/wotg/ - World of Tanks General

GuP edition

Previous Thread:

>where do i look up tank info:

>How do I get platoons:
Ask in the Veeky Forums channel

>Benis SH count keeps decreasing
Good job Oberst.

To all my cheap former benis and europoors...

If you download wows before May 10th you'll get 3 days of premium time.

Enjoy goyim

>People wanted to do strongholds yesterday.
>no one makes one do to fear if getting kicked.
Thanks oberst

This did not happen shitposters

Stop pretending you can't do strongholds, you're an idiot if you believe that

>be dead for 6 months
>come back to see /wotg/ has a new clan
>it's full of green shitters and claims to have replaced PLSGO

Then maybe Oberst should clarify it on the MB, because I'm not going to start a SH up at this point.

PLSGO is not a /wotg/ clan no matter how hard you shill it.

what are the system requirements for the real PC version?

I fucking love these 5 minute battles, but i'm starting to want the "real" version.

I have a t420 with the quadro 4200m, and an i5-2520m with 8gb of ram

>finally have a good game in the T1
>me and my friend fucking raped shit
>4 kills 4500XP and 48K coins
T1 is still a pile of dog shit tho

What are the different game modes offered in the real version?
Not looking forward to the split crew though

It's not replacing anything (except imply?)

If you let in people who aren't /wotg/ you aren't a /wotg/ clan. Looking at you plsgo/ntr.

If your computer can run a pirated copy of Windows 98 then you have the minimum requirements. This is made to run on Russian PCs.

>still unironically believing you can't run sh without a """""""""""designated caller""""""""""
The kick was personal and oberst said as much

Stop acting like an idiot

>T6 strongholds
>BENIS needs callers
T6 SH strats are literally "blob up and kill enemy".

only after they release patch 0.5.5

oh well shit, i can run CS:GO on high

I'd be perfectly happy with this game if i could literally just double the resolution but whatever.

are there any like poster sized images of the tech trees?

dunno if i should take a similar approach to the real game when it comes to my tanks.

Last time i played was the beta, does arty still fuck shit up across the map for almost no reason?

>I actually had no tank in mind, I haven't played in months. I just think gold ammo is pretty shit in its current form. I actually have very few tanks that gold ammo is often needed to pen.

>tfw on Poland's most wanted list now.

>Last time i played was the beta, does arty still fuck shit up across the map for almost no reason?
Yes, of course.

>Churchill VII
>spend my entire time carefully angling armour and chipping away at people with my 140 damage or whatever

>massive faggots in O-Is just yolo into everything, go faster than me, immune to all damage, and do more damage in one shot than I do in an entire battle


>Teamkill all the time
>No one gives a shit

>Teamkill someone and say "I'm Muslim"
>Shot by four of my teammates

>even customer service is siema

>tier 7 medium

Is there a better tier 7 medium than the t-34-1?


The old pre-HD comet
T-43 is also very versatile

the skoda 34/100

Why're people still playing this inferior, cheaper version of War Thunder?

Ironic regarding the term "cheaper" as both are free to play.

Don't get me wrong either, I'm not trolling, as I used to play World of Tanks back before world of warplanes or warships was even around.

War Thunder just hits the nail on the head regarding the feel of the vehicles, so why do people still play this?

Hey it's been a while since I played. I cam back finding out my M48 is usable again. Is it still inferior to the STB-1? Because that is what I was going to grind for next.

You were giving them a bad name

>war thunder tanks
>I'm not trolling

No, the STB-1 is pretty useless. It's one of those tier 10s that feel like a downgrade.

+50 GE, tovarish )))))

War Thunder tanks are by far more realistic than World of Tanks "The Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift"

I know World of Tanks is technically more casual in mechanics, but surely that's not the only reason why?

I want to be a good goy and buy some shekels.


Please, shill for a half-baked game some more, Mighty Jingles.

Reminder that these are your teammates

Tell me what I said, isn't true.

>Playing on Windows 98

>tanks on ice
>invisible health bars
>even more Russian bias
>inconsistent mechanics
>better game

Just because the Russians mainly play this game with toasters doesn't mean you should too user

I play on the lowest graphics, yet i have never seen it that ugly.

Are you playing on an N64?

>Tanks on ice
what? I have never ever witnessed that. Probably back when it was first implemented maybe, but I never get slippery tanks.
>Invisible health bars
there are none. Damage is entirely based around where you hit and how you penetrate.
There are no health bars like World of Tanks. You can be shot from all angles repeatedly by inferior tanks, and nothing will happen. But in world of tanks being hit x amount of times will kill you, regardless.
>russian bias
true, but russians are scummers and they can't accept the fact that their planes and tanks were practically tractors with guns bolted to them.
>inconsistent mechanics
be a bit more specific, a lot of shit changes due to balances and updates, other than that the core gameplay is still the same.
>better game

+25 GE

holy shit

this makes blitz look next gen

same as

Personally I hate golden eagles, and especially since War Thunder recently added actual foliage camouflage to tanks which you can use to become even more hard to see. But it costs some retarded amount of rouble eagles to get them, currently.


The one where he shoots at the track is better.

Maybe if you shill harder, you can keep WT from bleeding all those players )))))))

That's the first time i've ever seen that, I'm going to have to look further into it, unless there's other webm's of that nature you own?

>tanks on ice
tap the A key do a 130 degree pivot turn left, tap the D key do a 130 degree pivot turn right
end up just lightly touching each key just so you can angle your armor slightly or get your TD's gun on target before the terrain and server connection glitches you and flips you upside down for resting on a pebble
>invisible health bars
>inconsistent mechanics
I can shoot the same spot on an enemy tank 3 times and knock out the engine, gunner and driver, and then on the 4th shot to the turret cupola I can ammo rack the enemy tank, if this is not invisible health bars or inconsistent I don't know what is.
>even more Russian bias
I got shot once by an I-15 in my German heavy fighter and lost all my crew
>better game

Hardly shilling, just stating my opinion.

And WT may be bleeding players, yes, but all games do.

Kids nowadays have the attention span of a fish.

What would cause people to bleed from war thunder anyway? All I can think of is the fact the progression is slow as ass.

Don't have anything else left, /wtg/ is way too cancerous these days and I've stopped playing wt months ago.

>Tanks on ice
Sounds like you experienced tanks when they were first added. They did indeed love spinning, flipping, and sliding around.

Not anymore, though, if you experience that then that's strange.

shit grind
shit physics
shit RNG
shit maps
shit damage mechanics

>I literally have never played warthunder in my entire life

I'm pretty sure that all the tomatoes you see with 20k+ games are old retirees who have nothing better to do but pretend to be WW2/Cold War tank commanders

No really, i've never ever seen that in an actual match. The strangest damage i've ever seen on myself, was a shot that hit my front turrent armour, did a 90degree downward turn and then penetrated my top armour, blowing up inside my tank.

Grind is in world of tanks, too. these games thrive off the grind.
they're better, world of tanks doesn't even have realistic fucking speeds, for gods sake.
no, aiming and skill. you only pray to RNGesus if you are firing from absurd distances.
>shit maps
some are, some are good.
Personal opinion, the older maps are worse.

>What would cause people to bleed from war thunder anyway?

Developers that are even more inconsequential than WG perhaps?

Gayjew releasing a new meme vehicle every other week instead of actually fixing issues that are brought forth?

The forum moderation operating like the NKVD?

>fixed % chance to bounce off a sloped plate regardless of armor vs penetration
>no RNG

>implying this is me
I have a nice computer


Ded server

Shouldn't you be at work or school?

Nope, I work from home

Read as: I'm a stay at home pseudo-father

>falling for the cuck meme


sounds like a new dance move

Naw, there's similarities, but the kid's my niece

I just have guardianship because my sister is single and military so she's not home


when did they start letting russians play on the NA server?

I swear I haven't been in one game today without people teamkilling or fighting each other over stupid shit

What line should I start grinding next?
The E 50 M from the Pz. III A.
The Leopard 1 from the Panzer III/IV.
Either of the Soviet tank destroyer lines from the SU-85.
The IS-4 from the T-150.
The T110E4 from the Hellcat.
The M48 Patton from the M4.
The T110E5 from the M3 Lee.
Or the TVP T 50/51 from the T-34/100.

Or should I just quit this game.

Roam and board + a free paycheck, mobile friend

quitting is always easiest friend but the T50 and T50/51 are very strong right now

>being a quitter
You should take the T-150 to the IS-4 and enjoy your big fat heavy


E5 or TehVehPeh

Sure, let's go with that

how boring are the checkem tanks after the tier 6? they look generic as fuck until you get to the high tiers and get the autoloader cancer back

T-34/100 is fast as heck

I guess it's time to buy the M3 Lee again. Might as well buy the T-34/100 at the same time.

the T92 from the m44

t. Oberst

>no, aiming and skill
puu sh/nGPt3.webm

why do artists always draw highschool students with boobs that would be found on women in their 50s with 3 children

you know even less about tits than they do

No he would not recommend that

>his most played tank is the m40/43
yes he would

He 100% would not recommend that

>plays a single arty over 500 games
>more than any other tank
>would not recommend to others

>lying on the internet

>unlocked M46 Patton years ago
>decided to buy it
>24k exp just to mount the old 90mm gun
>68k for top gun
>only have 20k free exp

Is it worth the grind ?

the alpha and dpm increase from tier 8 to tier 9 mediums is enormous. but yeah it's like a more comfy but less pretty pershing. I'm not sure how the mantlet thickness compares, but it's the same kind of playstyle

its the best statpadder in the game

t. goatti

>a 48%er with a obj 260
>and a t-22

the gun is terribly inaccurate

>m40 - 266 games
>su-y - 234
>amx cdc - 210

sure 500 was exaggerated, but it was no lie

>tfw you're the only one in the entire match with your color

Alright BENIS shitters.

You've been a solid source of plats so far, but can we please do some stronghold battles? I can't commit to the schedule requirements of tournaments, but I would like to get back into some gameplay that has something to offer beyond just pub matches.

I've got a Tier 6 set up that I bought specifically for stronghold and there hasn't been any matches at all since I joined

I regret playing that arty line and dislike arty

Also those other 2 tanks I wish I didn't buy so quickly. Think I was

>grinding the b1 and bdr g1
>only yellow on my team let alone over 3k games
>sealclubbers still spam gold all game at my team