League of legends lolg
Other urls found in this thread:
xth for becoming insane
xth for being back
Third for being completly alone.
>Plaiyng Volibear in the objective meta
Ziggs is still shit though
xth for Sunday already.
That's not Ziggs
>when the skillshot lands
xth for memepolls
Well, lolg?
Best girl.
Best friend.
Best wife.
>main support and top
>when i queue up with a friend he always "instalocks" top and mid as his preferred roles
>I get forced to support every single time
I've decided to just pretend that I'm offline when he wants to play. Problem is that he asks me on FB for games as well, so I can't ignore him there. What do I do?
>when the spear lands
This is bait
Almost half the abilities in dota are point and click
Don't you mean with?
hopefully in a ward
dotards are just shit at formatting because they're from Russia or Brazil. He means he dislikes both those things.
>Skarner only
>dotards dislike skill
seems about right
why the fuck is AP jax not permabanned in URF? this shit makes no sense and all you need to do is mash qwe while holding your cursor above the enemy champion you want gone
Nice keyboard tho dam
It isn't time for that yet!
>When the spear doesn't land and you 100-0 your target anyway with your broken cougar form
Can you seriously just stop being a whiny fucking bitch, all you even do is talk about how tough your games are and never reflect on what you did or anything.
Stupid fucking animal, playing for KDA to blame people as if volibear isn't a frontliner who should risk their life to get a teamwipe or something. Building tank items to then run away like a fucking pussy to blame team.
Get good ape
>When the ban lands
>tfw dropped from silver 2 to 4
>tfw can feel the apathy and the lack of motivation
>tfw will never be good because don't care enough
Why are they called CAKEbois anyway?
>playing toplane
>start an absolutely horrible trade with my enemy
>oh god he's gonna rape me
>realize i wont make it to tower
>alright here i go dying again
>he just aborts and moves back to his tower
>this happens like 3-4 times
>look him up after the game
>silver 3
haha o-outplayed
'jump on you and whack you' melees are a dime a dozen in urf. Might as well ask for yi, noc and j4 to be permabanned.
this really isn't much different from jax outside of urf you know
those champions don't get a free 100 armor and 150 mr by pressing R, along with dodging all auto attacks and stunning you with like 50% downtime
He's just bad xin
You can buff your smite with your w and he has built in attack speed steroid to take turrets.
What are you on about?
>countdown in champ select says you have 30 seconds to ban/lock in
>it's actually 33 seconds
nice game lolbabs
reposted from dead thread
How do I into jax early game guys? I feel like I just get raped no matter what i do. If i go into trade i just die, if I try to farm they just out sustain me, and if I try to get minions the wave always pushes towards them whenever it bounces back after it hits my turret and I cant farm. I do great late game obviously but I can never survive early. Any tips? I got wrekt by both a garen and aatrox of all things the few games. They just outsustained me and fucked me up.
Please do me a favor and kill yourself.
>You can buff your smite with your w
Xth for husbandos
>smite and w execute at the same time
>objective secured
Oh, like nidalee/lee/elise but worse
>Volibear's execute
>Worse than Lee's
Not even close
Anything with no sustain at the top lane is going to have a very hard time right now. All you can really do is farm under your turret and wait for you lvl 6 powerspike against SOME matchups. Most matchups have a larger powerspike at 6 than you do and you'll actually beat at levels 4 and 5 with corrupting potion.
Jax is heavily reliant on items to do damage though so I would never really count on getting fed early unless your jungler helps you.
nice minion damage trondomore ya tard
So is he just not a top laner right now? Do I just have to jungle with him?
Wait for late, jinxs only shines in late.
Also your support should be Janna or Braum for maximum peel desu
I just got homunculus heimerdinger, i was expecting nothing and here i am, disappointed
Nah his w execute actually scales off his max health so he has one of the best executes in the game.
Or a Taric who casually hits on you while making you invincible.
Jax, Jinx, same champ really.
>mfw i saw jinx not jax
>mfw im retarded
ugh, i think i should go to sleep
Jungling would be a far better choice for him at the moment yes.
He really thrives at top against melee squishy dps champs since his ult gives him so much survivability. but sadly everything at top in this meta is extremely tanky with sustain other than some niche picks (like graves, quinn, etc) that will just shit on jax anyways.
He is not a good top laner except for some niche matchups at the moment, no. He does decent in jungle.
He's cancer tier
You tried, user.
51.5% in plat
~50% in diamond
High skill cap, certain to be broken as fuck once everybody gets good at him, like Kindred
no it isn't
People still play this game?
>is taric good
He carries games like a commercial truck mate.
All hail our fabulous husbando of lvl6 dives and easy 3v5s.
also nice dik
We get retards like you post every day
Yeah, it's still the most popular game in the world, unlike whatever shitty niche MOBA you're grinding on daily faggot
Back to EVE online neet scum
>watching a few unboxing episodes
>they always get champion shards when they have the full roster
>my boxes always contain skins for champs I don't own, and never champ shards.
>I don't own even half the roster
Is this next level jewwery or just a trick?
>High impact support
Comparable to Janna in terms of "good"
>lelbabies mad that their shitty game is finally dying
lmaoing at your silver ass
First game morning. Twitch JG.
Is this a thing?
nice bait
It is gambling. Keep unboxing so you can get MECHA ANNIE. :^)
>singed top in 2016
is this a thing?
>risk their life to get a teamwipe
Which I do
> then run away like a fucking pussy
Which I don't
so if Tier 1 runes are ti be retired and tier 2 are going to be 1 IP each, why isn't the same being done for Tier 3 runes? I don't understand why you have to pay for something that objectively makes you stronger.
I'm not calling for their removal, the diversity that runes allow in builds and play-style is amazing and should continue.
Too late, I already beat them at their own game.
How did you get so normal so quickly
I want some of whatever meds you took to reach that zen-like state
They are an ADC main who got put into their secondary role. Expect bad shit. That said, of all the things they could do, I would expect them to perform best on either Twitch or Kog jungle.
>want to play LoL
>stuck in a DnD group
Goddamn I wish these fucks wouldn search every fucking corner for clues. Just go and bash some elven heads for fucks sake.
Can someone explain me why the fuck there are so many faggots that claim about being alone or supporting faggotery?
First the other LAN faggot and now is this Nepgear avatarfag. I don't get it, neither do I get why people keeps picking Cailtyn when she is a bad adc atm.
If you're a Singed main it is
>Tripfag speaking truth
What year is it
If I piss off a tripfag then my jobs done here.
Be glad it's not my DnD group. I have a bunch of seemingly hard to kill fungi-zombies. Instead of doing the obvious thing and using the environment to their advantage to kill the zombies efficiently, my party has spent the last TWO sessions punching the zombies to death while the bard sings music from the backline. For fucks sake, I figured they'd lure the zombies into/under a building and bring the building down ages ago.
Riven buffs when?
>Wonders why he doesn't have friends
>Breaks site wide rules
>Is a passive aggressive loser
I almost cut myself on that post, damn. Enjoy being a lonely man child forever
I mean, it used to be a thing back in the olden days.
If that counts.
>I break the rules
Faggots like you don't make me mad at all, but I don't get why people have to post that they are blatant faggots in here. Who cares?
It's honestly not looking good for bruisers going forward
Riot seem to have forgotten about them altogether
why the fuck did I not play Lux sooner
that was an instant crate
Next patch is reducing her ult cooldown by 35 seconds.
I hate you rito
Cho Gath rework when?
>Ultra Rekabet Faktoru