As we all know, NTDOY has taken a few plunges this week. Also, Nintendo said they would not adjust their earnings predictions - which supports the narrative that they are not actually going to get a good cut from Pokemon Go's revenue. However, the Japan release has been hugely successful, with rumors going around that it has made in one day what it took North America to make in a week. Taking all of that into account, should I hold? There is definitely an argument for holding, and Nintendo will experience growth from this if they continue expanding into the mobile market in the long run, That being said though, the argument for selling is also fairly convincing, and almost every analyst is saying that NTDOY is going to wrap the rope around its neck on Monday, and kick the chair on Wednesday when the ER comes out. What should I do guys?
Hold or sell?
No one ever lost money taking a profit
If you're up, just take it and wait until after ER if you believe it'll go up in the long run
It actually kind of evened out for me. I bought at 23, bought more at 35, and now i'm taking a loss now that it has dropped at 29. Not my smartest investment, and at this point I'm just wondering if I can get some money back in the short run so that my loss is not as big when I pull out.
Wait till holiday season when their new console comes out.
Sell. It's massively inflated right now on hype.
Is Pokeman Go even making money?
Nintendo's consoles are a joke and about 2 steps from being completely wiped from the earth.
If you're at break-even and you want to hold your investments, I'd sell the start of Monday now that it's sitting around 29, then pick up late Monday if expectations are that ER will tank it. You'll take a slight hit on capital, compared to where you started, but you'll be able to cash out a few bucks while picking up your Nintendo investments again. Depending on what your broker charges, of course.
lol is pokemon go even making money
>about $5mil/day
>cost $30mil to produce
>who knows what operating expenses are, but less than $5mil/day
There's Pokemon X and Y that will be released soon, so the current state of Pokemon Go might drive up the sales upon release.
take profits.
I bought at $12 and believe in Nintendo' business model so I'm not concerned. Another thing to keep in mind is that they do pay a quarterly dividend regardless of every single financial site's inability to display that information.
Pokemon Go is making money but that's irrelevant. Nintendo jsut got a trojan horse, an app that can push Nintendo marketing messages, into hundreds of millions of people's pockets across the world.
Got Nintendo Stock? fucking HOLD, this could get back up to 2007 levels.
At least take your profits and wait for the dips, then invest for the long run.
Good point. Might buy if it crashes post earnings.
this thank you
>if they continue expanding into the mobile market in the long run
That would require a cultural sea-change at Nintendo. One that Pokémon Go may or may not trigger, desu senpai.
Sell, but buy again after the ER.
Pokemon Sun and Moon, not X and Y...
In my opinion, Nintendo stock will hit 38 again at the beginning of August. Sold mine at 36.40$. Doing a short. The stock will get lower at the NX announcement at the end of the year and it will gets higher in March, when the new Zelda will release. Nx hype will be depending of the general opinion on the internet.
Buy high sell low,lol, fuck this place and the noobs.
Listen up fucker, a lot of people selling right now to take profit, just wait a couple of month until there are less seller.
I don't know. My stock already took a pretty big plunge, but Pokemon Go released in Japan friday and I just kinda hope that they needed the weekend to chew on it and it'll go up later today when the market opens.
Ha ha ha, this is what happens when fools buy on news. Thank god I stick to my indices and didn't buy this shit when Veeky Forums was jerking over it all over a few days ago.
yep, that is a stock, it goes up and down. if you can't handle a few dips, than stocks aren't for you, friend.
Nintendo's business model is one of the most inefficient in the market.
Let's see you back that statement up with any kind of explanation.
what's so bad about buying on news/company announcements?
Just buy the fucking dip
/V/ here they just gave new info about the nx. It's going to be a handheld (first) that can be used as a console as well so now you can play Pokemon on your console without having to buy a separate handheld just to play Pokemon. Basically Nintendo is actually two console producers with their own unique IPs each. The nx will open this shitty wall and all of Nintendo will be on one console instead of having a Wii u and a new 3ds. Handhelds sales are always 100mill + while consoles usually do under half a million in sales except the Wii.
Tl;dr the successor to the Wii has been all but confirmed.
Also speaking on vidya stock ATVI is dipping today because they are gonna have a conference call at the end of the week and everyone is selling their stocks because bad news. This is just a ploy for insider trading. They heavily teased a new hearthstone adventure which has not hit any of the fake game journalism websites (Kotaku) just yet so its fresh info. Two days from now at this Asian event they are going to announce the new adventure for a game that is all micro transactions. If you buy the dip it'll be a safe gain of prob 2-3 percent gain.
they're 50/50 shots
but people take 100% risk and typically don't hedge.
They could have gotten into the mobile department a long time ago which all the shareholders wanted but iwata did not want that shit because it would be shamefur dispray and dishonor the Mario's so it was intentionally avoided. After he died the new yakuza president doesn't give a fuck about being so family friendly and cares about hard cash only. Made pokemon go happen and got rid of making top execs in their marketing videos to stop presenting them like wrestlers on TV. Also new Zelda going open sandbox like most modern games instead of dungeon crawling shit. Nintendo entered a new golden age of profits with this ice cold president but he may just milk then dry and sell them out but who cares because money.
No way.
The Wii release won't be replicated. Not a fucking chance.
Read up u nig it's already on it way.