What's the absolute quickest way to retire?
>inb4 knee pad dick-suck funnies
What's the absolute quickest way to retire?
thx pa:)
Be as frugal as possible, especially when it comes to housing. Also, don't have a family. You'll be able to retire by 30.
Though I don't know why your goal would be to retire early. At this stage you can try to actually get a job you enjoy so you don't have to suck dicks.
>tfw the cheapest housing I can find is about 700, no bills included
I'm so tempted to look for roommates. I could also go even further away from my job but that would completely fuck up my schedule. 40 minutes total of daily commute seems to be more than enough.
This really.
The absolute easiest way to retire as quick as possible is to work as long and as hard as possible to make a lot of money (Think difficult careers like Investment Banker, bluecollar oil field work in a remote area where you need to sleep in your car, corporate lawyer, et cetera). And at the same time be spending as little money as possible. Shoving all of it into funds tracking the s&p.
That answers your questions, it's really not difficult or complex at all. But it brings up a new question, WHY? What wiull you be doing when you retire? What are your intentions? Retiring is boring AS FUCK, you just think it's fun.
Explain to us what you will do when you retire.
Not him but I want to be full time working on my own projects. Right now I can barely get shit done in the things I truly care about (music composition and making vidyagaems), and both of them will not give me a cent so "follow your dreams :^)" doesn't really work for me.
>good goy work 40 hours a week for 40 years of your life!
>what are you going to do with your life without someone else telling you what to do!
How much do you actually need to retire? 1m? 2m?
>>good goy work 40 hours a week for 40 years of your life!
If you want to retire then that is what you have to do. And more than 40 hours a week.
I'm not saying you "should" do anything, you can do whatever you want as long as it makes you happy and aligns with your goals. The simple question to ask yourself when doing something is "Does this get me to where i want to be in the future MOST EFFICIENTLY?" If the answer is yes, keep DOING IT, you're on the right path. If not then rethink it.
>>what are you going to do with your life without someone else telling you what to do!
I didn't say that, I'm just saying that "retiring" in and of itself is relatively boring. Now all of a sudden you have 16 hours a day of free-time with no responsibilities, shitposting all day isn't really fun. So it begs the question WHAT will you be doing during that time, answer that question and we can work from there.
saved and kek'd
Around 500k if you are living in the countryside. The most significant cost is housing.
Why the fuck would you want to retire to the countryside? What are you going to do there?
Sit in my home and use the internet.
That sounds fun to you?
You could do that right now BTW, leech off your parents or get NEETBux and consider yourself 'retired'
Both those sources of income are not secure and could disappear at any moment. Let me guess, you pay $3000 a month for a tiny apartment in New York because it's "hip" and you can experience the "scene" at bars and nightclubs.
have an uncle who is a super jew. Literally all his furniture is hand-me-downs from family relatives.
Hes saved up millions, but now hes like stuck in his ways of not ever spending a dime.
So now hes like a prisoner to hording money.
>Let me guess, you pay $3000 a month for a tiny apartment in New York because it's "hip" and you can experience the "scene" at bars and nightclubs
No I spend about half of that on my rent. But then again I'm a young adult with normal testosterone levels, not some beta who has the test levels of a 70 year old man whose biggest aspirations in life are to retire to some boring house in the middle of nowhere and die in peace without ever experiencing anything.
I'd suggest you see an endocrinologist, there's help man. Testosterone has been synthesized since the mid 1930's, help is available for you
my dad is like that, except he finally gave in to buying some shitty furniture this year for our living room.
it was less then 300 per piece and i think it's going to cause more back problems then enjoyment. shit feels like you are sitting on a pile of rocks
I'm fine with my testosterone levels. While you wake up at 6:30 to go to work to sustain your urban lifestyle, I'll be already set for life.
Depends on what you call retirement.
Would you mind living in a cheap South American village? In that case, you don't need so much to retire.
Calculate how much money you need to live per year then multiply it by 25. That's how much money you need. As soon as you got it you're good (it will last longer than 25 years, just invest it and take out 4 percent per year
>While you wake up at 6:30 to go to work to sustain your urban lifestyle,
What if I like my job and for me it's exciting to get up every morning to go do it, but the money I make it just a fun little added bonus that allows me to enjoy myself?
Point is that if you're a healthy young male you shouldn't be aspiring to retire to some boring town in the middle of nowhere. But I guess some people are just born to be losers with their sights set low as possible and they're as risk-averse and quiet-loving as elderly men
>What if I like my job and for me it's exciting to get up every morning to go do it, but the money I make it just a fun little added bonus that allows me to enjoy myself?
Then you're luckier than most.
>Point is that if you're a healthy young male you shouldn't
Nice opinion.
>Nice opinion.
Never really met a person who hates having casual sex, living in a bustling metropolis or having access to lots of things to do at every time of the day surrounded by lots of interesting and diverse people.
There is nothing wrong with a tranquil lifestyle
And there is nothing wrong with your
But you shouldn't force your way of thinking on others as long as it doesn't affect you
Either brainwashed wageslave or 12
Yeah working is fun if you do your passion, right professor? Has your wife ever not cheated on you, you think?
>Either brainwashed wageslave or 12
What is your suggestion then?
>I want to get rich but I don't want to do any work or take any risk, what is the fastest way to retire but I want to live the lifestyle of a NEET?
>Never really met a person who hates having casual sex, living in a bustling metropolis or having access to lots of things to do at every time of the day surrounded by lots of interesting and diverse people.
That's nice, really. I just happen to not give a shit about it, and so do others. If you know "diverse people" it's weird that you have yet to meet someone that doesn't share your opinion.
Not sure what your problem is with someone wanting something different from you.
>his life's aspirations are to shitpost on Veeky Forums
Get some fucking dreams, kid
We were discussing retirement you faggot cuck. Maybe you just started working in your dream job fashion design and the walls haven't caved in yet but any wageslavery is death sentence. Yes people should start their own businesses to make large sums of money to do anything but work. Any business people start should be self sustaining or have a nature exit point like selling it to retire.
>what would I do though hurr
You're a slave and always will be so don't worry about it.
>You're a slave and always will be so don't worry about it.
t. Ethereum daytrader or some faggot with a dropshipping business on ebay
Am currently 23, basically doing the millionaire by 30 meme, but through the family business. This way I get to harvest the fruits of my labor (minus taxes ofc). Have saved 230K at this point.
I'm 25% owner in the business and we are likely to clear 1M in revenue this year. We invested a lot into new equipment & larger warehouse this year, so I'll likely only see ~$90K for myself in profit, but in the next few years, I expect $150-200K+ a year if things go well (i.e. no recession because our industry is very cyclical). The good thing is that unlike many of our competitors we aren't built on debt, so we didn't get BTFO in 2008.
Long road ahead, and we work 60-70 hours a week, but at least I never have to worry about being laid off.
I've heard that joining the military is the best way for ordinary people with no special skills. You can retire in your 40s after serving a certain numbers of years
Keep contributing to your 401k, cuck. Be sure to balance that portfolio with steady index funds.
Maybe you won't die before 65 and then you can retire after your long road. Or maybe you will die. Or maybe another financial crisis like 2008 will wipe you out at 45. I'm sure it'll work out. The conventional path is pretty safe, right?
>Or maybe another financial crisis like 2008 will wipe you out at 45
Which recovered quickly and followed with like 150% gains for the next several years?
>The conventional path is pretty safe, right?
Literally the opposite of what I'm talking about.
I'm calling out the retarded "retire at 30 and live in the middle of nowhere sitting on your computer all day posting on /r9k/", never said you shouldn't take an unconventional path at all. You're making up a strawman to argue, maybe your autistic brain is remembering something he was discussing a week ago and is spouting shit off now because it triggered it or something
>people who work are following their dreams
The vast majority of people are doing a meaningless 9-6 plus one hour commute job that they couldn't give too shits about. Maybe they'll own a home after 30 years of mortgage payments. They'll come back at 7, eat dinner, and be too tired to do anything else, and then go to sleep and wake up at 7:30 to repeat the same thing again. On the weekends they might have time to pursue their actual interests. Maybe you're some special snowflake and actually like your job. Maybe you're a porn actor or something. Well that's great for you.
However, in this day and age, the internet holds the resources to let anyone pursue their interests and dreams given enough free time (unless of course, their interests are going to parties and having one night stands with nameless sluts). Retirement is about freedom. The freedom to do what I want to do without having to worry about money. If I want to work, I can go to work. If I don't like my job anymore, I can leave at any time. I choose to spend my time how I want. If I have dreams, then I can follow them 100%. I don't have to give 50 hours of my life to a boss.
25x your annual cost of living
then fuck off and live on investments
I wish you the best of luck with creating best minecraft castle ever, autist.
Friendly reminder that the only point of work is to retire.
nothing more gay than 'urban lifestyles' (even that sounds fragile).
I never even used those words
But what exactly is wrong with being in the center of an important and big city? We're not all aspies from r9k
>retire to some boring house in the middle of nowhere and die in peace without ever experiencing anything.
If you look outside of the major east and west coast cities there are many affordable places with fun social activities.
user why are you this mad? Do you secretly hate your job or something?
I find it hilarious that the other user above picked NYC out of the blue and assumably hit the nail on the head (or damn-near).
Anyways, I would like to retire to the countryside for my personal projects and to hopefully make more money off of those. I can see you have no hobbies which is probably why you enjoy work and the city so much.
My hobbies involve other people and doing things.
I've lived with my parents in a shitty town before for a couple of years and it was boring and dead. There's nothing to do unless you're 60+ years old
Seems more like your problem rather than the problem of someone who actually wants to retire and knows what he will do with his time.
>who actually wants to retire and knows what he will do with his time
But what exactly will you be doing? I never seem to get an actual answer to this. It's always very vague and ambiguous, usually along the lines of "i will focus on my hobbies and not '''wagecuck''' for my boss".
But what specifically? And why do you need to save $1million or whatever to retire and do that instead of doing it now?
How soon you can retire depends solely on your savings rate (i.e., the fraction of your income that you save) and literally nothing else.
If you make 50k/year, and you only require 10k/year of spending, then your savings rate is 80%, and you can retire as soon as you have 10k/year in passive income, which will be in five years.
If you make 150k/year, but you require 50k/year of spending, then your savings rate is 66%, and you can retire in ten years. This is why frugality is such an important part of retiring early.
Here's a handy table of savings rate vs. number of years you need to work before you can retire:
100% - 0 years
90% - 2 years
80% - 5 years
70% - 9 years
60% - 13 years
50% - 17 years
40% - 23 years
30% - 30 years
20% - 41 years
10% - 58 years
5% - 76 years
0% - infinity years, you wagecuck.
In essence, if you spend more than 80% of your post-tax earnings you're fucked and you can never retire.
500k for 50+ years? Are you high? Thats a terrible quality of life.
i wish i had parents to leech off of
I currently spend 15k on housing, and 5k on everything else per year. 500k at a 4% returns would be more than enough to cover my current levels of spending. That's not even considering the fact that housing will be much cheaper in the countryside, practically free if you own your property. Pay 100k for a nice house, and you have 16k per year to spend on whatever you what, which is already 3x what I spend today.
Assuming that 4% rule for safe withdrawals, that's roughly 20k/year in perpetuity. Assuming you already own a home (i.e., no cost of rent), that's plenty to survive in the countryside. Plenty of people live on less.
Why would you even want to live like that though
>No room to spend money
>Living in the middle of nowhere where property costs so little because NO ONE wants to live there
What's even the point of this?
>wahh why don't other people just want to party all day like me!
I don't, and I didn't post that, but the OP did ask
>what's the absolute quickest way to retire
But do you really have such little ambitions as just "sitting in my home and using the internet", and you say above? Don't you think you'll ever get bored
You don't really need to have $1million dollars to retire and do that, you could do it right now
Personally I'd just do whatever I do now when not at work, i.e. shitpost, read wikipedia, play synth, visit museums, prepare nice food, if you want some specific examples. Also drink beer with friends if I still have them by that time, have hot sex with girls if a miracle happens. Visit places near and abroad, become involved in some art/music/whatever scenes, etc.
I understand working can be fun and there's some nice jobs to be had but honestly if you can't imagine anything more fun than working 8 hours per day you must be a pretty unimaginative person.
>5k on everything else
>for an entire year
like i said not many people want to live like monks on rice and stare off into the desert for fun
What's ridiculous about that guy is that if he's living so frugally that he's only spending 5k/year on everything-but-rent, why the fuck doesn't he also get a cheaper place to live? 15k/year is an enormous amount of money for rent for someone so frugal.
>but honestly if you can't imagine anything more fun than working 8 hours per day you must be a pretty unimaginative person.
Oh I can most certainly imagine things much more fun. And I do them regularly, but they cost money.
And unfortunately living like a borderline-homeless persons for 20 years to save enough to 'retire' and then live off a bare minimum allotment just to eat 3 square meals a day and live in the countryside does not provide me with enough money to do those activities.
I think you guys will seriously regret this shit(if you even get to your retirement) when you're 40 years old and you're now "retired" and you wasted your best years pinching every single penny like a kike because you thought shitposting in your 40's and 50's would be fun.
Other than the fact that hes blatantly lying yes his story is absurd
What's the endgame of your ambitions? If it baffles you that someone would want to retire early, what are you gonna do once you've fulfilled all your ambitions?
The story is set in an unnamed harbor on the west coast of Europe.[1] A smartly-dressed enterprising tourist is taking photographs when he notices a shabbily dressed local fisherman taking a nap in his fishing boat. The tourist is disappointed with the fisherman's apparently lazy attitude towards his work, so he approaches the fisherman and asks him why he is lying around instead of catching fish. The fisherman explains that he went fishing in the morning, and the small catch would be sufficient for the next two days.
The tourist tells him that if he goes out to catch fish multiple times a day, he would be able to buy a motor in less than a year, a second boat in less than two years, and so on. The tourist further explains that one day, the fisherman could even build a small cold storage plant, later a pickling factory, fly around in a helicopter, build a fish restaurant, and export lobster directly to Paris without a middleman.
The nonchalant fisherman asks, "Then what?"
The tourist enthusiastically continues, "Then, without a care in the world, you could sit here in the harbor, doze in the sun, and look at the glorious sea."
"But I'm already doing that", says the fisherman.
The enlightened tourist walks away pensively, with no trace of pity for the fisherman, only a little envy.
I think most people here are just talking about the equivalent of an average or somewhat less than average wage for the rest of their lives. Plenty of people live like that (while working) and you can have a good life.
My main hobbies are composing music, writing software, and watching anime. All things I can do anywhere as long as I have a computer and internet access. I also enjoy gardening, and living in the countryside would give me the opportunity to expand on that and possible raise some animals as well. I can even create a tech company from the comfort of my own home thanks to the wonders of the cloud.
I never said that you needed 1 million to retire. 500k is enough for me to be comfortable. Like I said before, I don't want to rely on my parents or NEETbux because those income sources are not secure and I'm prideful enough to not want to be a leech for my entire life. 5 years of working to save up to 500k isn't that bad.
Per month:
$200 food
$50 internet
$50 utilities
Work pays for health care. I walk to work so no car/insurance. Still leaves me over $1000 a year to blow on stupid shit like TVs and video cards.
15k/year is pretty cheap for where I live (Seattle area). I chose to live here because I can walk to work in 5 minutes. The Seattle area is one of the best places to live for a tech job. The pay is almost as much as in SV, and there is no state income tax and housing prices are much cheaper.
Because I've lived this life before for a little over a year.
I lived "minimally", with tons of free-time. Only working enough to not get fired and to afford the bare necessities that I need for survival. It was *okay*... I guess.
But actually accomplishing goals and making money to buy fun and exciting toys and not even worry about how much they cost, rather just looking at the enjoyment they brought me was much more enjoyable.
>"Then, without a care in the world, you could sit here in the harbor, doze in the sun, and look at the glorious sea."
>"But I'm already doing that", says the fisherman.
Yeah this is all fine and dandy, it's really fun to do on a vacation or to relax from work. but when you're doing that for 12 hours a day it gets insanely boring.
Furthermore, if that's really your goal. To do "nothing" then you can easily do that without collecting $500k or $2million or whatever. You can do it right now by working a part-time job to earn the bare minimum for your living expenses, or become a NEET.
>Watching anime unironically as an adult
Ok then lmao
>You can do it right now by working a part-time job to earn the bare minimum for your living expenses
Why would I work a shitty part time McJob for minimum wage for my entire life, when I can work my current job for 5 years and have enough to never have to worry about money again?
>become a NEET
Do NEETs magically get the money needed for their living expenses from the NEET fairy?
>when I can work my current job for 5 years
What job do you have that earns you enough post-tax income you can save in order to save up $500k+ in 5 years?
Let me guess, you're making 6 figures, living outside in a tent and paying no income tax?
not everyone wants to live in a city and deal with the headaches that come along with it.
>making 6 figures
>living outside in a tent
I live in an apartment
>paying no income tax
I pay federal income tax
What fucking one light bulb bungalow do you live in that only costs $50 in utilities
>what are emergencies
>what is entertainment
>what is ever wanting to go somewhere more than 3 miles from your neetcave
>what are medical bills
>what is insurance
>what are maintenance costs
>what is inflation
There are literally 1000 costs youre not figuring. Not saying its impossible to live on 20k a year. People do it every day. Im saying it sucks and you should aim higher than the absolute bottom
>What fucking one light bulb bungalow do you live in that only costs $50 in utilities
Gas/Water/Sewage is included in rent. I only pay for electricity.
>what are emergencies
Never had one, but I have plenty of assets stored to cover it.
>what is entertainment
I said I paid $50 a month for internet.
>>what is ever wanting to go somewhere more than 3 miles from your neetcave
A bus. Work provides me with an all access bus pass, but a ride is only $2.50 round trip so it's negligible even without it.
>what are medical bills
>what is insurance
Covered by employer. Subsidized by Obamacare in retirement because of low income.
>what are maintenance costs
Included in rent.
>what is inflation
That's already factored into the 4% withdraw rate.
>you should aim higher than the absolute bottom
Why should I aim higher when I'm perfectly happy where I'm at? I don't need to drive a Ferrari just because I can afford one. I have never felt that I was ever giving up on anything just because I didn't want to spend money on it. Is the idea that there are some people who don't equate spending money with happiness that foreign to you?
Well you can just kill yourself. Permanent retirement right there.
Because the point of retirement is to be able to pursue your interests, not to escape working. You can't do that when you're dead.
this fucking shit again!!
what the fuck is wrong with murricans?
How can you not see how retarded this is?
>$50 a month for internet.
Do you think youre tastes will never change? That you as a 70 yo man will get just as much joy out of life watching shitty anime and jerking off? You may not want more now but you have an entire lifetime to account for. Wouldnt you want the ability to grow as an individual?
>A bus
A bus cannot take you everywhere you want to go. Maybe 20yr virgin you is fine only leaving to restock his ramen and mountain dew but fiture you may want to experience the world outside your tiny neighborhood
>Covered by employer
Copays. Deductibles. Prescriptions. Having insurance doesnt make it free.
>Included in rent
And what if rent goes up? What if your apartment complex burns down? You have 50+ years left to live do you think everything is going to stay the same forever? IS the rent today the same as it was in 1966?
>4% withdraw rate
What if we hit a recession, or a worse depression. It sounds secure on paper but a lifetime is a long time. Nobody saw 2008 coming and the next one could be worse
>Why should I aim higher when I'm perfectly happy where I'm at?
Because you today might be a fat complacent turd but what if 25 years down the line your goals and tastes change? What if you fall in love? Discover the joys of travel? Discover you enjoy another hobby. A million things can happen in a life. You should leave room for the possibilities. Thats what retirement is. Its security. Dont build yourself a prison because one day you may grow to resent those walls.
This guy's right
This guy's a dumbass
"Retiring is so boring! My dad did it and now all he does it drink all day!"
That's because your dad was a fucking lame sack of shit the entire time, except now he doesn't have a job to maintain the illusion of being anything other than a consumerist piece of shit waste of space.
If you honestly, *honestly* look at retirement and think "I don't know what I'd do all day" you are a fucking enormous cuck. When I say this, I mean it from the bottom of my heart: please, please consider suicide.
Your acting like I only get $5000 to spend per year and am penny pinching as hard as possible. That's not the case. My salary is in the six figures. If something comes up and I need to spend money, then I am perfectly capable of spending it. I'm just outlining what I spend in my current lifestyle. If I decide that I want a car, I can just go out with my checkbook and buy a car. Whether I spend $5000 per year or $10000 per year isn't going to make that much of a difference in the long term. I just don't see the point in frivolously spending money on things that ultimately won't bring me happiness. When did you ever get the idea that I was living in a prison?
Furthermore, with 400k saved up, that leads to a 16k per year income on a 4% withdrawal rate. What if another 2008 crash happens again? That would be great, seeing as within 4 years, the market came back to its previous value, and now we're up 50% over 2008 levels. Ultimately, the biggest issue preventing people from being financially independent is that they want a $3 million house in a hip place like SF or NYC. As long as I am content with a cheaper place, 16k per year is more than enough to buy anything I would ever need or want.
You're grammar looks like you're the poorest of poorfags
Thats what I thought bitch
If you're smart, you can semi-retire with ~3m. move to a cheap ass area where you can get a small ass house for
I'm not really sure why that guy is trying so hard to one up you or something. You're entirely right. 20k/year is absolutely plenty to live a perfectly enjoyable life in retirement, and that guy's a consumerist retard.
>spending more than 5k a year makes you a consumerist retard
holy shit. im done. you guys are too far down the autism spectrum for me
Why is consumerist used as a pejorative?
Being a consumerist and buying fun expensive stuff is much funner than living like a monk
These people are just retarded contrarians, leave them be
I was only here for the dank memes anyway, bye bye normie.
These people are idiots and not in control of their lives. The whole point of building wealth is to FIRST, secure yourself financially, ie have guaranteed income and SECOND, do what you want in life and pursue your goals. Say you have 5 million in the S&P but you can't travel because you don't want to spend the money, EVEN THOUGH you *want* to travel. That's a mental illness, shit willpower and disconnect from reality. Those people are cucks, they do not deserve their money, and their suicide would do everyone a favor.
>I'm an alpha, I experience things etc etc
Nah familia, what you are is a consumerist cuck with no control over your life. You will be 45 looking back on your "glory years" as an old, fat piece of shit with a bad back and failing heart from the stress of trying to pay your 6 grand a month mortgage. Financial independence means you get to experience 10x more than a wagecuck (like yourself), and until you figure that out, you will never be in control of your own life.
Why would you have to retire to some boring town in the middle of nowhere? Christ what the fuck kind of life do you think an early retiree wants?
>implying I wouldn't shitpost here all the time to piss off retards like you
Granted I'll be doing things in real life most of the time, exactly and only what I want to do, but you can bet I'll spew shit on Veeky Forums from time to time just to troll. And you'll fall for it, every time, because you're bad.
You're lucky and relying on the foundation of your parents, but at least you aren't wasting the massive opportunity you've been given. I appreciate that. Must be some sort of contracting business?
>Retirement is about freedom.
This is it, in a nutshell.
This is how you do it, in a nutshell.
Get more mad lol
>Nah familia, what you are is a consumerist cuck with no control over your life. You will be 45 looking back on your "glory years" as an old, fat piece of shit with a bad back and failing heart from the stress of trying to pay your 6 grand a month mortgage
I lift and roid, I will look bretty good at 45 at this rate.
>6 grand a month mortgage
I don't own property and I never intend to. Invalid
>Why would you have to retire to some boring town in the middle of nowhere? Christ what the fuck kind of life do you think an early retiree wants?
Uhhh are you following the thread? That's precisely what people here are saying they want. To spend as little as posisble, to retire quick and spend
Ooh, I can do this one.
I love spending time outdoors. I love running, hiking, cycling, and mountain biking. I like working out, too. I've been playing piano for about 8 years and I'd like to start composing songs and singing, too. Above all that I love learning. At some point I'd like to build a two stage evaporative cooler, test it, and if it works then put it on my house. My background is engineering (electrical specifically) so I'm really interested in creating high efficiency systems. Being in Phoenix, cooling is like 80% of electricity cost so better coolers would make the biggest impact.
Of course I like hanging out with friends and family too, so being financially independent would allow me to do that *literally* whenever I want. Go to bars, go out to eat, fuck around at minigolf courses or go dirt biking... You know, whatever we want.
I could go on but I'm getting lunch with some friends. I hope you find inspiration, user.
>Of course I like hanging out with friends and family too, so being financially independent would allow me to do that *literally* whenever I want
Working doesn't stop those things.
You can still do them, I work 40-50 hours a week and I still find the time to do all of this. In fact I much prefer working and THEN having some fun, it makes it feel more enjoyable and I partition my time better.
It's kind of the difference between drinking beer all day and drinking a cold beer after a hard day's work, somehow it feels nicer even though it's only a single beer.
>But actually accomplishing goals and making money to buy fun and exciting toys and not even worry about how much they cost
Ah, there's the rub. Not everyone is a consumerist drone.
Yeah some people are low testosterone cucks
>Being a consumerist and buying fun expensive stuff is much funner than living like a monk
What kind of stuff are we even talking about here? Phones, computers and cars or what?
>if you don't buy shiny electronics you have low testosterone
Not trying to be edgy here but just how brainwashed are you?
>If you don't live like a monk and do nothing but shitpost all day on outdated technology in a shack then you're a consumerist drone
Not trying to be edgy here but just how much of an autist are you?
its so funny when normies get this mad
thanks for the laffs m8
You got lucky by being born into a family with an existing business.