This is what $1 million in cash looks like. More money than most of you will ever have in your entire life no matter how hard you work.
This is what $1 million in cash looks like...
says who?
>tfw not born in the pleb class
I have a million DOGE
Eh, it's ok. I really only need enough to live off of and some leftover for some small hobbies.
Implying a million is all that much. I'll never have it in cash money, no, but a million in assets isn't that impressive.
Try harder
I think that's more than a million dollars
>also tfw not born in pleb class
prove it
This. People who are in their 20s and 30s now will need well over a million in net worth by the time they are ready to retire if they want to live comfortably.
This too. The first row alone are about 300k
It's great to have that in your account if you're in your 20s or 30s. Still early enough to milk out the 7-8% average real returns expected from the SP500.
If you have money you can make more money with your money so that you don't have to worry about money
Yeah, if you have a million bucks before you're 35, you're in good shape. I just object to OP's claim of "More money than most of you will ever have in your entire life." When I'm 60, being a millionaire should be very common.
I usually keep mine in an account.
The only time I stack it up like that is to buy ho's, guns, or drugs.
Or when someone wants to take pictures.
>When I'm 60, being a millionaire should be very common.
Aren't a surprising number of households, like 1 in 30, already millionaires?
And that shit's exponential for anyone close.
I'll have a good chunk once my lovely parents pass away
in this boat too desu
>tfw i realize my parents have probably over 4mil net worth
>what is inheritance tax
I thought you only needed like $500,000? Wou'dn't that return enough per year to cover bills considering your house and shit is paid for?
>"In Canada, there is no inheritance tax"
depends on cost of living and returns
at 5% per year thats only 25k, depending on where you live thats possible
Only if you want to live alone and single. To maintain a decent lifestyle you'll need way more than $1 million.
great so I guess I have to eiher be a frugal dutchmen or work til I'm 60. fuck
Just scrolling by and your idiotic post caught my attention. The inheritance tax only starts to kick in at 5.45 million dollars (the number is a bit higher for families who own farms).
So if the user you are responding actually inherited 4 million he would not pay a single dime in taxes.
Even though those are only $50 bills, that is much more than $1 million. You can fit $1 million in a briefcase or in 2 briefcases if you only have $50 bills.
You guys are retarded. Its $1 million. Its a display in a casino in Vegas.
$5,000 a band x 8 rows high x 5 rows across x 4 walls is 900,000. Another 40 bands to cover the hole in the middle
You are especially retarded as those are clearly benjamins
i want /r9k/ to leave
7 % return.
3 for taxes.
2 for inflation.
2 % of actual honey.
10 million is the new million.
100 million is the new jet set rich.
>I could make that much money in 5 seconds
>i make this much a day off interest in passive BTC investments
I'm on track to inherit something like 3 million in properties and 2-3 million in other assets when my parents die.
I'd rather have my parents desu. I'm not looking forward to it.
>Benjamin Franklin on the 50$ bill
found the poor fag who has never seen 100$ bill before
looks about right to me
>25k for 40 years
Ya not that hard to make in a lifetime, op.
Not impressed with the FRNs. Show me $1 million in GOLD...
>1m USD
>a lot of money
it is tho
If you're 25, sure. But any career-man could become a millionaire in his 40's if he saves properly.
1 million dollars is a lot of money no matter how old you are
1 million dollars today is chump change if you are not retarded. Even poorfags can get 1 mil if they save.
ok moneybags im sure you have a few billion in the bank ;^)
Maybe he's not American. It depends on the country.
Here in France the inheritance tax kicks in at €100,000.
And, for example, you'd pay 38% on a €4,000,000 inheritance (coming from your father or mother, otherwise it's up to a flat tax of 60%).
>what if your dad set up a trust or a foundation lol
60% tax.
My parents are millionaires (about 8 million dollars combined). Therefore, when they pass away which hopefully won't be anytime soon I will probably inherit most of that. Plus they are paying my way through grad school so I will have a job in the medical field doing something I like with a 6 figure salary. I really can't complain.