). Yes the banks made shitloads of money on these shitty mortgages too, and that's why they didn't complain when the government made them do this, but the movie shouldn't have ignored the fact that the government wants poor people in homes they own for a variety of reasons even though they probably shouldn't
tl;dr: Liberals blame everything on Wall Street when poor people and the government were equally at fault
But the government was by far the largest buyer of these loans.
That's anti big-government. The whole mess is because of big government. It's pretty pro-capitalism since all of the "protagonists" make loads of money off of it.
Did somebody say loadsamoney?
Bzzt wrong.
The banks are legally required to deny mortgages to people who can't pay.
The credit agencies are paid off to lie about the risk of the loans.
They are 100% at fault. Well actually not, not 100%. Morons like you who blame poor people instead of demanding that banks and credit agencies be better regulated and don't vote for socialists are also at fault for criminal negligence.