Fighting Games General /fgg/
Real thread here
What's a good program for recording matches on fightcde?
Reminder that floe is fucking her RIGHT NOW while you're fapping to chun
I need you Chun-li
her face is too round a 6.5/10 at best
My friend who's gold in SFV can't even get past the third boss in dark souls 3.
"Fighting games are difficult" - you
Final counts:
> #SFV - 324
> #KI - 68
> #MKXL - 67
> #Smash4 - 58
> #GGXRD - 51
> #USF4 - 49
> #UMVC3 - 46
> SFV Teams: 35
Marvel's dead, isn't it?
He still beat 80% of the thread senpai.
reminder that floe is jewish
should i quit fighting games and take up bodybuilding in the time i save?
do you guys play while under the influence of drugs?
like caffeine or adderall
having a cup of coffee helps me concentrate but i get all sweaty especially on my forehead so idk if its worth it at a tournament
Chuuni Nightbug looks cool
Caffeine isn't a drug you chump
yeah anything from alcohol to cocaine or just whatever i have
i don't know about a tournament but its a lot more enjoyable to me at home at least
i wish bison was better
She can gold dig me any fucking day
damn guys just heard the news. rip daigo
are you an idiot
next you're going to tell me weed isnt a drug arent you
Someone tell me why this is posted every thread
Not classified as one.
I need lIke 6 burning Kermits
He performed as expected to be quite honest.
are you a retard? comparing caffeine to adderall and heroine?
no of course it is, you smoke weed, you don't fucking smoke coffee
makes me wonder how much jew gold floe has
For the last time, Akiha smells nice and does not stink in the slightest.
do you know what a drug is you fucking moron
Caffeine is not on the same level, but it is a drug. Go read a book or something, moron.
>BB has more people playing than Xrd
>a literal abandonware port of MKX has 5x more people playing than Xrd
DoA is jealous of those boob physics.
A busted version of MKX has more players
books will say internet is a drug, sex is a drug, smiles are a drug
I was wondering how that would look in 3D. It's kind of weird desu senpai
how would you know what books would say when your dumb ass has clearly never read one
>SFxT all-time peak is lower than Melty
ryu is stupid
I want to put my thing between her things
caffeine is a drug, just because you've done heroine and its nothing like it doesn't mean it isnt a drug
No one ever cared about SFxT it was bad from day one
Put a gun between your eyes and pull the trigger
Ryu's trial #10 took me like 2000 tries over an hour. It's totally random whether both axe kick hits even connect and that's when I walk forward during crush counter.
fuck anyone who says the execution is easy in this game. I'd never do that combo in a real match in 1000 years.
>Caffeine is defined as a drug because it stimulates the central nervous system, causing increased alertness.
So if I punch you stimulating your nervous system my punches are a drug?
How do I C-arcueid?
Did Bison program Cammy to not have any sense of shame?
It's really easy though
I drink 5-6 cups of black coffee a day
I need my morning fix
My dick is a drug.
>/fgg/ is so stubborn they will argue with science
So, do people still think Vega is good in SFV? Or have they realized he's weak?
i dont like this bait
You have to walk forward a bit.
It's pretty easy once you know that desu senpai
Why didn't you ask here or watch the demonstration?
stay in school kid
Somebody shill me on a 2 lb spring and oversized actuator
japan has him in top 5
>I have to follow science blindly even when it makes zero sense to any person using the rational parts of their brain
>scientists can't ever be wrong
he's not weak though, he has a command grab, fast walk speed and good frame data and that's all he needs
Why the fuck do people keep saying MKX is dead again?
Yeah but I mean damn.
Even less than the current number of SFV players, how did Capcom even survive?
Get a hit>fullscreen carry and 300 meter gain>setplay>if it didn't work, do impossible to mash out blockstring until they give up or eat your invisible 5[B]
I bet she smells like farts
If your punch get me addicted...yes.
because if it doesn't have as many people playing it as street fighter, that obviously means that nobody at all is playing it.
But didn't SFxT become ok after all the patches?
I figured that out pretty quick but it's still random. Sometimes it misses when I walk forward too much
>PC version might aswell not exist
Might as well play Necalli, who has all of that and more.
Which old trip do you miss the most and why?
>how did Capcom even survive?
They had korean cildren work on the assets for SFxT so the price was very low and they re-released DMC4 and various Resident Evil for the third time
It's not random, I guarantee you it can be done 100% of the time
you do know thats the chart for the easiest characters to play right
eat shit. Show me a match where anyone uses that combo
necalli has stubby as fuck normals and bad walkspeed and dashes outside of v trigger
nemo isnt all of japan lol
>Rashid simpler than Cammy
Why don't you just give up and play a MOBA?
Vortex is just another word for mixup.
t. super bronzie
i don't eat shit or enjoy playing objectively awful games.
Should I pirate SFxT just to see what it's about? I wasn't here when it launched.
Do the tekken characters play like tekken or street fighter?
Still not top 5. Besides, how the hell is Dhalsim worse than him? Bison, even.
>complex at all
I've never seen a general so thirsty for (You)s
I don't like mobas. If I gave up on fighting games I'd just stick to my never ending backlog of single player games desu.
yeah if you do the same input down to the exact frame. It's still shitty. The dummy staggers around while getting hit and the first axe hit has to be in the exact right spot to hit at that distance
this is what happens when all the good players leave
I love them!
(You)s stimulate your nervous system, therefore they are a drug
>Zangief could have been good but whiners got him nerfed after the beta
>Graham Wolfe also helped by constantly saying that Zangief was great even with the nerfs
Doug is still here senpai