Fighting Games General /fgg/
Other urls found in this thread:
1st for super bronze faggots crying about chun
What is the deepest/most complex fighting game and why?
5th for chun li mid tier
Are servers down?
Yum yum remember to swallow down that Capcock cum!
>Servers still down
The rumor is that they're adding Guile/Money shop now
I agree that Alex sucks but he does have oki off powerbombs, it's just expensive to get operational is all.
>be an 09er
>someone does a + on block move
>mash buttons constantly in response before, during and right after the move
>get hit
shit game, why should I have to stop my honest footsies game of constantly throwing out random normals? waiting to attack is dishonest
Guile yes money shop doubt
[exclusive peek at the new balance changes coming at ya in season two]
my dad works for combofiend's wife's son
Air Stampede
- Hitbox widened and moved to Alex's feet.
- LK/MK/HK frame advantage on block changed from -5 to -4.
MP Power Bomb
- Knockdown advantage on opponent quick rise changed from +15f to +20f.
HP Power Bomb
- Knockdown advantage on opponent quick rise changed from +15f to +20f.
EX Power Bomb
- Knockdown advantage on opponent quick rise changed from +15f to +21f.
Power Drop (back-turned Power Bomb)
- Damage change from 126 to 130.
- Knockdown advantage on quick rise changed from +6f to +15f.
EX Power Drop (back-turned Power Bomb)
- Damage change from 72*90 to 80*90.
LK Air Knee Smash
- Startup changed from 6f to 5f.
EX Air Knee Smash
- Startup changed from 6f to 4f.
Flying Cross Chop (d+HP at apex forward jump)
- When blocked Alex rolls through the opponent. (frame advantage on block unchanged)
Crouching HP
- Startup changed from 12f to 10f.
- Hitbox/Hurtbox adjustment to make trades with jump-ins less common.
>expecting that much from capcom
the servers are just fucked.
and we already know the money shop isn't coming this month since they said that Guile is going to be free like Alex.
all powerbombs are +15f on opponent quick rise
alex's dash is 19f
there is no actual mixup lol
they're not adding guile are they? the servers simply shit themselves didn't they?
I want to eat Guile's pasta hair
Motherfucker don't even joke about making stomp safer, gief already can't punish anything else he does with anything but a jab
>gib me free spd
fuck off
did those anons settle if chun's IAL can be done from a f.jump
>every SF5 tournament will end with Infiltration beating Tokido
we are in the darkest timeline
Aid they don't add guile I'm dropping the fuck out of this game
infil for life nigger
>the worst character in the game can't punish something
>tfw the 2 ch daigo thread is shitting on daigo non stop
>jiyuna wants to do a ft5 daigo vs tokido set on beastv and they think its daigo's idea to prop himself up
>now he's getting shit on some more
Those faggots are ruthless. They're basically r kappa on roids except they're shitting on daigo
yes a complete fucking autist got BTFO when he posted a "foward jump" IAL when it reality it was just him dashing up and doing a neutral jump. He then tries to backpedal "h-h-hey guys i was trolling all of this time haHAA"
ew he actually got that close to marn
I hope he wins all the tournaments. He deserves it Tbh
No, you got it backwards, the other guy who was posting got BTFO after he posted another webm with inputs where he combo'd after forward jump IALL.
Is there anything better than the ol' Murderface getting put in his place?
>not liking Infiltration
Why is Lei Lei so popular in VSav on Fightcade?
Are the servers back up yet?
why play vsav at all when only cheatbox and keyboard users still play 'cause they can do babby mode IADs?
>Tournaments end with the best player beating the second best player
This is a bad thing?
Why does the FGC do this? Daigo has been a top player almost nonstop since the 90s. Do people really expect him to be amazing forever? So fucking what if he's slowed down in his play?
Any time he loses people immediately start screaming washed up
Fucking pathetic cunts. I guess it's good to see it iisn't just the western FGC acting like that
the best Lei Lei player on Fightcade plays with stick though
and only four characters can IAD
and why would I care if someone uses a keyboard it's not like having a lower execution barrier for IAD makes you good at the game
>Some random Korean guy out of nowhere beats everyone by spending most of his time in the training mode
How can you not love him
t. hildr damage control
Daigo has been exposed as a false prophet. Japan has to rest their hopes and dreams on Tokido now.
You get a mix-up off meaty LK elbow if you have meter. You can also argue meaty elbow or dash is a mix-up in the same way Laura's use it. It's mileage is up for debate.
Bonchan and Gamerbee had Infil beat tbqh, they just had bad luck and choked
Infil barely scraped by this time, everyone else is already catching up.
I'm not hildr
>infiltration downloads their gimmicks
>bad luck
Haitani is better than GamerBee too, he would have won that.
why the FUCK wasn't Haitani invited.
>match against ryu
>round starts
>dashes 5 times in the first 3 seconds
o boy here we go
t. hildr
why do you guys invent so much /dumb stuff to complain about
do you do it for the (You)'s?
Nips are salty af because their "god" doesn't stand a chance against gaijin(It's actually even worse because he's Korean. Literally every nip hates Koreans)
hildr doesn't use >de hippie spacing
thats pretty much it. also filling up with retard eternal-silvers that genuinely agree with the made up shit.
>Literally every nip hates Koreans
That's not true.
I wish this place wasn't ass for discussion
xrd for narcy!
>That's not true
You have no idea.
>You get a mix-up off meaty LK elbow if you have meter.
how so?
>You can also argue meaty elbow or dash is a mix-up in the same way Laura's use it. It's mileage is up for debate.
19f dash is about as fast ryu's overhead, which is reactable already. add the startup frames of whatever you're doing and its definitely reactalbe.
Who are these animes?
will Capcom ever fix this game or will it always be shit? 8 frames of input lag is literally unplayable
He has st.lp as a solid anti-air.
Who do you consider top tier?
This guy below actually names them so I can imagine how it would go.
I'll give you stomp, it's garbage outside of EX since you can neutral jump it(not get hit either) and punish it hard. At least his EX I think hits in the air, is hard to react to and on block can go into LP powerbomb.
st lp only works from close to close-mid range
further than that and you need to ex knee or cr hp and hope you're in time and don't trade
i demand combofiend buffs R. Mika's ex peach to be +1 on block and invincible or i'm going to break into his office and shit all over everything
I was just testing some ideas I had.
Nevermind. It's not really feasible as a BnB mix-up and is more of a gimmick to whip out occasionally.
In regards to reacting to his dash. It's not that easy. 19f is a hard reaction, made harder by the fact that you have to differentiate it from LK elbow which is also a fast forward moving action.
xD me too bro im so random!
lets poop into each others butt back and forth then do it together!
its definitely not easy and borderline a guess online but in high level offline matches its not going to fly
EX stomp doesn't hit out of the air.
Stomp only has very few advantages. If you have a hard read on a fireball you can punish with it, but you're talking a risk because it's punishable on block. Except EX which is safe on block but not plus. Finally it results in an untechable knockdown that has set-ups to do meaty fHP.
Because of it's janky as fuck hitbox I feel headbutt is a better option in the vast majority of places.
I demand that combofiend buffs necalli's ex. charge to be +1 on block and invincible or i'm going to break into his office and devour-our-our everything.
fHP is decent for far jumps but it's hard to use.
Has it really been 3 years since Free! was first announced?
Still going strong!
he and tokido are unlikely to be at stunfest due to sf crash
Your character is already top tier, you don't need something that fucking stupid. Nobody in the game should have something that dumb. We don't need another Yun EX punch into positive frames.
What is the best karin reaction image?
EX Stomp is +2 on block.
All of the Stomp hitboxes are on his shins and do not extend passed them.
Also Stomp has a whopping 2 active frames.
Nuki will be there.
is that guy what this meme is based off of?
You're considering crouching forward hp, right? I can't see that trade at all.
Also lariat is a viable alternative for those jumps, 10f startup.
EX Stomp is definitely plus on block, it's +2.
Headbutt has at least good average grab range, so I agree.
Oh you're right. I thought it was -2 for some reason. Man I wish it was 3, that would be extremely useful.
The one where she doesn't have Ken's f+mk.
What are you talking about bruh he totally needs it. It's not as if he just recently took half the spots of a top 8 or anything. Chill mang.
>3frame standing and crouching jabs
>Meterless DP
>Best CC normals in the game next to Bison
>Great dash
>V-trigger makes him the best character in the game and gives him a godlike dash
>Command grab
>Both command and BOTH normal grabs lead into meaty set-ups against quick-rise where he can grab you again
>High as shit damage like most of the cast
No, he doesn't need it. "He didn't take half the spots at top 8" doesn't mean you need to give a character yet another amazing tool.
You could tell his post was in jest, yes?
don't tell me you are going to pretend to be retarded now
Literally no excuse to be playing SFV
>Crouching forward HP
Not him but what is this? Does he get different versions of his cHP by pressing different directions?
What if you like street fighter tho
Does going super saiyan make any of Necallis unsafe moves safe?
more like
>4000+ entrants at EVO
>Capcom Pro Tour events
Literally no excuse to NOT be playing SFV
You be sad that Capcom rushed half a game out the door
Not on PC
Only an idiot would be using windows 10
Not on PC
Not on PC and also looks shit
Yes, downback hp is for close jumps, down hp for close-mid downforward for mid
scour toolassisted's twitter for the video or look it up on yt