League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
Shes a Pure plush QT who lactates ice cream

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how can Riot hate someone this qt edition

Should I get Mecha Zero Sion, Dunkmaster Darius, or Demonblade Tryndamere?

>There are people in lolg who legitimately think Nidalee has a weak early game.


The others are shit and meme skins.

>trusting lolg for anything

I thought you were better than this.

>there are people in lolg who legitimately think Nidalee needs even more gutting

Boy I love getting invaded at level 2
and if it's not nidalee it's kindred

good thing they both are getting shat on next patch


Anyone have anything else to add to this gamebreaking patch?

Should we be worried?

Why are you still here?
Why do you still continue with your worthless existence?
Family members hate you.
Your few real life acquaintances talk bad about you.
Your online friends despise you.
Completely useless and utterly worthless.

>thinking the wrist slaps will make them give a fuck

Olaf receives his previously discarded ult rework which causes everyone in the game to lose 1% of there max health every minute for the rest of the game (can not be turned off once turned on)

Draven best guy...


No one would impersonate me.
I'm just telling you that Nidalee is either perma banned or first picked with the team who doesn't have her cursing their teammates names
> More one time every thread posts
> Not even loosely league related
oh boy
my favorite

We Dark Souls now

Why are you talking to yourself user?

But i can't face tank the buffs with auto attacks and spamming my abilities

Therefore she has a weak early game and deserves buffs

I wish he'd kill himself he's too cucked and ugly to live.

Why did he get banned?

It's beautiful.

I love how they're experimenting with styles too, LoL is headed to becoming the new MtG with these arts.

>it's 4v5 because a core quit
>their guys are legendary
>the ally has been slain message sounds like a broken record
>surrender vote failed

Since we were talking about Ekko at the tail-end of the other thread, there's something that's always bugged me with his lore and I just thought about bringing it up now.

Why the FUCK isn't he rivals with Ezreal?

I mean they counter each other perfectly in the lore.

>both names start with E
>both are teenage inventors/scientists
>Ezreal is white, famous and comes from a renowned and wealthy family
>Ezreal comes from privileged, classy, safe wealthy Piltover
>Ekko comes from impoverished, unsafe, dirty, poluted and impoverished Zaun
>Ekko is black, his scientific achievements virtually unknown and comes form an impoverished family where his parents undergo the wageslave grind
>both care deeply for their city-states and their citizens, and want to improve them with their inventions and discoveries

Was this something that Riot always had in mind since Ekko's inception and now they're just too chickenshit to tackle it on account of all of the SJW shit that's infected media and ruined devs over the last several years?

pretty sick
reminds me of the boss intros in bayonetta

He was banned for exposing the truth behind Riot and they were quick to protect their fellow pedo, Krepo. Reminder that Riot use money from skins to buy underage, slave girls for their sex dungeons

I got a bf that can't go 2 hours without getting the dick if we spend a lazy day in though I'm a-ok.


>every jungler is shit except Nidalee and Kindred
>therefore we need to make them both garbage with the rest of the role and gut the shit out of them instead of buffing the other junglers

Don't even reply with meme shit like Lee Sin or Devo Shyvanna. I refuse to play them.

He accused Krepo of being a pedophile and fucking a 15 year old without evidence.

ezreal played fine but holy fuck he was negative. not in the "fuck you retard kys with bleach" sense, but "gg we can't win ff" sense. kayle fed out of her mind to zed (wtf how) but somehow came through at the very end when she blasted down inhibs without giving a fuck when the rest of us were too scared of getting caught. zed "fell off" and i by that i mean we just hard target him and assblast him off the earth and kayle would ult who he ults.


xth for Cute Vi

Riot Finally did something right Edition

>Pick ban in Comp play and high elo
>Her mere existences puts a stranglehold on the amount of viable junglers in the game

Sounds pretty worthy of a gutting to me.

Those execute nerfs are actually pretty damn big. Her 1st clear is already extremely dicey, this may push her over the edge where she HAS to back early clearing a side of the jungle which is MASSIVE, especially with how much more camps give EXP.

She could easily find herself at a level disadvantage against certain junglers.

>15 >pedo

Singed is more Bloodborne than Dark Souls but yeah, this is Riot's tribute to Fromsoft's games.

Much like how PROJECT was a Tribute to Metal Gear and Beast Hunter was a Tribute to Monster Hunter.

And then Arcade being a tribute to Retro games, I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting as well.

>Statik Shiv Zed
ayy lmao

>pls don't nerf my busted champ just buff literally every other jungler into the game into cancer status.

Holy shit riot you actually look kind of cool

Don't forget that Super Galaxy Rumble is literally Gurren Lagann

>ekko still busted as fuck in tank form and NOW in AP form
>no changes in sight
>zed will need to be perma ban on new patch too
>some of these mages will be busted as fuck
>can't even build rageblade on ADCs anymore

why live

its a
>"I have one build path and I MUST adhere to it no matter what" episode

I think if ryze would have picked up a negatron or a cowl instead of finishing his tear he could have done more
he after he was 1/6 he kept coming after me.

Give me one good reason she needs this next batch of gutting other than le high elo ban rates.

you did good user

Best girl.
Best hair.
Best wife.

Oh i'm sorry "ephebophile"

As if anyone in the real world gives a fuck about the semantics, if you fuck underage kids you're a pedo.

>I love how they're experimenting with styles too, LoL is headed to becoming the new MtG with these arts.
Uh, user? jasonchanart.com/

What to build on reksai?

>People who play the game well are so afraid of this champion they ban her universally
Yeah that's a pretty important reason user

>Elise beats up nidalee now
>we back at a 50.5 percent winrate this patch
>become superior early objective controller during drag update


How the fuck does Ryze lose to Teemo? Ryze is supposed to be a hard counter

every time.
every. single. time.


>Corki is dead

What did they do to him

For a pair to be rivals they have to recognize each other as somewhat equals. One can consider the other a rival, but if it is not reciprocated or acknowledged they are not rivals.

Ezreal is so far above dindu Ekko he wouldn't even give him a second glance.


Fucking, posted in last thread before I realised it died, like a spastic cunt.

How does hurricane on Lucian second sound? Obviously rageblade would be shit on him because the CDR from ER is too good, but hurricane as an alternative to shiv second sounds sicknasty since his waveclear is already solid.

Or is his range just too short, so he just can't ever end up utilizing the bolts like a Caitlyn can?

Yay now every jungler can be shit together! How fun!

Gag me with a fucking spoon. I wanna have some damn impact on the map instead of being a walking punching bag/ward bot

Fuck off.

>vayne, ekko, and teemo probably in skype call
>none of them build defensive items
>They die in less 5 seconds during fights
"Stop trolling"
Why cant vayne players use their heads

I want to make love to Kog'maw!

I am aware they share artists, but MtG employs a large number of artists and they're all different and incredible, as LoL art is on the way to becoming.

xth for help her

That's not a game reference, though. That's an anime one.

If you want to talk about tribute skins though, there are plenty. Warrior Princess Sivir is a ference to Xena, Headhunter Rengar is Predator, the Shurima galactic line is a tribute to Star Gate, Academy skins are a reference to multiple things from Harry Potter to anime, Sweetheart Annie is Carebears, Garbage Nunu is Seasame Street , Sandstorm Ekko is Prince of Persia and so on.

I finally got an S. Had to literally make 23 tributes to the Crab Gods, but I got one.

n-no bully... unless it's with tentacles or vines

> Every jungler is shit
> Not knowing that junglers are shit when compared to nidalee/kindred and the like because so much stronger than they are
You don't understand this whole balance thing do you?


>"Your team has X seconds to remake the game because a player dc'd and no kills occurred. Vote to end the game by typing /remake in chat. Only the dc'd player will take a loss. This vote can only occur once."


>"To protect high-tier competitive integrity, your remake would count as a loss because the dc'd player is in your premade"

That's some Innistrad shit.

>Literally being able to hit level 6 before solo laners next patch
>Not being able to make an impact on the game from there

Also what said. There's numerous junglers who can change the game but because of the likes of Nidalee/Kindred they never even get a chance to reach that point because they both shit on everyone for free.


>every champ deserves to have a 50% win rate guize!

I can't fucking wait for the wealth distribution. Oh baby!

bully tenderly and impregnate

>above Ekko

In terms of fame sure. Achievements, not so much. Creating a time-machine at 16 is pretty fucking phenomenal, while Ezreal came across his Shurima power glove by chance.

Would be interesting to see them run into each other in future lore, at least.

removed his bonus attack damage

dumb and wrong but im sure you know better than someone studying this stuff
got me with the smug anime face though tee hee :p

well the angel is sure but innistrad is about ghost werewolfs and vampires. the things that "bump in the night" as well.

kogmaw is literally a man inside a bug


You will never get to see Shyvana save Tristana and Lulu from trouble periodically, with them thanking her with warm hugs and cuddles, letting Shyvana know that her efforts are not in vain.

They've been trying to scale back Ezreal's involvement in lore because people were complaining that he was a Mary Sue. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't hear anything about him anytime soon.

I'm so into that shit, I wish they'd release more skins/champs like that.

You're not even trying anymore aren't you.

what southern asshole did you grow up in, where that is considered tender loving

>the headcanon of one faggot trumps your headcanon


Just no? It's not like Shiv is ridiculous on him, I'm not saying it'd be some ridiculous new thing, but seems silly that it's never even considered as an option on him.

Or are you just saying no because you don't see other people doing it, just like how people said anyone who bought a rageblade on Tristana was dumpster trash before Stixxay won with it?

Fucking finally

I'm not gonna lie, these skins and the art are pretty fuckin nice.

Also i was thinkin about buying the Singed and Kayle one but what's the winrate for em? I hardly see any Kayles or Singed top

>They've been trying to scale back Ezreal's involvement in lore because people were complaining that he was a Mary Sue. I

With the lore retcon, cant they just you know, retcon it? Pretty sure his current lore is outdated because of it. They can throw in some things to make him a not-sue.

It's about time this is being implemented.

anybody else hate this bullshit "argument fallacies" or whatever the fuck

it just ruins any healthy argument because you didn't "argue" right

it's so fucking garbage

High for autist singed mains, low for normal people. Only play him if you can dedicate a LOT of games to git gud at him
In the gutter after next patch

>PROJECT was a Tribute to Metal Gear

>putting a champion in the gutter just before or after releasing a skin for them

No Riot, this is not how marketing works.

I think this is as recently as the Aatrox lore event, but I can't really remember at what point the retcon actually happened. Still, Garen is their golden boy at the moment, so expect to see him shoehorned into more stuff where he doesn't belong for "muh ship".

Riot lore lead says he's a kid so he's a kid


there's always hope, with the growing number of talented animators out there...

Look up Raiden

kayle is okay top, but don't let her winrates on champion.gg fool you or whatever because that's mostly because of her mains

singed is in a similar situation as well, except he's a pretty bad champ

i would like to see a Diablo take on it

imaging this

Deckard Cain Ryze
Archangel Ekko/Lucian (Tyrael)
and what ever else you could imaging

Yeah man I can't wait for to play nothing but tank Gragas jungle or whatever meat bag jungler for the rest of the season after nid gets gutted. Fuck fun.

Kayle has a high winrate, she'll be completely fine after next patch, don't listen to the other guy. Singed has a decent winrate but has a weird playstyle that most people can't grasp.

Well, to be fair they do different things, because ezreal is a history/archaeology guy, expiring and trying to discover how things worked/were in the past, the power glove is just what gives him the capability to fight in the league. There's no easy way to compare what they've achieved because the lore doesn't really give you enough info (ekko has his time machine, ezreal has his maps). But I feel like if they did meet in the lore, it would be ekko who dislikes ez for what he represents, and ez dislikes ekko because he dislikes him. They can't really go too deep because they aren't really connected in any way besides the parallels that points out.