Previous Build: TOS Info: This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.
>What is Tree of Savior? Tree of Savior is an action MMORPG with a lot of classes, cute hats and autism grinding. The game is out everywhere! >Can I play the game now? International servers are now open for Early Access if you have a Founders Pack, and open for F2P users mid-May. You can also play on the Korean Servers now if you have a verified Nexon Korea account, which requires a Korean Mobile Phone number.
>Servers (EA only, F2P mid May - Founder packs currently 50% sale) - kTOS - Server : Vakarine (Upside down "A" in gookspeak) - iTOS - Klaipeda (Main Server) Orsha (BR Server - Soon to be Gurubashi Levels of Population) Telesiai (SEA Monkeys and "Whites") Fedimian (Population: Azebu)
>Official Translation Project - Helping in the translation will speed up international server updates and remove unwanted machine-translated text. There are also rewards for contributors, further explained on the github page.
Greetings Saviors! Have you prepped your goddessfu's big black demon bull today?
Jacob Martinez
>muh peltasta >muh exp / hour >muh groups >muh grinding >muh familia >muh HAHAHAHAHAHAHA >muh no-invites >muh ET
Colton Garcia
Should I roll a wiz3>ele3 or a wiz3>kino3?
Thomas Hall
Am I cute yet?
Joseph Anderson
Kill Fuck Marry Tease Bully Like
Joseph Richardson
>lolipan isn't pelt >going to be carried by tosg people who hate no pelt swordsman
Jaxson Hill
Don't forget EU bros to transfer to Fedimian! Make sure to leave guilds and don't put anything in the marketplace. You can continue playing just as normal.
You're retarded and don't know why to transfer? >players play at the same time as you >no need to wait till 4 am to do normal dungeon runs >low ping Frankfurt server, central Europe in the future >server is already big and active and English speaking >No racist Americans or BR shitters >PvP is actually fun and competitive >Say goodbye to seeing bots on every map >Say goodbye to botspam except 1 in shout and 2 in Klaipeda >Say goodbye to Reddit /tosg/ guilds, just /comfy/ in-game friends >make fresh new friends and enjoy the game again without edgy tryhards >dungeon queues short at best hours of the day (2 minutes~5 minutes confirmed) >play safe knowing all 4 class types and builds will function properly on your low ping server >futureproof server since it's the only EU server and RO was huge in EU for YEARS >if you want to keep in touch with burger-chans just make a new character on Botpedia >no BRs, holy shit no BRs at all! A few occasional RU(?) but that's it, they all roll cute slav girls anyway. >server doesn't crash every week and stays up, say goodbye to CommanderFail every weekend >real /tosg/ guilds who don't recruit through Reddit / Discord first and be full before you can even apply >/comfy/ confirmed! >you should know most EU people who are otaku / weaboo speak perfect English >Fedimian marketplace is ripe for good recipies, buy some cheap ones from Klaipeda before you move! >World Bosses even doable and not a 0.2 FPS clusterfuck, you can actually get cubes on Dullahan now!
The Korean developers developed this game with low ping in mind.
I usually just put the bitrate at 2000-3000 depending on the length of vid. size limit 3 of course.
I have some pretty shit tier gear atm. hopc3>doppel>dragoon is supposed to be some hot shit for dps. Doppel c2 is also very strong. swordsman are just not in the best spot when it comes to DPS right now.
Right now I use them as soon as I get them. Trying to get to the next level range so I don't have to grind in Evac anymore. Tired of that place.
The smarter thing is to hold on to lvl 11 (maybe even 10) and use them way later on. Honestly though no matter how you look at it, at this level range you're forced to grind so it doesn't matter that much anymore.
Lucas Thompson
>it's another "watch the swordmemer die to mobs in dung run" >Special edition: Where were the heals?! >Brazlian subtitles
Luke Hill
>swordie doesn't turn off knockbacks >he doesn't use swashbuckling
Jason Jones
I have no idea how hating on tanks even became a meme.
Daniel Thomas
I can't wait for all this shitposting about swordsmen to end. It's going to become even worse when they enable the Arena and people realize Swordies are mostly garbage for PvP, too.
Jeremiah Nelson
>swordie doesn't turn off knockbacks
every single fucking cata that i've had the misfortune of queuing up into
seriously why the FUCK would you do this to a group
Grayson Scott
Asher Stewart
So if you were able to submit the ticket you should be good and getting transferred? Also I think IMC rused me, sent ticket on monday asking them to restore my Hoglan I deleted accidently, 2-3days they said, but I still haven't got it back. And I was holding back leveling my alts whole week because I was waiting for the pet.
Hudson Bailey
explain how you'll level past 220 since it's impossible without pelt?
Carson Martinez
Swordies aren't "garbage" at all for PvP though.
Owen Walker
>All of these people making gimped builds for PvP >Swordies still suck at PvP
Ryan Bennett
they're honestly better for PvP than they are for PvE
too bad PvP is dogshit in this game
Juan Miller
It's not impossible at all. >I never played PvP but I'm going to give my expert opinion on it
Jace Brown
years of playing metal gear is paying off
Evan Ramirez
Hope everyone is having a good day in tos!
Kayden Scott
>click up it runs down >move left with arrow it goes right >hit f for spell it says it but doesn't cast >click on boss to auto attack does the animation but nothing happens WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
Adrian Watson
How is loot distributed in parties? Do you get a set amount of money every time or is it based on how much damage you do?
Zachary Foster
>he went sword 2 instead of peltasta
Jace Ortiz
I'll do it exactly the same way I did it in kTOS: Dungeons and Missions. I got to 249 that way, and it didn't even take long. We also didn't have any quests beyond 215.
My goal is BuildTower5, and after that I'll focus on my Hunter and Rodelero alts.
They can be good, but most builds you see around do nothing in PvP. They just get kited and killed without dealing damage.
Matthew Scott
>thinks pvp means something uhmmm
Lincoln Collins
I got you familia.
I had the same thing happened. Accidently my Hogglan too. Here's what I did. I waited 3 to 4 days and didn't see him back so I made another ticket like this and literally on the same day he was restored.
If you have submitted the ticket without any kind of difficulties you are ready! Just remember:
>don't put anything in the marketplace >don't join any groups or make one >don't join any guilds / leave if you are in one
Make sure this is the case on ALL of your characters. They are today and tomorrow checking all the tickets and prepping us for transfer and we will be transferred next week on Tuesday maintenance.
Good luck user and see you in Fedidesu!
Logan Reyes
>20 hours to go >3 more guild towers
Will I ever make it in time to find Viking, MdC and sG?
Will Julie ever read my PM?
Liam Reed
Not even surprised.
Dylan Stewart
Think I'll probably go ele then, will get up to wiz3 and see from there though. What's the big difference between the two though? I get that ele has nukes and shits damage with frost cloud but doesn't kino do the same with pole?
Isaac Harris
Nice meme.
Logan James
You do know that, if they wanted to screw you over, they could just delete their tower and make it impossible for you to cancel the war, right?
You might be on a wild goose chase.
Ryan Clark
>I deleted accidently
lol if people who deleted their +6 ignitions and brandishes don't get theirs back you'll never will
Connor Lee
Wait, you think PvP matters in this game? Did you know that there are other games for PvP? Are they too hard for you?
Adam Lee
> the last 4 new things added to the game were PVP based
I have really, really bad news for you, user.
Jeremiah Cook
Having a bad day, user?
Adam Morgan
Yes. But I gotta try.
Austin Evans
Gravity pole hits 10 times in 10 seconds and is a channeling line spell. Frost cloud hits 33 times in 10 seconds and you just drop it then do whatever else you want to do.
Liam Myers
What are you talking about? I got my pet back just fine retard. They replied and I got him restored.
Why are you such a fucking retard user?
John Barnes
who are these semen demons
Asher Richardson
>pvp in a shit pve game I will never understand this idea.
I do understand if it's difficult for you to form a proper reply for me.
Lucas Wood
>waah waah why do people like something that I don't like
Jordan Fisher
One of the few instances of actual cute monsters.
Landon Gutierrez
Thanks senpai
Nolan Morales
Austin Thompson
what monsters?
Sebastian Bell
>boys joining my party When does this end?
Lincoln Jackson
Having a bad I suppose.
Angel Baker
nice 1
Chase Ramirez
Gravity Pole can hit flying units though which is actually a pretty big deal
Bentley Price
When you lose weight.
Anthony Robinson
Your shitposting won't ruin all the fun I'm having!
Kevin Powell
Frost Cloud doesn't hit flying mobs AT ALL.
Mob moves away? Just lost 90% of your damage potential.
It's literally the only skill in your arsenal as an Elementalist that gets you groups.
Don't forget that you fucking walking meme.
Aaron Foster
>10 times in 10 seconds 20 times in 10 seconds pp and gravity pole hit every half second
eles do more damage than kino, but suffer a lot more vs flying and lack the control
If you want to be the 'dps wizard' then ele is the best.
I feel like kinos synergy with fletchers is understated though.. but then like CC in general, it only matters if things are taking more than a couple of seconds to die under group damage shitting.
Joseph Moore
Fletcheranon, what skills would you recommend I max in what order? Since you can roll over points in same circles, I like to save points to max out the better circle skills right away. Is 1 in Broadpoint or Barbed fine? I want to max out Crossfire right away for big explosions.
Nolan Adams
Still waiting lad. You do have a proper reply ready for me now? I'm interested in your thoughts on PvP. Your hugbox can only last for so long.
Liam Lopez
And it's garbage on bosses because you can't turn after you've cast it. I'd rather have an ultimate spell that can't hit flying but rapes bosses than the reverse.
>Mob moves away Holy shit git gud, and if you can't git gud then git friends.
Jordan Young
>I'm interested in your thoughts on PvP. I like it.
Julian Parker
Jackson Young
Can I join your party?
I'm a cute boy
Julian Morgan
>he thinks swordmemers can tank AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA H A A H A H A
Aaron Evans
this is terrible
Juan Rogers
I actually know this squire girl who goes around giving her contact details and does delivery repair. Every now and then, I could call her up and she would come over, even all the way in demon prison to set up a shop, repair my gears, then move on.
Whenever I call her, sometimes she doesn't come right away. She'll say something along the lines of "I'll be right there after I'm done with the current client :)"
When it comes to making money on her level range, I can think of a couple of ways like farming corpse hand or farming chupaluka fur and it'll make a lot more profit than going around being an on-call squire,
But I guess she just enjoys being a call-girl.
Jonathan Roberts
lol i look forward to having more 5 fps lag fests with catas and random aoe spam everywhere. the 5v5 thing might be ok but class balance is a problem and doubt this guy will do anything.
Brayden Parker
Does Blessing increase all types of damage, or just melee damage?
Jackson Garcia
>you can't turn after you've cast it
A boss can move out of a gravity pole, a boss can move out of a frost cloud... a kino can put a boss back on a frost cloud. god makes dinosaurs, god kills dinosaurs, god makes man, man kills god, man makes dinosaurs, dinosaurs eat man
applies to every single damage number that pops up, same thing property attack on gear does
Levi Wright
>muh balance How about you stop being retarded with your builds?
Ayden Watson
this sounds made up
i refuse to believe people are that autistic
Cooper Murphy
Cheer up, user. One day you'll find a guild that doesn't understand the game is designed around PVE.
Luke Barnes
You can kite a boss inside your frost cloud, you can't do anything but pray with gravity pole.
Anyway I'm just waiting for the inevitable geomancer class to come out with a reverse-raise gravity spell to complete my omnimeme wizard.
Jason Martin
I used to go deep into dungeons to res people back when mmos weren't instanced crap
Cooper Robinson
woah man it is obvious that there are pvp builds and pve builds? its just that those pvp builds are too wonky and strong in pvp setting, like 3 cata 2 pd even with nerf.
Ryder Lopez
That autism is mild compared to 90% of the people here on this general.
Sebastian Cook
Are there any ET viable builds with wiz3 that don't have ele3?
Asher Sullivan
Go die faggot. You're worse than Cattly because you don't even have the decency to use the same picture all the time.
Jose Gray
There was a guy in the last thread that was convinced swordsmen were good dps and needed 10 ranks in Pain Barrier
Jacob Russell
gravity poles thickness is deceptive, its a lot more girthy than its graphic would lead you to believe.
While yeah, for solo purposes frost cloud is going to be a lot nicer since the boss will be agrod on you and you can just jump in circles, in a party, fighting a dungeon boss, the boss is either going to be held in place by a 'im a tank' or a safety zone stack, in which case both spells are going to be able to work just fine, or its going to start wandering all over the place because the swordslow took damage and is running away to go sit by his camp fire, in which case both spells will now miss.
Adrian Morgan
there is full support linker 3 build
Noah Moore
Cool. Maybe I shouldn't have discarded Priest so fast. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to pick up after Rank 3 though, considering many Priest players at my level range will already be Circle 3, and their Blessing will obviously be better so I would be redundant.
Colton Smith
>old Maplestory >venture into a high level area and get stuck >don't want to risk dying and losing that sweet 5 hour grind 5% exp >ask Priestbro to come get you and Mystic Door you back into town
Jacob Phillips
Nothing that deals damage?
Hudson Collins
Jackson Gonzalez
Jinsae isn't a leader. He's only out for himself and can't be bothered to help you. Don't devote too much to F.O.E.
Dominic Perez
but i already gave them like 200 talt ;-;
Kayden Roberts
I can't get over how wizard has a red icon for 'damage class' when it literally only has 3 damage skills in 3 circles and two of them are trash.