/gbfg/ - Granblue Fantasy General #185

Anchira Anchira Anchira edition

>This Month (April) Events Schedule

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning


>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Info

>Japanese Wiki

Other urls found in this thread:


erun thread

>was going to build Sarasa
>turns out all the posts depicting her as cute and waifu material were just doujin tier headcanon once the English patch came out

Good thing I didn't waste my gold bar yet, time to build Siete for esports like I originally planned instead of getting cucked out of my materials falling for the waifu meme doraf

>The casual guild is ranked #14

So why are you not ranked higher than a casual guild?

Jeanne alone is worth the suffering of starting as light.

>still thinks casual/hardcore has any meaning in a p2w game

But they don't even have whales, its just a bunch of casual people

Go away, Takeuchi.

Post it again, I don't think everyone in the world has read it yet.



>Hating a character for having an actual personality instead of being generic waifu number infinity

You don't deserve Sarasa.

Fuck off faglord.

>Actual personality

Where is he hiding it?

>cake cake cake
>I wanna be the strongest

How hard are these to get?


While Sarasa doesn't have the best personality, these people only want characters to unconditionally love them no matter what because no one else loves them. What did you expect?
Characters must have no personality outside of "I love the player!"

>making things up to fit your narrative
user fuck off desu.

What are we supposed to see here? That you're too lazy to shit on them so you post a screenshot of them talking in the thread?

It's kinda sad really.

>all three elements got their main 4* summon
Anat 4* when?

To get the SR weapon you want as a drop? Yes. Since they drop at random
Craft and lb it with casino bars.



Nataku is dual element summon user, I'm talking about wind main summon.

Oh shit, Wata posting his proud extreme speedrun at xie's discord. Wew :^)
Someone notice this attention whore.


>Too scared to shit on him where he can see it
>Post it on /gbfg/ instead

Here, I'll give you attention. Are you happy now?

You did already

5* when

link please onegai suru

She's next but

What's wrong with it

Fuckkk everything in this game moves so quickly. I wouldn't mind the grind if you had a month or so, but a week pretty much forces you to go into neet mode if you want anything good

holy shit proto bahamut's theme

my sides


That's Falz for you

Moar granblue figs and gks

>each box has over 1000 things
>that's 2000 tickets per box if your luck is shit
>8000 tickets overall
>8000 ap in a week

I'm probably too much of a shitter to MLB my GW weapon this time around.

>8000 ap in a week
Very doable.


just hit rank 30, is it a good idea to host raids, even when i do piss poor damage compared to everyone else that joins in? I just feel useless doing debuffs on the boss

Yes. It tells you so in the guide which you should read.

You pretty much just want to tag omegas at that rank, you still get stuff but hosting gives you a red chest which has a higher chance of giving you good shit. Also you need an anima to host, you get one for free for doing the hard version 3 times daily

Ah, alright. Im just wondering because i hosted 2 event raids so far on Unite and fight against the Dimorphodon, and im not sure if i should skip it or not since a lot of people join in and kick ass while i barely do 80k overall damage on hard, im only really in it for the tickets and not sure if people care eitherway if im not doing much or not.

Why haven't you embraced the full Erun team yet?

>Money to whale
>No money to upgrade this lagging piece of shit

just missing metera or this would be my team

Just upgrade your baha dagger bruh

so im kinda new was wondering how to start making my weapon pool not worthless

by reading the guide

Man, monkey is kinda cute.

Wish I was that strong

That's pretty weak for wind.

>There will be an update please read the announcement for details.
>The contents of the announcement are notifying you that there will be an update

start by reading the guide

It says it's a bugfix senpai.

>This new 4koma
Aliza being the fire limited is almost confirmed now


Aliza who

So what's the stat stick for this GW?

Stan is dark so

NTR event soon

Wish they'd at least rerun the old event so I could get the SR.

What's all in the update? All I can make out is something regarding Pengy

It's pretty sad that that team has the same killing speed as my dirt team, but I guess that's what happens when you have to set up before you do anything. Totes cute team though and he'd shit on me in a longer fight as long as he didn't fuck up Korwa's buff extensions.


>earth, dark, wind
She might be light.

I hate my guild. These lazy motherfuckers barely even contribute. Most of our contribution comes from our gm and me, highest and lowest rank respectively.

>Superstar when you have Korwa

dirt sucks and has no buffs

Hello noflip

Still kill EX dog in 2~3 minutes tops. Not that that is anything to brag about considering how trivial EX dog is and that I can dirt buncle through it. EX+ still scares me shitless.

DB86B660. Extreme Allo

Is she a virgin?

So what are you expecting to roll in this months legfest?

What do you think

How the hell do you think she got into the idol business?


No way


Ferri, Albert, Sophia, and Lucifer.

I'm saving my crystals for limiteds

9 R + 1 SR

Sophia would be great but I want Vira for various reasons.

>rolling for legfest
>not saving for the next broken limited with a one day nerf and refund

barely have enough gems for 1 pull, will probably save them for summer version characters or next limited character.

This man is the source of all evil

Do not believe his lies

Well aren't you in luck, considering it's coming up now

Where can I get Athena


She drops off Grande.

She's stingier than Chev, though

You can craft her by collecting 100 Athena Animas

Just going to wait until next limited character.

Is Bounter Hunter 3 broken for anyone else? Just casting Lv 1 for some reason.


>they managed to break Treasure Hunter with last update
just fucking how

You know it's not a guaranteed chance it'll increase the level right

So I can't get her on her raid? That sucks.