Fighting Games General /fgg/
who likes animal ears
What is the deepest/most complex fighting game and why?
2nd for Guile tomorrow or Wednesday
So what kind of squat routine do I have to do to get an ass like Mika's? I'm not gay, I just heard that girls are crazy about dude's asses and I wanna get their pussies
>Posting Iroha instead of Nakoruru
Always remember to work on hip mobility every day especially if you work a desk job and grind fighting games for hours at a time, /fgg/.
Can't even squat half what I used to when I was 19 what the fuck.
Are there any SFV lobbies open?
They would have announced him already if he was tomorrow so Japan would know ahead of time too. He's most likely friday at this point
Samsho2 because it has the deepest footsies
Is it just tradition to post non-fighting game stuff for the op here?
i just had to pick kazuya as a new player to tekken
why do all the other characters have to look like shit
Did you read the comic?
well he's gotta come out this week to make April
That is one sexy samurai
after ch df+2 is just practice. there's a visual cue to help: when the back knee of the opponent is about to touch the ground, hit forward/start the motion. otherwise just turn on hit analysis, use df+4 after ch df+2 to check when they'll stand so you know when the pewgf is supposed to hit.
for punishes, i wouldn't bother for -13, but you can aim for -14 with the same motion, as that gives you leniency. -15 should be pretty natural, at least for the common -15 moves.
V takes place after IV.
Would you say it's a good thing that only supers can win by chip damage? Having a disagreement with a friend.
iroha is from samsho
Google "Olympic weightlifting near me" or something similar and take classes. Oly lifters are the strongest niggas on the board and 100% of their lifts are done through the legs. Your ass will explode and so will your vertical. You see those little 5'8 Chinese dudes that are pulling 300+ pounds over their head just by jumping?
Last Blade 2 with tournament rules because it's very neutral based and the neutral is very high IQ
no chip death except for super is better
now you only get a guaranteed KO if you've full bar and they don't have v-reversal available, have to work a little harder to win
i don't like it. can't say whether it's good or bad.
>SFV is expected to sell 2 million copies
ruins fireball games against non-derp players if you don't have the life lead
they can literally just block it forever with no penalty, even if they can't negate that shit with v-skill
>no chip death except for super is better
Do you ever feel like you got caught by one of life's frame traps?
Iroha is from SamSho VI. Please play something besides SF for once in your life.
In a game that has no way to stop chip damage, yes.
GGs silent. You ever play inertia?
Why is this allowed?
GGs man. I have. Just not recently when he switched over to Alex.
What's wrong with it?
E-Ries too stronk pls nef.
Yeah, Veeky Forums
Silent you heading to work soon?
Cammy's story costume, spin knuckle, Union Station, taking screenshots at angles that don't appear in game, or just Cammy in general?
tfw no irl roll caskett waifu to save me from my mundane life
>2 1/2 months since release
>no rage quit fix
>no proper dinput support
>no netcode fix
>shop not working
>people dropping the game like flies
send help
Nope. I'm home all night.
You're not rich enough for Roll Casket
Why can't she wear pants?
Oh boy, just fought a bison with this weird orange costume that blended in with union station, I couldn't see him for shit.
This is why i only like the grid
>Can't even use the kermit right
Are kusogeshitters good for anything?
Zangief would be cool in Smash Bros.
Its been awhile, you up for SFV or 98 in 20?
If nothing else this game is an incredible argument against the "online platform" method of updating fighting games vs the traditional "just put out a new version" method
Games been out for ages and THIS is what they have to show for it? I can't even imagine a smaller publisher like arcsys or SNK doing this if fucking capcom can't even do it.
It only works for microsoft and KI because that company makes All Of The Money
Why is necalli more of a gorilla then mika?
Sure. Let me know which one you wanna play.
necalli isn't gorilla at all.
he's the most honest and highest IQ character in the game other than fang. if you lose to a necalli you got 100% outplayed.
dude his alex will make you contemplate suicide
>capcom can't even take advantage of their freemium model because they haven't been able to fix the fucking store 2 months in a row
>needs to sell 2 million units by the end of the year
wew lads, get ready for a blunder.
I know. I saw him play against Doug and Ghodere.
tfw lost to inertia 35 games in a row before i beat him twice
so Doug now that pisss is here who are the 4......
Is platinum the new cool kids club or am I doomed to always be in ~4100 lp
your mum m8 lmao
Why am I good at Pokken but not SFV
Different games.
You should play his alex, i honestly think it's the best here
I dunno senpai, we go pretty even in our sets
pokken is honest and doesn't have autopilot 50% combos using v-trigger super or 50/50 meme mixups
it also has actual projectile game instead of meme rushdown 24/7
It worries me we won't get anymore DLC characters which would suck
how do I play nash
yeah he is hella good. i'm surprised at how well i do vs him
i dunno, they're might not be a season 2, or it will be reduced.
>pokken is honest and doesn't have autopilot 50% combos
>he hasn't played against garchomp
You think?
I take that as an insult friendo.
Who won the Doug versus Chariot ST fight and how close was it
Do the gorilla mash
I main pillow GIRL, beni, kyo.
from what i played yeah, he's the best alex i fought. Always manages to keep me on my toes. He's a really solid player desu
>win all the tournaments
best ways to farm FM?
anyone want to play a quick sf5 set?
midwest, cfn: instrumental
what's a cool/cute name with fox in it
Foxanne if that's too on the nose for you
Finish survival mode using the trainer
Thanks guy, I try.
Even after all the sets I run vs all the other Karins in /fgg/ you seem to give the most trouble.
Perfect amount of spacing and aggression.
If you are up still in an hour I'd love to run a set before it gets real late.
i wanna sniff dat hairy asshole
just counted
doug- 14
chariot- 9
I should be available then yeah
how the fuck do i do chun lis bnb with sbk instead of lightning legs?
I can do it if i skip the stmp for some reason but if i include the stmp i can never get sbk off.
Am i not charging long enough? How many frames do you have to charge to get a charged move out?
Don't forget the rage quit "fix" sounds like utter dogshit.
Supposedly if you have a high rate of disconnects you get a time out. Based on their previous statement about the issue they consider 80%+ ratios of disconnects to be "abusers".
>all the people floe is making rage quit with Mika
im disappointed in both of them somehow
wait you mean chun isn't actually easy like everyone in this general says?
ft5? please?
Sfv eu anyone?
tfw paul bearer will never escort me to the EVO top 8 stage
If I push kick too early for cannon strike will it come out when im the minimum height?
For playing ST
Where do you rank Tsumuji in the rest of the Karins in /fgg/?
Haven't fought prl or diaper in a while, but I rank him above prl.
chun is extremely easy you guys are just terrible
I fucking wish, ive been playing with her for 2 months and i still cant do shit like instant head stomp, this bnb, and i fuck up ial a 3rd of the time.