/lite/ Rogue-lite General

/lite/ current game: Enter the Gungeon

"Salt n' tears all day erryday" edition

Last thread: >>News

AB+ when?


U99 when?

Never. Vlambo why have you forsaken me? I need a lifeguard to save me from drowning in my tears ;_;

Rogue Stormers released 4/21/16

Is it good?

>What is this?
A place to discuss all rogue-lites and related games and topics. Examples: The Binding of Isaac, Nuclear Throne, Enter the Gungeon, Faster than Light, Spelunky, and Rogue Legacy.

>List of Some Rogue-lites (W.I.P)


>Steam Group

>/NTG/ Pastebins
Character Ideas pastebin.com/JnGYReQj
Crown Ideas pastebin.com/TjhD5NAk
Soundmods pastebin.com/bAtMbDCV

Other urls found in this thread:


>not bump limit yet
>fucked the OP even more
jesus christ kill yourself
I swear this is /feg/ actually successfully sabotaging us

Yes, it is.

>I need a lifeguard


Cut down on the spaces next time. Way better than the last abortion of an OP though.

>strawpoll in the OP

Because why not

>steam group in the OP
>on an anonymous imageboard
>it only has 10 members anyways

same fag
This op is far better than the last.

No, it's just as bad.

Literally the only good thing he added was some news.
>Steam Group
Pointless. Nobody has joined it, nobody will, nobody uses it for anything.
Pointless, nobody votes on it, adds nothing.


>implying you are not the retarded OP

>no option for "leave the basement and have a real conversation with an alive human female"

user, you know OP has no time for that! He's too busy fucking up the format!

nth for potentiality is a myth

wait i forgot to add
>that isn't your mom or sister

So grandma counts?

>Nobody has joined it
10 members
>Pointless, nobody votes on it, adds nothing.
has votes

k bruh

OP Format draft. Let's decide on something together. Thoughts or suggestions on the following?

Previous: >>

AB+ Feature List: bindingofisaac.com/post/143043162269/lets-get-to-it
Rogue Stormers released: store.steampowered.com/app/299480/

>What is this?
A place to discuss all rogue-lites and related games and topics. Examples: The Binding of Isaac, Nuclear Throne, Enter the Gungeon, Faster than Light, Spelunky, and Rogue Legacy.

>List of Some Rogue-lites (W.I.P)


>Steam Group

>/NTG/ Pastebins
Character Ideas pastebin.com/JnGYReQj
Crown Ideas pastebin.com/TjhD5NAk
Soundmods pastebin.com/bAtMbDCV

Stop defending your shitty features that no one likes.
>m-muh damage control!

Seems good

>what is hyperbole

How's this?

Last thread: >>

>What is this?
A place to discuss all rogue-lites and related games and topics.

>List of Some Rogue-lites (W.I.P)

>/ntg/ Pastebins
Character Ideas pastebin.com/JnGYReQj
Crown Ideas pastebin.com/TjhD5NAk
Soundmods pastebin.com/bAtMbDCV

Much less useless bullshit.

Same fag

Scrap the strawpoll+steam group. It's just bloat.



complete shit

I agree with that, but I was trying to appeal to everyone.

I still think a news section is handy if it's updated frequently though.

Might as well remove the /ntg/ stuff too since it's a dead game.

No, it's pretty useless.
If anyone cares about something, it will be discussed.
AB+ no one should be fucking hyped for after what disaster AB was.

I'd do away with the strawpoll, at least.

>"Salt n' tears all day erryday" edition
>thread filled with salt

Wow, well done.
You fucked up the OP and made everyone notice your retardation, such an accomplishment.

Chamber 2, Got A good FeeLing

can you still die by jumping in holes after killing the boss?
i wanna abuse my clone


Thoughts on this one, /lite/?

Previous: >>

AB+ Feature List: bindingofisaac.com/post/143043162269/lets-get-to-it
Rogue Stormers released: store.steampowered.com/app/299480/

>What is this?
A place to discuss all rogue-lites and related games and topics.
Examples can be found in the pastebin below (W.I.P)

>/NTG/ Pastebins
Character Ideas pastebin.com/JnGYReQj
Crown Ideas pastebin.com/TjhD5NAk
Soundmods pastebin.com/bAtMbDCV

Same fag

Please see

I like it.

I read your post and I still think news is a good section. Some people might miss out on an announcement and then we always have the link around, people might also check out things they might not have. I'd like to hear other opinions on it though, if most people think it's shit then we should take it out for sure.

It was only in this awful OP anyway, no one will miss it.


>watching movie with dad
>some priest starts talking about religion
>dad goes "fuck off,shut the fuck up"

add /lite/ steam group and remove /ntg/ stuff, that can be posted in the /ntg/ steam group. news is a good addition.

Whoops wrong thread and board

and I thought people thinking Danny B being bad was a shitty opinion
please stop sabotaging us, /feg/
we're sorry

Same fag


Damn man, you got me.

>110 runs and had only gotten to the Dragun two or three times
>Run 111
>Bring all the parts for the bullet that can kill the past to the blacksmith, kill the Dragun, get fucked by the Marine's past
>Next run kill the past
where the fuck was this good when I was struggling before god damn

this ladmates

>tfw duct tape ate my good weapon even though i had specifically positioned my gun list by dropping and picking up guns not to

it sounds like you're finally gitting gud

Those bird things must be a reference to these guys.

Same fag

>open brown chest
who /closerangecombat/ here?

Can you duct tape duct taped weapons?

I didn't know you could get it twice

Scattershot is ridiculously overpowered. I'm pretty sure my comm4nd0 deals 2,5x damage now.

>Finished elevator jew quest

>he hasn't done a nohit run through bossrush mode yet

I feel like this might be a dumb question,

but for ETG do the chambers get harder the more you die?


yes that is a dumb question
and no the game doesn't get harder when you die

Does the breach music change after you kill the past?

Just got it from flawlessing the twins, yeah boiiii floor 2 is gonna be fun.


So it turns out that the rat stole cormorant's helmet when he got to the forge.

>18 posters

>Fighting in a room
>Last bulletkin is walking away from me towards the door for some reason
>Ignore him
>He is the last one alive
>Alien engine his ass
>He falls over dead
>Red cape

What happens if you choose the "clearly wrong" option when in some character's past? Running away, etc. I'm afraid to try and get called a scrub by the game itself.

There. I'm done. The pain is gone.

Time to go back to writing smut.

Dunno on the other one's but on Marine's past you fight the monster anyway.

lmao this is ridiculous, i still managed to get hit once like an idiot


Oooooh fuuuuuuck

>doing Pilot's past for the second time
>only 3/4 into the fight I realize I have an active item that makes the fight 10 times easier

Am I gud for beating it almost twice without using it, or a retard for not noticing I had it?
or both?

>Rockets keep going off for 8 seconds after it runs empty

A retard.
>ASS captcha

What items caused this other than scattershota?

Scattershot, back-gun, and shadow bullets

I've played a lot of roguelikes, only roguelite I've played is FTL. Are there any roguelites that retain a good amount of RPG elements like character building/leveling? Most that I've seen like Gungeon are just "top down bullet hell with permadeth and random level gen," which isn't quite my thing.

inb4 go back to roguelikes faggot

>fighting the Bullet King with no Blanks and just the starter gun
>as Pilot

How tedious.

Don't even blame you for getting hit. The camera on that fight is retarded, shit can hit for from behind so easily it's not even funny.

Why bother zooming the camera out so much and still not enough to actually be able to see fully behind you?

Also am I the only one who gets MASSIVE frame drop on all the corridor to the Dragun? Literally just the corridor, 2 FPS through it, goes back to 60 when he shows up.

>using blanks before a boss

tome4 is a good roguelite with lots of similarities to real roguelikes

>do a super duper long run with the clone
>die in the past
>get mad because of the time-consuming runs
>zergrush the forge elevator
>reach the dragon with that method on half a heart with a neat gun
>nohit the dragun for the first time
>still die in the past

Room one dropped me into the smallest room the map can generate with three AK Bulletkin.

lol what gun is that?

played it, bit too "fixed" for me if that makes any sense. The levels might be random but you still have to grind the same areas every damn game and it was way too easy. I never felt like going through any particular branch in DCSS was a chore, but all of the beginning of TOME bored me to death.

>being this new

wrong picture

I've never played it but possibly Darkest Dungeon. Rogue Legacy is a platformer where you can build up and make progress. Desktop Dungeons is a bug more RPG-like but it is a math game at its core.

normal bulletkin can literally never hurt you as long as you strafe around them

you can be almost in melee range of them and they'll still miss as long as you're moving

Not when there's three of them all firing from different locations.

literally git gud


First floor wolf. What are the odds he puts down a red cape if I find one?

90%. I had that happen to me my last run. I don't think he can jump over pits on his own so maybe you'll get lucky and find a caped bullet in a place where the wolf can't reach it.

ilu :]

How many of these do you have to find anyway?