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Inner Circle edition

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1st for tiger 2

3rd for sawse a shit

churchill vii buff when

After they buff the Fatton and AMX 40

t22 confirmed for pos next patch

>5 something days into campaign
>newfags already leaving because of drama
>number of people within reward range doubled overnight
Sure is fun not being dragged down by fucking czech and polish trashes

brit buff?
you must be jocking, lets better balance some obscure premiums

Less people = more people??

BENIS boys at it again!

but user, nobody left

Nevermind, seems like they're still here just inactive. Gonna be more tears when they come back and whine because they dropped even more positions

Are they actually going to replace the personal missions for premium tanks this year?

Or will they just add a second set of missions to complete? I remember that popping up in some Q&A months ago.

Who else finds newer Jingles unwatchable? He gets so much stuff wrong and generally just talks BS.
Also you can really tell when he has no interest in the game he's talking about (eg WoT)

He's an empty shell of a man, more shill than person.

The only reason he probably keeps going, because he's a lazy fatfuck that lives off of Youtube.

Well yeah, he doesn't even play the game anymore outside the times he needs to. He was already mentally over the game once he started up with the viewer replays and figured out he could still get loads-a-views with next to no effort.

>newer Jingles unwatchable
When was he watchable to begin with ? He plays like garbage, his opinions are more or less retarded and he sounds like he has permanent brain damage not to mention his """"""""laugh"""""""

There was a time where he actually put effort into understanding the game (some of his tank reviews). But nowadays you can clearly tell that he dgaf.

>and here we have another battle in the dreaded kv-2
>oh look he's spotted someone
>he's not even aimed in at all, but thanks to glorious hand of stalin
>he fires
>uhahahaaha and it's a kill
>and here comes another trying to flank
>now just watch this
>uhhahahaahaha that poor little thing never stood a chance against glorious russian technology guided by the hand of stalin uhahahahaha

Its actually quite depressing how much of the community gets their attitudes of playing and memes from him. Pretty much one of the only reasons why le ebic TOGboat lifted off with so many people when it was really only a joke before then.

People bought that abortion of a tank just because of some lame ass joke made by some inbred imbecile

Retro Damge Panel looks fun, but I want to make a version with black gauge faces instead of white. How hard would that be?

could you shove any more mods in there you total faggot

>How hard would that be
With basic understanding of photoshop should be fairly easy

What mods do you want them to implement next for you to not bother with mods again?

>some damage panel
>a little more zoom out (the zoom out mod adds way too much)
>all the subtle info and functionalitys that xvm adds to the garage

>Got it for free from an event
>It's actually a decent crew trainer

Problem is that 99% of players have no idea what to do with the thing beyond memes.

Why am I so bad at wot but so good at wows?

I sold mine. Also got it for free.
It's okay, but not very fun because of it's crippling speed.

fuck of PHJ

Slower-paced combat, and a lot more forgiving if you screw up unless you're in a destroyer.


Is this game good on mobile phone

I don't mind the speed too much, since the Churchill ain't too fast either.

The cardboard is kind of a flaw though.

No, also the mobile games are very different from the PC and Xbone/PS4 ones.
This thread is for the PC version mostly.

Does playing cautiously help more? I have a hard time telling when to be more aggressive or not.

yeah, mobile version is more casual so it's less frustrating


This may sound like BS or even shilling but I honestly learned a lot form watching Foch.
The rest is just making mental notes of what works and what not.
Remember, if a spot works is not only dependent on your tank but also the enemy's and your teams composition.
Make notes where your TD's and artys go and apply that knowledge when you get the mirror position on the same map.

When are they gonna fix this bias

Never ever because the russians would whine too much. In fact they already tried iirc and it was shut down because of the whine

Can't we all just agree that russians are the worst people? I hate that scum.

Why don't they split the russian shit off?
Doesn't china pretty much run it's own version now?

Slavic people must be aliens

does it really offend them so much that their nation's tanks aren't better than everyone else's in a p2w tank videogame

maybe wargaming could just leave them OP on the russian server since it's probably a shithole

>fix the bias
You mean add additional tracks on that side armor ?

>233 reporting
>filename says 322
>tank says 332

4/88 made me reply

Ahahaha great joke, you go to gas chamber last

they already removed the side weakspots with hd a few patches ago
back then everything with 40mm penetration could have penned those weakspots

feel free to find a clan more up to your standards :^)

these were made to store the fascist skulls of enemy tankers

Will be corrected.

Side armor will now be 50mm due to love for Motherland and borscht stored in compartments, tovarish )))))))

>unlocked both IS-3 and M46 Patton
>not enough money to buy both of them at the same time

Which one should i get first ?

if you're a faggot get the IS-3

if you're not a faggot get the patton

My friend said Patton is a great pubstomper

What the fuck that looks disgusting.
>also needing crutch mods

>giving a ponyfucker all these (You)'s

I've only ever had one pools medal, my tankfu is calling to be again but I'm not sure she is strong enough the face the jap menace what do /wotg/?

Why? ;_;

When I try to open old records to record my demo video the WOT game doesn't load?!
How to fix this?

Help me, please!

you need the old client to open old replays

I gotcha senpai

Wiggyziggy masterreich

Best light.

Ok. Thank you. How do I discover a version required for the file?

its an episode of i didnt know this was possible in arty

replay manager program might be able to tell, or maybe if you upload it to wotreplay. else you can check the date of your replay file and compare it with wot patch history

The Konštrukta T-34/100 looks bearable but lets have a look what the shitters think on wotwiki

Humm okay then


>compare tier 7 meds on tanks.gg
>look at that list of cons
>half of it is wrong

make your own circle, leecher

i'm not even in NOFUN but if i can help to start a revolution and watch NOFUN burn and fall apart i'll be happy

edit: i shouldn't have admitted this

Who's the fuccboi in your play?

>inner circle meme

go ahead, we would like to c what uve got

Tfw the best player is only 9th

aka betas who don't speak up and say they need points or would like the tank

>mfw i'm in the top 24

the fucking blue aiming reticle that used to be in anfeels mod pack but has been removed now

feels good man

you mean 6th :^)

>he isnt in the top 10


>that picture
That looks like Churchill III and its run rapetrains on tier V games unlike ayatollah al ramadan Churchill which is in fact a trash

Stop sawse


not him, but I'm honored to be compared to such a legend!
crashing his tank with no survivors was the first step of our master plan

>even comparing NOFUN to BENIS at this point


TOG has high expexted damage value relative to other tier VI heavies, according to noobmeter

>and a lot more forgiving
No. boats dont have the speed to get away if they are in trouble.

>mistaken to
mistaken for fambaloomba

I think I'm actually starting to love the TOG.

It has no armor at all, but the gun pulverizes everything in its path. Except for maybe the Japanese memeboxes, but that's what gold rounds are for.

>Session WN8 below 3k

fug, i need to pad harder

wait until jap menace is nerfed and snipe

>needing gold for japanese memeboxes

against a tier 7 or 8 you def need gold. Or are you succesfully flanking with a TOG ?

TOG was fun for a while. Then it got old. Why would you play this slow, heavy tonk in this meta?

>Seeing tier 8

i'll give you the Onee-chan though, but it's still possible with good RNG

Can't decide if I should go up the line with my t67 TD or M4 medium. Want to play TD but they feel lucklaster in pretty much everything but speed and firerate. Help?

It works good enough for crew training and generates a decent income.