How deep in debt is the average berniefag?
Do you trust this person to understand the economics of a deficite?
How deep in debt is the average berniefag?
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>How deep in debt is the average berniefag?
Many of them.
>Do you trust this person to understand the economics of a deficit?
Fuck no.
bernie sanders is no longer running for president, what is the point of this thread
I'm curious as to the consensus about feelthebern.jpg fags
$300k i think? I was counting on Bernie getting elected that's why I majored in Eskimo lesbian virtue signalling. he fucking sold out I'm so triggered right now I can barely breath. At least I have my blubber to live off
His plan to tax losing stock trades could have met with a better reception.
>implying "conservatives" are any better
I've got close to $20k in savings and zero debt after my first year of working.
How deep in debt is the average Trumpfag?
Do you trust THIS person to understand the economics of a deficit?
its not about what he does its about his character and personality and what he can relate to in life and the world
>wars cost money
Literally the best Democrat the party has ever had.
He was such a good Democrat that Republicans today want his ghost
mirin that shirt
I have $50k and I've never had a job in my life.
>understanding economics
If they did, they wouldn't be leftists.
j-just raise the debt ceiling!
>How deep in debt is the average berniefag?
I'd say the average student loan plus a donation here and there so 30 to 40k on average.
>Do you trust this person to understand the economics of a deficite?
His only plan was to make "wall street" pay tax, and while I agree that there are incredibly rich people out there who don't pay enough tax or any at all, even if we did tax them, we couldn't pay off even a quarter of the national debt, let alone give everyone free education and healthcare.
It's no wonder most of Bernie's supporters were still in high school and had zero understanding of economics.
That shirt trumps anything you say about the dude tho
Just the five last already go war-war-tech bubble-war-financial bubble. Yeah democrats are always doing so good, it has nothing to do with unrelated events.
Ah yes, the enormous spending in Invasion of Granada.
Watching and reading the Bernie fags made me cringe this election. Seriously, this time it was Bernie, last time it was Ron Paul. What is this obsession with someone who will not win? And to make matters worse some people sold their cars to finance this asshole. The entire time preaching how bad Wallstreet is and now that he lost he is supporting the biggest Wallstreet shill I can remember. He took all those libs for a ride.
Remember Trump called himself "the king of debt"
Debt is the only fabric holding America together right now, all that debt is someone else's asset and income stream. The American economy isn't based around generating industrial profit but extracting interest and rent.
Sanders actually had a slight chance... he almost beat Hillary
Ron Paul was always to fringe to get the GOP nomination against someone like Romney
That chart is wrong or outdated. Also, talking about percentages is meaningless. Reagan increased the national debt by 1 trillion. Bush by 5 trillion. Obama by 8 trillion. Under Obama the US has accumulated more debt than under all of the previous presidents combined. So stfu with that graph.
Wtf are you retarded or trolling?
>cuck cuck cuck
What the fuck is this
Did this shit escape /tv/?
Can we just get rid of /tv/?
/pol/ seriously needs to fuck off
>debt BAD
seriously turn your fucking computer off, go to the library and read a motherfucking book you fucking inbred hicks
I donated all of the money from my college loans to the Bernie campaign. Am I fucked?
Yeah but debt to gdp has consistently shrunken
Look like people are poor so they need money but they are unemployed, but they also need education and medical attention. So what if like we make everything free and like people don't have to worry about those things anymore?
Makes sense to me.
I'm about -$25k in debt thanks very much
Wtf no it hasn't. Debt to gdp is at 110%. It's never been this high.
>debt isnt bad
Gee buster why don't you open up a book? I recommend basic economics by Thomas Sowell.
>he fucking seriously thinks debt is bad
user debt is very bad
Debt is something you use to obtain an asset without fucking around waiting until you have the money to pay for it outright. Particularly useful if you're using it to obtain something that will appreciate or provide value over time; the longer you have that asset, the more money you make, thus the more advantageous it is to get it earlier by leveraging debt.
Debt is only bad when the asset depreciates or is consumed.
Prob around $100K in debt if the bernfag in question has an advanced degree.
>thinking your shitty cuckshed is an "asset"
>he isn't aware of the current real estate situation
This place is fucking infested with poors.
Do you know how leverage and risk works? Debt is bad when banks and countries become insolvent you idiot. What do you think caused the 2008 housing crisis?
makes me pretty disappointed to see Nintendo game artwork used in such a warped way
>Debt is the only fabric holding America together right now, all that debt is someone else's asset and income stream. The American economy isn't based around generating industrial profit but extracting interest and rent.
scary thought
as a general rule of thumb and we are not talking about manipulated markets or special cases is this never happens.
you always pay more on a debt than what interest you could get on a safe investment. usually about 3-6 times more.
I don't think you know how to read this chart
anyone seen my sides? they must be on orbit now.
>financial bubble
but Bush2 is the one who got all the good parts of the bubble, obama got the pop, also maintained all the same wars as Bush2... how do you explain this?
1 trillion in Regan money is a big deal compared to 8 trillion in Obama money
A dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow.
People in the real estate market being too willing to make a profit by selling houses to people who clearly were not financially savvy and would not be able to pay them back. They booked revenue, reported gains and made out like bandits without actually getting the actually payments from the customers because they were assuming they'd be paid back some day.
The chart is irrelevant. Percentages hide the underlying truth behind them. Under Obama the national debt has doubled. Do you know what that means? It means that the debt has increased by 100% little guy.
A one hundred percent increase in debt today is nowhere near as bad as fraction of that amount in yesterday's money. Its even worse for presidents who increased by over 100% in yesterdays money. If you cannot undestand this, you probably dont belong on Veeky Forums because you probably think 1 dollar from 1990 is the same as 1 dollar in 2016.
Yes, I'm sure anyone over the age of 16 has a general conception of inflation. Your guestimation of the U.S. dollar value in the 1980s compared to now is way off. Nice try of being insightful.
you are retarded doesn't matter what a dollar is worth a 100% increase in debt means you got twice as much debt unless the inflation is also 100%.
Berniefags were morons. It was stacked against him from the beginning. I saw many of my friends who were in $50,000+ in student loan debt donate money to the Bernie Sanders campaign.
Meanwhile, I didn't donate to Bernie and have a net worth of $300K with two degrees.
no u!
but seriously anyone that brings up debt as a positive thing is beyond retarded. when you are in debt you are taking prosperity from the future. it's only a valid move if you can increase your productivity more than what you pay in interest. in this case debt is the rational move. consumer debt is the fucking single most imbecile thing to do unless... it's 0% interest. which sometimes happen but usually you could get that product cheaper somewhere else. i had 0% interest loans on furniture and whatnot that was not available anywhere else. i'm not sure if it's generally worth it the hassle is huge but if we are talking about lot's of money and liquidity problems sure why not.
>Do you trust this person to understand the economics of a deficite?
>a socialist
Remember: decreasing taxes increases the deficit too, "fiscal conservatives".
>decreasing taxes
It can, but it can also boost revenue. All depends on your starting point.
Particularly if the tax rate is perceived as high enough to warrant pursuing expensive loopholes.
How exactly does modern civilization plan to pay off the massive current debt when economic growth is slowing down every year?
Historically, EVERY government has defaulted on their debt
>it's only a valid move if you can increase your productivity more than what you pay in interest.
Oh, so debt ISN'T bad unless you are literally retarded.
Has cutting taxes ever provided enough growth to generate a surplus? No? Obviously the cuts weren't deep enough.
Interest rates are going down too, even going negative in some cases.
Tax rates are lower than they have been historically in the us. Same with corporate tax rates. Yet offshoring funds in tax havens is at least as common (some evidence points to it being more common) today. You pretty much have to have a tax rate undercutting Luxemburg or hong kong for a tax rate decrease to increase revenue. Gtfo with your laffer curve nonsense.
>Tfw giving the election away to Trump bc still salty about muh free stuff candidate not winning against Hilldog
Lol th-thanks berniefags
>Has cutting taxes ever provided enough growth to generate a surplus?
You mean before the government got their hands in there and wasted it?
Too many times to count.
Read a book.
>Same with corporate tax rates
Sure, they're only the third highest in the entire world.
Shocker no one wants to repatriate their cash.
I liked bernie enough to vote for him in the primary
$0 from me
>Do you trust this person to understand the economics of a deficite[sic]?
I believe he means deficit to gdp, which is going down
>have a net worth of $300K
implying that's impressive
How old are you? How have you dodged having a job?
140k debt looking to double it in order to buy an asset with an NPV of 650k with a discount rate of 8% according to most estimates.
It puts him in the top 10% of global wealth if unencumbered by debt.
debt is not bad if it lets you earn more money than what being in debt costs you that is pretty obvious, altho being in debt is a hassle even then if you can avoid it you should.
but 99.99% of people that take out loans fail at this criteria. so generally speaking debt is very very bad.
usually when people think they will increase their productivity or can buy assets that will grow in value more than their interest rate are simply deluding themselves and pretty much throw their money out the window.
>basement dwellers believing cutting taxes and increasing spending is economic prosperity.
This is why the country has a huge debt. Obama ended that party train which is why you dweebs hate him. He stopped giving you free money. If anything you guys are niggers not him. He cut off your supply of free money.
Lol at all the crying Berntards.
>hurr durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr they disagreed with me
>They must be berinefags
This is why I loved this board. I get to shit on retards like yourself. By the way I'm not a Berniebro. Veeky Forums is just filled with potato tier trump supporters or retards in general with no grasp of economics.
What? I didn't quote anyone that had disagreed with me; I simply pointed out obvious Bernouts, such as yourself. And, don't get you panties in a twist, try to keep that triggered-level low. Breath and count to ten.
>I don't quote anyone that had disagree with me
>calls them berntards
Like I said I don't support him but its obvious you get triggered by their responses. Now you're just posting shit tier memes to justify that you are superior and right. Again you're at home because you are a potato who only can respond in memes.
is the national debt something to be worried about since most of it is owed to the the US
On the contrary obama has printed more money for wallstreet than bush ever could. Why do you think the major networks support dems.
Eliminate bond gains and force risk averse people into a volatile market where they are disadvantaged and inexperienced.
Why do you think value raiders like buffett support them?