Fallout General /fog/

>GECK when?

>Fallout 4 General Information (Read Before Asking Questions)

>Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Links

>The Art of Fallout 4

>Fallout 4 Item IDs

>Fallout 4 Legendary Effects & IDs Guide
>Fallout 4 Settlement Mods & Information

>CBBE Links & Outfit Studio Guide

>Fallout 4 Mods By /fog/ And/Or Removed from Nexus


>Fallout 3/NV

>/aco/ Thread
Junk Jet Edition


>/y/ Thread (for Dansefags and other degenerates)

Other urls found in this thread:




What does it MEAN

>all of that last thread

Can't we all just get along for once and not have a thread of bitching, moaning and yelling at eachother?


I typed it in the Options Menu accidentally but it's supposed to be "Junk Jet" Edition.

Pre-War Thread: That's the last time I make a thread in the middle of a blowjob

We forgot about GECK edition?

>get WW
>see I can capture Deathclaws
>go to Spectacle Island
>build loads of cages
>build a visitor centre
>build a few observation towers

Welcome to Deathclaw Park

i agree! lets tone down the misogyny while were at it too you guys



Free chalk.

Post yfw people who only have played 3, NV, and 4 try and talk about the lore.

The correct answer isn't on there so I cannot vote.

>FO1 has 50's themed posters, commercials, architecture and music
>NV has Securitrons, a 50's themed Vegas, people imitating Elvis, 50's themed Sci fi energy weapons and Armors
>ST-STILL NOT 50's!!!

What exactly is the problem here?

nth for banana tits

>No Cait.
u dun goofed

>wait till you get 20+ settlers
>make it so the deathclaws get out somehow
>defense are down and the generators for them are across the settlement

come on man, relive jurassic park

>Post yfw people who only have played 3, NV, and 4 try and talk about the lore.

>That entire last thread
This is why I support waifu spam.

here's your (you)

>Set tit slider to a million in bodyslide

My eyes!

Pretty much every Obsididrone

is there a mod that expands the sanctuary settlement borders to the entire island?

>is a terrible post

ban mobile posters


50's means strong moral ethics, traditional gender roles, masculine self-sufficient men, loyal wives, patriotism, nationalism, heterosexuality, and reasonable standards of health and fitness.

You know, every single thing a millennial gamer faggot and his SJW Tumblrite internet crush isn't.

Still looking for someone to record a self-destruct legendary sentrybot.

Bonus point for jet/slowmo aftereffect use.


go online on tox

Damn right nigga.

Found the obsidiot.

They could salvage this by adding abilities that you can only do if you have training, otherwise you're restricted to just walking and running (the difference between a tank and a fucking metal gear basically)
For example, things like torque devices and powerful actuators that allow you to maneuver in inhuman ways. This would involve some awkward retconning though.

I'll build two beta wave emitters. One will be turned off on the other side of the island and I'll see if I can make it. There's currently 28 of the beasties including 2 Mythics so it'll be fairly tough.

Its what the 50's THOUGHT the future would be manifest up until the bombs feel, then its a hybrid of that and sci-fi diesel punk.


Has anyone created a good music replace for Fallout 4 yet, probably using assets they can't host on the Nexus, maybe one with the first games music?

I remember there was an awesome music overhaul for Fallout 3 that used alot of great tracks, including a track from Wall-E for the intro. Got taken down though.

Damn this sounds like a Fallout track



I wanted to finish the game with the Railroad just to see what it was like, couldn't bring myself to do it, I had to go back and do BoS, it was so retarded.

Let's just assume that synths have a conscience, which isn't guaranteed, you end up killing more people than synths you save.
And why even go after the Brotherhood first? If you just finish off the Institute, your conflict with them would be resolved.
You're not just killing hard working, good willing people on that ship but also children and a cat. YOU'RE KILLING A FUCKING CAT OVER SYNTHS YOU FUCKFACES.
I felt horrible the entire time.

should make plenty of walls and cover should you need it, you need to get the defenses back up and get the survivors to safety

Check the filename moron.

>You know, every single thing a millennial gamer faggot and his SJW Tumblrite internet crush isn't.

Thank god.

You do realize that the bystanders that don't follow you into the Vault elevator are randomized right?

They're sisters, stop being so homophilic

so is it considered heresy to not kill danse after you find out hes a synth?

I just see a dealer and her buyer

Anyone found the idle for these poses?

Continue to make the Brotherhood of NOD.

i dont get it, is it meant to be some kind of crypic puzzle?

What console command do I use to get animation to play between two people?

it means you are a retard

player.playidle lesbohug

That would still mean they had mixed parents, dumbfuck.

>tfw no more tribals

>I want power armor to not be what it is!
Power armor is supposed to turn a single solider into a tank, they're supposed to be big and lumbering.
Why would you need specialized finessed training when the only purpose of it is to get in and march forward while carrying heavy ordinance into areas much harder for tanks and being more mobile than the much more tank oriented chinese army.
You don't understand what PA is supposed to be and then bitch because its not what you wish it could be.

user pls.

>attacking helpless lawn flamingos

nigger its 11pm cut me some slack

You sound like an annoying puritan.

hello r*ddit!

Neither are Chinese. It still works in the setting

Fallout has no horses because they all got melted down into glue

>I don't care about tradition, I just want to get aids and have fun

>What is having brunch with your sister-in-law while the men are going to work.

Nice try, don't even have an account. I'm just not angry, lil dick manchild so I know racism and homophobia are only good for memes.

Brotherhood cunts think tipping brahmin with vertibirds is fun too.

They're just pricks.

>Brother married black woman

The glue was then used to make guns and expensive toy horses.

>Brother is adopted

>I know racism and homophobia are only good for societal cohesion




Still means there's an interracial marriage going on somewhere you dense cunt

Your Nate looks like a girl.

Only good thing about mothership zeta to be honest

That's clearly not a nigger. Look at the hair. Somebody married a Cambodian or a dot Indian.

Nah, that was the samurai.

Found the mod I was talking about.


need this for Fallout 4.

>danse cunt




fuck off weeb

Which of those women do you think is the dom? My money's on the right.

>thinking black people only have one hair type.

(according to the wiki)
Avellone said that horses didn't survive the war around the time of the Fallout Bibles, but then in New Vegas' graphic novel he said that the NCR had mounted divisions.
There's also a mule in F1, and mention of Mare's milk in F2. Make of it what you will


any idea of where one might still find it?

>Its only interracial if it's a black person

Is English not your first language or are you just solid?

It was hidden last time I looked for it for odd raisin. I thought it had gotten taken down because of the copyrighted stuff.

please commit sellotape

Are you high? Those two ladies are there every time.

I know because i've made a few characters and run past them every time. I always check em out.


bless you

Standing on a table always gives more street cred.

>neon laser hair

That's so 80's.

Thats what you get for using pink hair faggot!

indians are white lmao

That is a fact and no amount of bullshit SJW revisionism will change that.

>Its only interracial if it's a black person

No it's interracial, it's just not the bad kind of interracial. Fucking an urban chimp is a great way t produce disgustung diarrhea-skinned mongrel retards with fucked up immune systems and the IQ of a fence post. Any other race doesn't cause that problem and is therefore not a big deal.
