void husbando edition
void husbando edition
Other urls found in this thread:
This one is nicer.
I agree.
Illaoi is cute.
xth for he frog guy (oc do not steal)
best guy
best hair
best adc
xth for lonely vg lurkers posting sexually
riven is a fucking garbage ass hero jesus what went so fucking wrong
what a worthless bitch
>contestfags BTFO
who /notplayingtill6.9/ here?
Beyond done with this shit meta
>tfw detecting the presence of scum in URF
>some fagface playing shit like ezreal or lee sin thinks they're invincible and can bully you like they do everyone else
>the rage in /all after you give them the gift of eternal pain
Can't wait until next URF weekend so I can do it again.
>how to deal with tanks
For you retarded adcs
1. Your Rank
2. Your main role(s) and champs.
3. Rate your Micro-Game 1-10 (cs, trading)
4. Rate your Macro-Game 1-10 (map awareness, objective control)
5. Rate your Emotional Control 1-10 (raging, giving up)
riven is such a great champion jesus everything is so right
prefect waifu
everything went better than expected.jpg
Lets try this again in the right thread..
Just started playing, is Sivir a good idea to git gud with first, or any advice?
xth for Cute Vi
"I'm waiting for the good days now"
>program soraka is literally hotdogging herself
I don't think i've ever been this erect desu
1. Silver II
2. Top/Mid and Nautilus/Malphite/Vel'Koz/Ahri
3. 4
4. 7
5. 8
Beyond busted in teamfights. Early burst damage +ult, late game cleave + ult
sivir is meta right now and a lot of people underestimate her damage at all points of the game
p3 after a fairly long break
top, sion
how she just does fucking nothing and is just worthless 90% of games
hey man i got my trip hacked
Why does soraka even get to heal as much as she does? Wasn't rito gutting sustain across the board just a year ago? Now all Soraka has to do is stand 1500 units away from you and heal her entire team to full every 2-3 seconds.
1. Silver 4
2. everything but top, warwick, xerath, twitch and blitz
3. Never lost lane 8
4. Occasionally lose sight of mid or forget who's fed and who's not. Reliant on pings 6
5. Only the most cancerous fags make me play worse, usually /mute all 8
When does this game get hard?
>tfw on a long loss streak
why is plat 5 such a hellhole
>silver v
>mid/supp, lux and malz/lulu and bard
am new tho
>annie is "zoning" us by walking around mastery taunting with the stun buff on
>while lucian and i are just chilling at our tower, him afk farming and me poking her and vayne from 5 miles
>2-0 them in a close fight
>2-0 them again
>each of us have more damage than both vayne and annie combined by end of game
>lucian just goes off whenever liss gets a good engage in
>lucian goes off on annie post-game too
i didn't think he'd be a toxicbro he didn't say much all game :^)
because her heal isn't sustain
if she's casting heal then she's losing a shitload of health and she is tied for the lowest natural health regen in the game.
plat is true hell
Good deal. I'll keep trying then. Spellshield is so shit to use when you don't know 99% of heros moves in the game is my main issue now. I seemed to do better with jinx as a scub but kek at 6300 or whatever points to get her yet
>Silver Surfer
>Top and Mid
>8, i'm pretty stable most of the time, never type anything that isn't game related
plat 5
top/jg, nasus/irelia/vlad/shyvana
4 atm because I'm on a loss streak/tilted
Gold III
Top, Gnar and Illaoi
>literally dynamic queue "stack" her placements
come on, mint, that's just asking for ridicule
1. D4
2. jung/adc/mid kindred/reksai jhin viktor/talon
3. 7 as jungle, 7 as adc, 5 as mid
4. 7
5. depends on mood, if im doing relatively well for the day I can have 4 team mates raging at everything and be calm and try to keep everybody together, so like 9 then. if I lost a couple games I think I didnt deserve to lose then Ill give up for anything, support playing poorly in lane, a lane not flashing forward on a gank for a kill, anything. so probably like a 2 or 3
>silver 2 (just finished placements for the season)
>Urgot. Urgot.
>those scores
>when does this game get hard?
>silver 4
For the user who requested Diana
Im sorry for taking so long, pc freezing and me not knowing how to draw humans...
>S4 100 LP
>have no motivation to play
I want this tank shit to be over. I'm sick of playing shit like Poppy and J4.
J4's my main too. Tired of him already
Has anyone tried 2 damage items to full tank on Yasuo?
Actually scratch that, make 2 and 3 both a 5, and my main on top is Irelia, however i don't play ranked right now as i'm trying to learn Irelia for top and Kayle for mid better currently, doing drafts
I hope i can git gud desu senpai
Yes, but it involves playing yasuo so it's trash
thats more or less how you should be playing him
just because it's "tank meta" doesn't mean you have to play tanks. there are plenty of other roles other than top. just play mid jung adc.
Absolutly no
Sivir has her E to block skillshoots and you can use your Ult to run away, also she has a insane wave clear
If you wanna go Adc start with Ashe
You will have to learn to cs and not make mistakes with her because if you do that, you're dead 100%
After you learn to positionate,cs and teamfight then you can pass to easier champs like Ezreal or Lucian
Spellshield is honestly meh in 80% of cases. It's more of a poke counter. Lets her position slightly better, but overall its her weakest skill. Same thing with nocts, his spell shield is awful since so much will bust it.
She doesn't hurt herself that much, considering she never really enters the fight up close since she can just stand at 1500 range and heal battery rejuving up throught the miniscule self damage. Nor does the damage to herself really matter, since I doubt league has hp removal, so its probably magic damage to herself in which case its resisted.
Not him but yo this is cute af. I like her eye markings especially. Keep going senpai.
>implying you can do any better
Certainly not playing ranked till 6.9.
So fun playing against tanky fucks who deal a lot of damage.
it's relative to your rank you mong
obviously if i was playing diamond i would rate myself 2 in everything or maybe not because ive never played them
I played with friends most of the time, but they're all in bronze and silver too
so no one's being 'boosted' if that's the accusation you're making
we're all bad
ain't no pr
>DLift and Burgerson playing DS3
>Burgerson has his own outfit, 2 handing a FUGS
>making good progress
>can constantly hear DLift screeching rage at the game while wearing the fucking knight set
>only leveling vigor, still dies 10x more than bjerg
This shit is fucking hilarious
woops ignore that last line
/pol/ needs its own containment video game
If there's one positive of TSM losing it's getting to see these two clowns stream. DL is so hilariously passive agress and toxic I can't help but watch.
>Gankr YOLQ (TF): who takes barrier on fizz
top kek that made me laugh
how is that pol.
I wish these were their original splashes and their story reworked
Are you currently doing/taking requests atm?
But user I see everyone building him like an adc. Was Yasuo just a mistake at making a fighter that turned into an assassin?
Fuck i know it's not that funny but this is the best thing
I haven't had much luck with Ashe yet. Her single target seems betteris but I miss sivirs and jinxs aoe for minions when I try. Maybe I'll mix her in some though.
Hey friendo.
Plat here, don't worry which champ you play starting off, it's the least important factor at low elo.
Just find someone you ENJOY playing as, because if anything will help you, it's playing the same champ consistently.
It's just one less factor to deal with while you're trying to learn the core foundations of the game.
he only needs 3 damage items at most to dps effectively, his player base is just retarded teleports behind you tryhards that think they are invincible and go 1/12/3
he's melee and entire playstyle involves dashing around in melee range so skipping defensive options is to channel your inner retard
>darshan knows aviator irelia is the best irelia skin
based af.
the enemy giving them free pot shots
you also don't know what your AD is so you're getting zero CS under turret, you mana if you have to but GET that CS
you're also playing scared, which is what happens when you know someone is better than you, and another reason why playing against good players doesn't always help you get better
outside of the replay I saw your builds and they're ALWAYS the same
stop that, build according to what you're facing, maybe a bit of early defense? and velkoz has some good base values and meh scaling, get sorc shoes for more UMF in your hits, especially since mpen is hard to come by
learn match ups, I see you attempting to harass WW in lane
WW has great sustain and won't run out of health before you run out of mana, especially if you keep missing, so aim for where he'll be and not where he is
don't use mana to push the lane unless you plan on backing, when the enemy laner appears you're SOL and he in top condition, if you've pushed it in, look to gank another lane instead of tickling your ass and waiting for the next wave
combo your CC, if you're not confident it'll land. let the jungler start the CC and chain yours into theirs
this one is personal preference but DON'T leave a low health team mate buy themselves when they're trying to retreat when your own health is full, WW was only level 5 so he could maybe scratch you up but he won't kill you, the same can't be said for elise who was at half health
if you stood your ground and auto attacked him, she might have been able to fight with you and you both could have killed him, or elise might have gotten to safety with more health
replay froze so I had to restart, i'm a few minutes in, you're level 6
you keep missing a LOT of CS, learn your AD and check how much minions have, don't just keep auto attacking and how something sticks
if you're playing vel'koz, you need to learn him
but i'm bronze 5 so take this with a grain of salt. cont.
I've never been more happy to see a champion gutted, fuck Kindred. Level 2 ganks are fkn garbage and belong there ever since they got gutted in s3
>you PC bro
top kek
Can you do this in League?
what non meta roles you enjoy to play as lolg??
Xerath Support[/spoiler
Brand Jungle
does Aurelion Sol Passive stars each hit triggers Hunters Talisman??
you know what, stick with Jinx and Sivir
They're so much simpler and stronger :)
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
what is zac
No, talisman gives regen over time for each monster hit, hitting the same monster again just refreshes the regen.
>he watches south park
Why does Annie keep posting here
>Want to play kassadin in urf, the only place he can be good
>tell captain to ban fizz, he laughs
>flash forward to lv 6, I'm unstoppable
>Get focused hard, blink away like a bitch
>see you jizzbags later
>something is fucking gaining on me
>fizz pole hops faster than I blink
Good riddance URF
lulu a cute
yeah and shaco is a good jungler
more news at 11
Best feeder.
remember, if you cannot climb, its your fault. youre the only constant
>silver 3 trash
>talking about climbing
im replying to bait
bronze 5? or silver2, I forget, I don't play a lot of ranked
top jungle support, pretty even, champs are shaco, Vi, eve jungle, tryndamere, teemo top, poppy, elise support
6.5/10 for CS 7/10 for trading
5/10 for map awarness 8/10 for objective control
10/10 if I'm alone, 8/10 if I'm queueing with Veeky Forums, 3/10 if I queue with my RL friend
I know when a game is lost, but I don't just surrender if it looks bad, I never rage
holy fuck did Braum feed them all the kills on a silver plate?
>falling behind as Karma
feels so bad man
To keep anonymousity. He probably has a deviantart anyway.
>Kindred gutted
Never One
Without the other
Hey guys, what color is my Maserati?
>newfags won't know this
Does lux have a stun? I was using my Q to root but the jinx kept telling me to stun
getting late and I have work tomorrow so I'll leave it at that, I didn't get to see past the 16 minute mark because this shit replay thing froze again
get baronreplays, its better
Yes. as it happens, jhin was incapable of dodging a single volley or braum Q so he was pushed out of lane every 2nd wave and left braum to roam
How's my build?
noxian pls fuck off
>just stand at 1500 range and heal battery
>Soraka healing
the fuck are you talking about
If you manage to land Q+E+Ult on the same target, it will usually stun them for an extremely long time, then send them back to their fountain when the stun wears off. You also get gold for doing it.
No, all Lux has in terms of CC is the root from her Q and the slow while enemies are inside her E.. Your Jinx was most likely new at the game.