Vayne is top qt but I wish heartseeker looked better ingame edition
League of Legends general - /lolg/
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xth for kat a best
Lategame Azir is about the closest thing in this game to an auto win.
why aren't lol patchnotes ths clean? massive changes without much context to let the players do what they want with the new stuff. meanwhile riot writes two paragraphs to justify a 0.1 ratio change on corki.
unless the other team has a kassadin
because riot fucking loves buzzwords and that way they can make up new buzzwords
you know, like clarity, or strength consistency, or powergaps, or decision space, all that kind of shit
Because Dota has a much smaller balance team that doesn't feel like they need to justify every single change they make, whereas Riot's balance team LITERALLY needs to justify every change they make because they're a part of a larger team.
>Intelligence now increases your spell damage by 1% per 16 Intelligence points.
Can you say OUTHOUSE DEFLOWERER? Because I sure can!
>weird dream concludes with a fist-sized wasp-faced bumble bee buzzing around me
well that's one way to wake up in the morning
shame league is unplayable until the evening for all the chinese and vietcong
send help
lategame kassadin is also fucking ridiculous
good thing he got gutted
literally from 50% to 42% winrate
>tfw Bandlebro still hasn't brought Scuttlebug and Rift Scuttler together
Why even live?
>plat, but relaxing with a normal
>lose game
>silver top laner giving me tips after game
if there's ever a patch note people have overreacted to it's that one, if you build the most intelligence you can (you won't) it's about a 13% damage increase
>work ends at 3
>get to finish my placements and start the climb
does that guy who drew the really bad Lulu have a name or contact info?
Oh. RIP in piss. Is Silencer still a hilariously OP pubstomper at least?
still havent played rank because i was waiting for solo
its never coming back is it
tfw nobody dodges and I already dodged
>Counter Helix damage type from Physical to Pure
>Counter Helix damage reduced from 100/135/170/205 to 90/120/150/180
Imagine if riot just said "darius Q base damage down by 25 but it's now true damage" and left it at that.
>99% of the time have brain damaged teammates
>at least can sort of carry in jungle most of the time because devourer
>find jungle really really boring
>13% damage increase
WHEW LADS! Stand aside for one-half of Veil.
Riot are a bunch of narcissists. Like Riot Lyte, the narcissist. I mean just look at the name (I am the light!).
>Haven't played very much recently
>Trying to learn a new champion
>Lose lane to a silver
>Get flamed
I tried league for the first time. Got hooked for about a week until I realised, realistically, you have a pool of about 15 champions. Boast 100 and change champions is meaningless when the vast majority of them are signficantly handicapped against champs like Yasuo, Zed, Rengar et cetera.
It's literally a case of: These champions get xteen different get out of jail free cards, and at least one instagib, the rest of you can go get fucked.
>Yasuo on our team
>Kassadin and Maokai on their team
What is the better Ezreal build if you're below challenjour, blue or the regular reaver build.
yeah league really isn't worth playing unless a group of friends drag you into it and really they'd be awful people to do that.
>playing adc
>support is floating around me
>not doing a whole lot
>get engaged on
>get a doulbe kill
>support gets no assists
>repeat twice more
>take tower
>support still with me
>while the enemy support is now roaming
>tell our support to start roaming while i farm and split push
>tells me "I need to say with you because you are adc"
>enemy adc manages to play incredibly safe
>farms up and catchs up in levels
>kills support
>support afks after blaming me while I was in base
I wish they told you when your key drop chance resets
After 4 keys it has to be very close to 0% to get another fragment (I played 50+ 5-man urfs with no drops)
>complains about jungle being boring
gee, I dont know user.
>still playing this shit game while it's in its current state
Why are Ionian women top tier waifu material, /lolg/? And what makes them so perfect?
Pic related; she is one of them.
How do I play twich?
>have a WW as a jungler
>"please no ww jungle..."
>jungler:"u mad?"
>mid:"you mad?"
>"ww is archaic and has horrible ganks, you won't do anything"
>jungler:"ww has one of the best ganks with his ulti"
>mid:" yeah lol"
ww did nothing but farm all game and use Q once or twice in teamfights.
why do people pick this piece of shit?
Play safe during lane.
Have a decent sense of when a teamfight is about to start.
Wait a few beats before going into teamfight, try to flank with stealth if possible.
>>jungler:"ww has one of the best ganks with his ulti"
but he was right
When can we expect to see those Zed nerfs go up on pbe?
Will playing against high elo players teach me to play really well because they're strong opponents or will it teach me nothing because they're so far out of my league and I'll just be dead most of the game?
only if you are retarded enough to let him litterally walk up to you and even then you just qss it
Does Syndra's Ult count as several hits, or just a single big hit?
Asking in regards to its interaction with Galio's shield.
>game crashes in loading
>says i don't have connection
>i'm listening to an online stream, obviously have connnection
>restart game third time
>load in
>12th minute
>enemy team goes tryhard to fuck me over
>jungle+mid ganks to our bot, all use flashes ultimates ignites to fuck me up
>i end up 1/7/1
>everyone flames me
>surr at 24
>end screen, can see everyone already go "report user, fucking afk noob troll"
>pop-up makes me type "I agree" to not leave games anymore because it ruins the fun for others
farm wolves all game.
What is his best build for him?
Liandry's is fucking worthless so long as it has %current health damage.
Bug has been around since the Zed patch on the PBE, has been reported countless times and has never been acknowledged by Riot ever.
Don't you just love this game?
Well quit ruining all the fun user and that wouldn't happen
>It's a vayne thread
You'll probably learn less.
The one thing a high elo player can show you is what's possible.
Which is cool, but the foundations of the game you learn with time.
For example I remember the first time I saw an Irelia Ult a minion wave so she could get resets on her dash.
It had never before occurred to me that it could be used in that manner, though it seem obvious now.
If its normals than it literally does not matter.
Diamonds/Challengers almost always play horrendously during normals. You'll learn nothing of worth.
If its ranked than
>boosting just to lose games against higher skilled opponents
>seeing a Cait chase someone and fire her net backwards into thin air to close the gap
>see graves do the same
Keep in mind you can't reconnect while your teammates are on loading screen
you aren't going to have a qss ready when he reaches six
Dog champ when?
>Red Team background is blue
>Blue Team background is red
nasus says hi
You should try and kill more players next time.
>Support Cassiopeia does 53k damage
>le kills win games
>cass will never have old miasma base damage back
>want to play her as support so bad but miasma is useless for damage without 800 ap
So despite the crap ping I had on the PBE, new Vlad is pretty fun. The connection went to hell before I could build my third item and I was in a bot game but funs were had.
They still need to tune him though.
I don't like how important Crimson rush is and yet how little control you have over it and how tiny the opportunity window is.
And other things but this struck me as annoying.
play her as supp right now for freelo until 6.9 comes around :^)
Reminder that if you don't start in atleast platinum after provisionals you are trash
>He thinks warwick is bad
>go 9-1 and get stuck in gold 3 due to 4v5
You have the devils own luck to not have any 4v5s in 10 games.
Are the Zed nerfs coming out today?
feels good
post em and rate em
I hope you meant PUT and not STUCK
Am I the only one, /lolg/?
>I absolutely hate it when a streamer with a fanbase consisting of bronzelords with ravenous hunger for elo drag my waifu into the spotlight through a meme build until she gets nerfed, or gutted (worse case scenario)
>That many deaths on yasuo with that high winrate
Silver or bronze?
I might not have played 4v5, but I had a lot of 1v9 games
Big girls a best
who are you talking about?
why is graves using his E to close the gap bad?
is shen's blue buttplug coming out of Zed tonight?
>Riot releases a champion that has been over 40% ban rate since release
Oh geez, better never fucking nerf him
>tfw you grew old playing league of legends when you should have been conditioning your body for mixed martial arts, learning to draw and practicing your writing
Feels bad anons.
Plat 2
I'm talking about my Tristana, friend.
Anyone got some lewd foxes to share?
Kill me, i'm lost my promo 3 times in a row.
>Most of the League roster is significantly handicapped against Zed, Yasuo, Rengar
Babby's first fed carry?
Play a tank, build Thornmail, watch that they literally kill themselves by attacking you.
who picks singed
>antifun incarnate
Also, I fucking hate playing Zed and only play him if Kayle / Yasuo get taken
>good player on the ultimate funsucker
ragequit / 10
Morning guys
The Suggestion list was updated last night. We got about 20 new ideas, but we still need quite a few more. If you don't see something you like, I encourage you to send in your ideas to [email protected]
The full list of ideas is here: eyosongive.us
>LeBlanc's winrate AND pickrate increasing
>no direct buffs, not even many metagame trends favouring her
>games slowly getting longer, especially with the mage update next patch
What the hell is going on?
she's not shit.