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not ded
ded server
ded game
Haven't played in a bit, are Cave Horrors in now?
Some find it cozy m8
nth for great community guys
server down?
just you
BUYING: bronze(g) helm/plate/shield, third-age platebody, tarromin herbs, all curry/pineapple/papaya/palm/watermelon/maple/yew/magic seeds.
SELLING: dragon darts 500 ea, zerker necklace+obby sword combo 2.5m.
TRADING: antifire, super restore, and prayer potion (3)s for their secondaries.
PM me if interested. Will match anyone buying the same items.
pretty sure you're more autistic for actually searching up other people
uho goys, server is brokken
that link appeared once in /rsg/
I got stuff that people want for free this time
For buttholes!
server's up
Reload your window
stop lying
the servers is dwon for hours
What would you do to become a member?
fuck a dog
Second Shoah is a faggot
dude thats a secret
good threads
Is the new runescape engine any good?
Alectrona if you're reading this. when the fuck do you log in nigga?
He's a filthy normie he logs in whenever he gets bored with the outside.
Cuck out of luck gets no fuck with a a buck.
A truck stops and he sucks the driver's duck.
pc or nintendo?
>Guthix pages 2/3/4
>magic roots
>Elemental talisman
>Dragon Spear
>Saradomin cloak
>Bones to Peaches tabs
>Rings of Dueling/Forging
>mahogany stocks
>SEEDS: corn, strawberry, watermelon, maple, yew, magic tree, papaya, palm
>TALISMEN: fire, nature, cosmic
>P. Ess
>if some fag tries to bid me I'll beat their price desu
>Potion(4)s for their secondaries
Lag every 30 seconds; disconnecting every 2 minutes
Randy Marsh is literally buying seeds for 25k
buy my seeds for 30k
What should add to the free shit list
i was thinking gold ore and logs i dont know what kind of logs though
10x exp world when? What if we all donate $10?
>What if we all donate $10?
Then the niggers win and we all get halo swords and ak-47s in game.
Is it wrong if I don't see the problem with this? Obviously halo swords and ak47s are a stretch, but custom content would be a fantastic spin on 2006 runescape. Let's face it, the game will get stale. For many, it already has gotten stale. A fresh twist of custom content would be a great boon for the game imo
he said to become a member, not a mod
Most cancerous/annoying players:
- Raltz
- Hypercrisis
- Cutetorture
- Boopboopboop
- Snake
- Fresh
- Curry30pubes
- Modeusu
- Wiggins
- Mcgarnagle
- Randy Marsh
Everyone on the list please quit.
tfw not on the list
someone post the essential ignore list
Remove Randy, Modeusu, and Raltz
Add Istrava and Animosity
Then it's perfect.
Forgot Fish and Second Shoah desu
Raltz, no matter how many times you post this, you're still an obnoxious faggot.
tfw still a forgotten player
agree with the additions, but nobody should be removed tbqh
Istrava provides an actual service to the server with all his smith autism.
and is an annoying faggot in yell constantly
on top of being a literal homosexual
So does Raltz with his merchant autism.
So does Randy with his wiki.
Your point?
>HIS wiki
wipe this meme from the face of the earth if you kindly would do so, my famalam
Reminder that this door should stay closed at all time and here's why:
That level 2 Man gives you the permission to use his near to bank house to cook your food, the least you guys can do is close the door and let him enjoy some privacy.
Just my 2 cents
>Posting literal proof of being a door-closing, non-verbal shitposter
I could forgive the fact that you're memeing on people using only the 2nd best cooking spot instead of #1 because that might get them to go there but coupled with the weebshit means enjoy your fucking ban, dumbass.
stop trying so hard to be disliked
He lives in a fishing village; he likes the fresh air.
You're autistic
God's work.
I have solid proof that he does not enjoy fresh air.
Notice how both his windows are closed shut. The man wants his door closed. I rest my case.
>no ventilation while cooking if the door is closed, many players frequently burn their goods on that stove
Do you enjoy asphyxiating and snuffing out innocent lives? Open the damn door.
>xprise on the middle
>rotten kids get off my lawn
>closed door, open windows
>agreeable man doesn't mind letting statpadders cook food in his house
>open door, shut windows
I rest my case.
2nd is Home Castle Kitchen for reduced burn chance.
That doesn't exist in /v/scape lel, bobster confirmed it.
delete this and whoever approved it
You guys made me do this, his blood is on your hands now fellow vscapers and furthermore no one will know I am the murderer.
there you go mate
>less than 1000 total level
cabbageport when
ask bitterness
Cabbage port on the nature amulet was a mistake.
And here are the relevant players of 2016
And here is an annoying, smug NEET
where is this
Not that guy but the yanille dungeon.
nice yell
same meme
would you?
I like killing druids here cause I can make energy potions straight off the druids harralander and vial drops
when did ::mystats come out
I would if my wife let's me. I'll ask when her boyfriend leaves
Tav dungeon is better for them tho
its actually amy lad. its the ugly bitch from the hunger games
yanille is better until I start outpacing 3 druids using iron knives
for now this is better for distance to bank and energy potions
mfw people here have standards so high they wouldn't even date themselves
I'd totally date me. Then I could be miserable with someone who has all the same likes and dislikes as me.
I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me hard.
be honest, you'd hate your company, you'd think you are annoying and you'd get tired of your shit