Tree of Savior General - /tosg/

Scheduled maintenance will last from April 26th, 01:00 EDT to April 27th, 01:00 EDT.

TOS Info:
This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.

>What is Tree of Savior?
Tree of Savior is an action MMORPG with a lot of classes, cute hats and autism grinding. The game is out everywhere!
>Can I play the game now?
International servers are now open for Early Access if you have a Founders Pack, and open for F2P users mid-May. You can also play on the Korean Servers now if you have a verified Nexon Korea account, which requires a Korean Mobile Phone number.

>Early Access Info:
Server Schedule:
Early Access FAQ #1:
Early Access FAQ #2:

>English patch for kTOS

>Servers (EA only, F2P mid May - Founder packs currently 50% sale)
- kTOS - Server : Vakarine (Upside down "A" in gookspeak)
- iTOS - Klaipeda (Main Server)
Fedimian (EU alts)

>Official Translation Project -
Helping in the translation will speed up international server updates and remove unwanted machine-translated text. There are also rewards for contributors, further explained on the github page.

>Field Boss/F.O.E Timers
- kTOS Timer:
- iTOS Timer:

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice Boat

In 6 hours we'll see how dead this game is based on /tosg/ activity.

Will I get the Valia recipe today?

previous bread:

will I get my headpat today?


How do you feel about Talt?


I'll headpat you with my newly acquired talts!

How many of you guys are left? Just the 5 in that one screenshot?


Which alchemist build is the best? the ones I'm choosing from so far are these ones


A fair number of us still remain, not just those in the screenshot.

High1 or Pelt1 into Hop3Dop1Dragoon?

Is Pelt really this OBLIGATORY or is High for Cross Guard fine?
>inb4 2h sword
Doesn't Pelt>Hop already suffer from weapon switching though? I mean, does the pierce damage effect from Cross Guard works like Spear Lunge?

Will stat reset potions go into the auction house? I want to use my 2nd potion but a bit worried.

I've been spoiled by private servers

love it.

Pyro>Thaum would be a bit easier to solo level with.

Please do not lewd the ohayous

I'm doing the second one, the first seems like a waste of Wiz3.

Hello guys,

Started playing a week aago. I reached lvl 70 but now it seems that it tales a shit load of time to advance. Did a lot of quests but seems i still cant take the Royal Mausoleum quests. Any spot I can grijd to 90?

Pelt. 1hspear+shield = no switching

>Auction House
Where is this located?

HAHAHA SUCK SHIT YOU'RE WITH NATERIVER! That guy is a huge scrublord who went build of clowns and can't even do his combo right.

ohayous are for lewd

I don't even know who that is
That was just some boss rush party


What's the use of STA in clerics and wizards?

what do I name my ugly fucking hoglan

>you can now list up to 10 items in the market

niiiice. maybe ill finally start getting rid of these mats i've been hoarding for no reason. some of theses sell for like 50k a pop


Starting on this Support Wizard build after maint day. Should I go full Con or would it be wise to invest into some SPR for sp regen?

Also, would it be worth it to take points from slow to max backmasking?
I'm not really keen on the applications of the skill

Is upgrading armor pointless? Like with the anvil I mean.

>rank xxx

Wow, it feels so surreal to be only be below a couple hundred of players (in achievement points) when there's thousands of players playing in this game.

It really shows my dedication and lack of social and economical life

Okay. Good thing I'm only at wiz2. Have a harmless ferret as a reward.

>in the triple digits


Pre-maintenance party at the usual place, 1 hour before maintenance, channel 2, not channel 1. Dress cute, no spies allowed.


always know your swordies

>IMC if focused on fuckheads and server transfers instead of the actual game

Do you think now that all of this bullshit about moving is over they will actually focus on important things? like swordsman buffs?



Are you not a part of the EET in NEET?

it's normalfag, to be not politically correct

Why is F.O.E disbanding?

I didn't expect drama to start this early

I have a full-time job but play at work sometimes

low effort me amigo

because nobody actually likes jinsae and is just putting up with him to be in a guild

Good build?

Nice build.

I guess I'm just sticking to Pelt then since no one seemed to care.
I'm going to be a 2H spear dragoon though


Thanks Senpai.


>people who upgrade the Arde Dagger

Full con. You get enough free SP pots early on, and by the time you stop getting them you should rarely, if ever, have any mana problems.

to be quite desu with you ;)

>Corsair in my party just reached C2
>why the fuck is DWA so hard to use?

satorinrin is my cocksleave so i will answer

go con

reset when lv280

Thanks. I actually forgot about those because they're all just wasting space in my market

please halp, im 5-9 place for two weeks already.

>implying you wont be overtaken by people who save all the quest reward recipes and +15 them for maximum points

rank is hopeless, just give up now.

What do we know about Shepherds?
Other than they get to have a cute dog following them around?

they have asura strike and throw spirit spheres. and their dogs can tank with steel body

>t. IMC is my dad

>Other than they get to have a cute dog following them around
No, that pretty much covers it.

It would be pretty smart of IMC to tease us with rank 8 info and beyond before F2P launches. This will get a lot of potential new players on board.

If they do absolutely 0 hype or marketing then it's going to be a pretty shit "launch" for them.

I want to go featherfoot, so far i have wiz3. What else should I get? Ele? Kino? Pls help

>herding dog

If IMC remains as shit as they are, Shepherd will just be a class that completely removes the need for swordsmen ever

they're too busy with Wolf Knights, the greatest mmorpg you've never seen before

>every swordie needs to take a pelt or never get invited to any groups ever
>can't even choose to play a shieldless class unless you don't mind soloing forever
Having these kinda restrictions don't really promote a freeform class system at all.

god dammit why are always the most unfriendly insufferable faggots the ones that no life the game to make a guild and then be horrible to everybody

Swashbuckling should be a c1 swordy skill tbqh. It's like if clerics didn't get heal until a c2 class which forces them to pick that one.

Is PVP minigame shit?

It's okay I want to play by myself anyway.


but i actually use it to hit enemies, why wouldn't I upgrade it?

I don't know if I should go Rune Caster for the 300% extra ice damage and tank buff or choose the third circle or Psycho for maximum CC.

fuck off retard

If you followed the forums you could see he was a fucking cunt from his very first post.

t. york

because you always play with yourself

>what is rogue's backstab?


For maximum profit of being featherfoot go linker 3, but keep in mind what not all your skills work on monsters, so better linker 2 necro 1 featherfoot. If you play solo.

can't be helped if there's so much eromanga to fap too.

japan has ruined me.

Because it's the only way they'll ever feel like they have authority/power.

Approximately when does maintenance happen?

I would honestly love that. They can get rid of Thrust for that shit.

I can actually see them do that since they don't like when every single r6+7 class has the same second class (hahamen) for example. It was absolutely necessary to have highlander c2 if you're going swordsman dps.

Here's hoping they add swashbuckle to swordsman and then give peltasta some crazy pure tanking skill (like a magic defense skill)

>Still using Arde when you have backstab
You should be using the Sriracha dagger by then

check the forum post retard

>skill that is absolutely pathetic unless paired with karacha set

No they should just remove swashbuckling from the game entirely.
Fuck full screen provokes for lazy fuckers.

I mean. The Fedimian guild is fine and cool

One more rank for cute fencer outfits!

>they should just remove swordsmen from the game entirely

is build of kings good outside of the meme combo?

full CON viable?

holy fug senpai it is in OP put on your glasses tbqh

why did you buy the slut outfit if you're just going to use fencer

At least you'll look good

Still gotta work on BEING good


>swordsman c1 now has swashbuckling (peltasta get a 50% magic defense buff)
>IMC gives swordsman classes a one time class respec potion (allows you to change your rank 2 class only)
