I'm 22 years old and am ready to get married. Will this be a good career move?
I'm 22 years old and am ready to get married. Will this be a good career move?
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Men that are married tend to get promoted more because they are seen as dependent on the company as they have a family. Alot safer to hire a married man with kids than a bachelor that can basically leave with 0 consequences.
Financially it's the opposite. Kids, wife, risk of divorce.
If you get a wife/girlfriend that works full time and pays her rent, food, half of bills etc it will work out financially positive for you as expenses become cheaper.
>If you get a wife/girlfriend that works full time and pays her rent, food, half of bills etc it will work out financially positive for you as expenses become cheaper.
This, which is what I'm doing right now. It's like a roomie I can fuck
>It's like a roomie I can fuck
Pretty sweet.
I just did it by throwing the guys shit in the street and changing the locks, but you know, different strokes.
> Will this be a good career move?
haha nope but you doing it anyway
heres hoping you dont get divorced, lose your house, pay her 50%, and alimony and child support for years
everytime i hear someones getting married i imagine their face with like 50 more stretch and stress marks, a bit more grey in their hair, and a "Ive given up hope on life" stare
Fuck no. Good luck getting divorced in 2- 3 years.
Ah, meant to post this one.
the entire history of our species depended on women having a backup man to provide for her and her children if the man died while hunting.
u a cuck if you let this bother you.
now this one is much more apropo and frighteningly common
Marriage is for cucks. Your girlfriend should know that marriage is all business unless you guys get a prenup
Oh my god , plus your fucking 22. Kids take up 80% of your free time. Wait till your 28 man! SRS. I would t wish this on anyone
Doesn't marriage in the US severely limit your freedom?
As an example: You are the breadwinner of the family, you come home one day to your wife getting gangbanged on the kitchen table.
What options do you actually have in this situation?
Not at all. Your wife is going to extort you because you are going to make more money than her. Also, if you dont create legal evidence that you are the prinary caretaker then she WILL win custody. And she we will be awarded with child support while you never get to see your kid and they become a normie blob
Hide yo shit nigga
T. Dumbass that got married at 23
I'm 28 now fucking rich 40 year olds. Lifes good m8. Sure I'm basically a whore but aren't we all
>If you get a wife/girlfriend that works full time and pays her rent, food, half of bills etc it will work out financially positive for you as expenses become cheaper.
Even worse than le taxes are lower meme
You are delusional if you think marriage doesn't result in financially catastrophic lifestyle changes. Her shithouse income working as a cashier in the mall is not going to help you in any significant way.
Fuck yeah. I waited until 25 to get married. Shoulda done it sooner.
You can be 3 things in life.
The NEET loser
The Whore
The Sugar Daddy
Nigga she doesn't get shit if she cheats on you. Just get a loan for a competent lawyer. That $2,000 you'll have to pay back over the next year is worth it so you're not paying back much more over the rest of your life.
And you get to keep everything.
I've always heard that if one partner stays at home and raises the kids with maybe a part time job you save more.
Supposedly this saves money on child care and makes the working partner more relaxed leading to noticeable productivity and promotions.
Unsuitable mother: Could argue there was a chance kids could have walked in on this.
Cheating: Courts do not favor the cheating spouse. Especially in bible belt states.
It's cheaper to no get married and have to government pay for your kids. Why do you think niggers have better shit then someone that busts their ass. Play the game.
>Better shit
user do you live in section 8 housing? Because I don't call having holes in the wall, roaches in the toilet, and living off fast food better off.
Now maybe thats awesome if you just want to blow money on Xboxes and nikes.
>Her shithouse income working as a cashier in the mall
Is that the extent of your ambition? Stay poor, cuck.
>And you get to keep everything.
WIDF, please go.
> (OP)
> it will work out financially positive for you as expenses become cheaper
Really? Expenses become cheaper? He'll get a discount because he's married and/or with a working partner?
At most, your partner will contribute towards the bills.
>tfw I am the backup man
bumping for more truth about women
I want to have a gf and not be alone, but 3/4 of friend's relationships look fucking miserable
Our sole objective in life is to procreate.
Our sole biological imperative is to procreate
Rise above, cuck
I thought it was to walk on
The bottom left window always makes me kek. The smug look on his tilted face as he bones your wife.
Only if you're in the military where you literally get paid more. Otherwise its high risk for very small tax deductions.
It depends. If you do decide to get married, just hope that it won't end up with a divorce. Kids are expensive and all that but if she has a career too it'll probably be a net positive in the long run
Yeah let me just find that woman making six figures
Lots of those around
i was looking for the picture a fuckton a while back, finally
>Lots of those around
Helps to live in the right area.
Lot more in the big cities.
>I am in a big city
There's just a bunch of niggers
Where are you, Detoilet?
If not, then move to a better part of town. Or at least hang out & act like you live in a better part of town.
Working with doctors, most of them get married late 20s/ early 30s (yes the woymn too) when their career is taking off. Some get married earlier in residency and it works out since both will end up making a 6 figure salary anyway.
>Getting married
>Good career move
Even if what said is true, it wouldn't compensate for expenses, and you're running the risk of divorce and losing all of your money.
Even going into debt if you have to go to court over the custody of children etc. Those cases can set you back around 50k.
Why do you want to get married at 22 anyway? Live your life and have fun in your 20's so you don't have a mid life crisis when you're 40.
Just have a girlfriend for now. That way you aren't making a massive lifetime and financial commitment while your brain hasn't even fully developed yet.
If you don't break up by the time you're 30 then go for it, otherwise you'll be glad you listened.
Just my advice.
people who make these pics are seriously the ultimate cucks lmao
It all depends on the woman you're getting married to so this threads are pointless.
Though 22 seems too early to settle down, people change a lot in their twenties.
>implying we'd be settling down
We'd just be married, that's all. Marriage doesn't mean you can't travel and do fun things. Kids, however, mean you have to settle down. I'd enjoy being married for a few years, before having any children.
Why do you need to be married to travel and do fun things?
>If you don't break up by the time you're 30 then go for it, otherwise you'll be glad you listened.
>Just my advice.
But I'd have to date her for 8 years before getting married.
Because she's my woman.
I got hired because I was a single man with no kids, sure I'm working 60 hour weeks but it's easy money and I have nothing better to do but hey have fun with your family and Facebook
> the backup man
That's some real fuckin shit right there.
For every woman, she observes the friends of the man. She looks them over in her mind and chooses who the back up would be if the ship goes down.
Can confirm these pictures are common occurrences. My mom did this to my dad and I didn't fully realize until I was an adult.
>so you're not paying back much more over the rest of your life
I don't know how stuff work in western world, is husband required to pay to his widow?
This board sure is slow