>Patch Notes:
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>Patch Notes:
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
>Previously on /xivg/:
naka bp
proci's doggy bitch :3
I'll do whatever
Gourmand can't be solo'd, right?
>tfw had my mouth all salivatin for Thordan's Reign
How about Titan?
Uh we can go with this guy and maybe see how q's are after for ThEX
Titan EX?
Rock on everyone.
Also Elezens
well, I queued up for Titan EX and my queue just popped
Is Halatali solo-able?
Wait you're not usually the sub? Because you really give off a strong reluctant sub impression.
You should just give in.
uh, I q'd after and it popped too
sweet dreams of mado
I don't think there're any mechanics that'd present an unsynced solo on any pre-50 dungeon are there? Final boss might be slow due to his invincibility phase that requires the add spawns gone though.
i woulda paid you more than a dollar for killing that ugly thing
Why would they be dreaming of mado?
he's trying to push the idea that those two like each other more than friends. chemo grasping at straws
n-no, they're the sub obviously
Anyone want to erp? I like subs...
that catboy is putt?
he makes cute catboys
>/v/ thread is dick pics
It appears they are not better than us.
Who am I kidding, it's probably 90% the same posters. Which one of you posted it?
you got all that from a silly post?
I can roll an alt on any.
Ain't Amdapor on 50 roulette?
Is Awena online?
get on your knees like a good pooch :3
I don't think so. PLD might be able to survive the first Prey with Hallowed, but you won't get through the second or third on any job.
Turn 13 (Final Coil of Bahamut: Turn 4)
Let's do it!
(Queue is at 1/2; 1/2; 0/4)
Mateus cat! I don't know Final Coil Turn 4!
I haven't done a single coil yet, still have poetic bonuses for every single one, unfortunate but I will have to sit out
Also I'm stuck inbetween someone's fence and bench and they're watching me, what do I do
Not that cat, but don't worry, I'll explain it to you.
Thats okay because nobody wants to play with you.
probably not its like 5am for them
Let's do something else then.
How about Leviathan: Extreme (The Whorleater Exreme)?
Sure thing
0/2 0/2 1/4, more than 30 min.
Nobody would care if you died.
It's not too bad ghosty! There's only a few mechanics like divebombs and the stacking!!
I'm at 0/2 1/2 3/4
I've only been once but I think I'm prepared for the rail-less platform this time.
right back at you
Not being subbed for 140+ days was a mistake.
Now I have to grind for esos just to play the 3.2 story. Is there any quick way to get esos and lore other than the duty roulettes ?
Same now, were in the same queue for sure
Nobody would care if you died.
Looking forward to playing with you.
I've got a 15m wait time and no update on party.
fuck off we don't need yet another avatarfag
Esos are easy if you play regularly. Feast PvP is a fast way to supplement roulettes. You won't hold your teammates back much if just read the mode mechanics since most players are shit on both sides and in it for the esos anyways.
I wish my femroe "friend" could'a been bothered to teach me. I got used for Poetics; fuck that bitch.
I think feast is the way to go, kinda sad if you don' tlike pvp
A-rank hunts give esoterics
post more pictures cutie
I'm still at 0/2 0/2 3/4, there was a healer for a moment, but they dropped from what I can see.
Sorry man, I'm at 1/1/4.
will do thanks
Aww, I'm sorry! Coil is actually heaps of fun once you have the muscle memory of the mechanics. To be fair I've only done it undersize, but still. I hope you get to complete it at some point. Damn, times like this I wish I were on Aether.
Just pick me up on the next one I suppose if you do one after, Shiva EX or something maybe
Sure, we'll do that.
1/2/4 here too.
Leviathan Extreme on Aether, English.
If a tank wants to join.
Man, I want to fill that queue but I should be sleeping two hours ago.
Will be quick.
I was suppose to take a nap five hours ago.
One Aether tank to queue for The Whoreater (Extreme) please.
Guess I'll sleep a little bit later. Maybe you'll find a tank while I peel out of bed.
>thought the thumbnail was Flo
Pretty much.
Black listing in duty finder when?
There should be a dark-souls style password for duty finder, where people can't get into the same queue without being passworded up, but I guess that'd be abusable
E, right? Or did you guys already make it in? I'm on an empty queue for all languages.
It's in already
wish I knew what I was doing
Almost 24 hours passed again without a single male Au Ra posting their giant, hard croctails.
Please fix it.
>He-Man Women-Haters Club
>a tank queued with a DPS
Now I'm in queue with just one tank and me.
I just want to block the idiots who spam ascii crap to be honest and the other general idiots.
Stealth tail
post lewd c@ and au ra girls please
Can you post your Au Ra at a few different angles? It's for research.
needs coils fat raen tail
>yet to see anyone edit a male au ra's package to be pronounced and heavy
all male ra are over 10 inches
How is that Levi EX going?
Same as any other
This is canon
>Tfw will never get captured and raped daily by the members of a savage Xaela tribe until all my openings are stuffed
Why even play
whats with this new thing about tails recently? damn
>tfw no thick tailed male ra to use those powerful thighs to breed you into submission until he fills you with his heavy load
They're probably slap you for getting close to them adn escort you home. It's those Raen that browbeat you into their beds, coercing you for "favors".
coils voice is as hot as his ra
post waggle waggle
15% lad
i am not sure what posting waggle waggle even means but you can have this instead its mfw im grinding out a second relic for drk for no real reason