Blade & Soul General - /bnsg/

No embeds Edition

Current Update: Silverfrost Mountains

>What server will most of /bnsg/ be playing on?
Mushin/Poharan is for NA
Jiwan is for NA RP
Windrest is for EU
Ebon Hall is for EU RP

/bnsg/ Clans Info

>Steam Group

>Discord Links

>BnS Resources

>Soul Shield and Gear Cheat Sheet

How to add true AA to B&S (Nvidia guide)

Drawfriend portraits



Previously on /bnsg/:

Other urls found in this thread:

also jin waifus no 1

Crimson #1

Crimson #1

Crimson #1

Fagboi general.
Titskittles when?

xth for >tfw no lewd but cute boyfriend

>those shoes

Get out.

Post awful Lyns

here docs(x)google(x)com/spreadsheets/d/1U0cqRIxNefzkd30VmVI-zFhe3fpBHgq7aIy3vHO6ZTQ/htmlview#

Crimson #1

I'd post a picture of Zelotus if I had one.


Xth for Mamuo a CUTE!

EU BSH #1602382
Need soul shield edition

yth for >tfw no gf

Who is ready for some Mecha Ogong action?

get OUt get out GET OUT

I'd rather go in and out :^)


>lvl 1 soul
>sub 650 ap
What a filthy pleb.


>tfw Kizuna sends you a dumpling

I hope youre not leaving!

>It's an awkward loser on the internet finds social situations uncomfortable so he naturally assumes it's cringy episode

>elite initiate uniform

>2.4k crit
hows it feel, being shit at games?

It's not impossible nowadays, it just takes a shitton of gold.
On EU fabric is 3g


Oh man new thread

better post a picture

Look at the hp and crit defense you dumbass, that's a ssp soulshield set.


is this a picture?

You look cute as always Rilo and I hope you have a wonderful day!

Yes! Good job!

Thanks! You do too, I'm sure.

So let's run some calculations:

>1500ss or 300g
>500 fabric or 1500g
>500 tears or 90g (tears are 17-18s apiece on NA, not sure about EU prices on tears)

1990g total for 5 uniforms, or just under 400g per person.

So nowhere near impossible, especially considering that compared to the cost of upgrading to HM Energy Stage 5 or Awk Scorpio Wep, 400g is small time.

However, it doesn't make it any less sickening.



Now with tail

2 is good, 3 is Elsa hair, but otherwise acceptable.

Drop the whore makeup and a tumblr hair color.

Lynboi or Jinboi /bnsg/ decide for me


>500 tears
I can't check right now but are those moonwater tears? Someone said that they were nearly 80s earlier.

Depends, how tall do you want your twink, faggot?

Nah, it's just cringy.

Lynboi is the best gender/race combination in the game.

All of the most respected players use them.

Spamming BSH a bit on NA because apparently I still need the necklace or something.

NA #1792048

i have a picture too


How about ____________no____________.


But it wouldn't matter even if they were 80s each. The uniforms would go up to around 480g per person, which is still less gold than the just the darts for upgrading from T. Breeze to Awk. Scorpio.

Can someone buy me char edit scroll on EU, please :/

Enjoy being a forgettable uggo.

Yae___ please no

Will do.

Not even close.
Also this is a jin.

that's not mine, mine's pic related and I'm still not sure about it


WTF are you doing.

hair too bright use a softer color.



My bad

JESUS NO tone down the colour

losing more PvP games

So what is the consensus on this game, played it a bit when it launched but haven't been on in months, is the grind to top level worth? Also how hard is it to get a character slot?

Join me in 3v3 hell
still need 2.5 certs.

Which guild is the best to join on mushin?

The gear grind at endgame feels very unrewarding and not worth it. It has fun combat and pvp though.


this game is fucking dead its been dying and population has only gone down since week 2

grind is not worth it this is a shitty p2w game where your options are to grind for 1-2 months or drop money into the game

Maybe it's better to lose in 3s rather than against hacking summoners...

No Sekuhara

Re-posting for my angel


That Naz deterrent

>he went to Mushin

>hes on an irrelevant server

Been playing on mushin since 2 months now and joined a random guild with a handful of friends.
Last friend quit today, randoms in the guild don't really play either.
Might as well look for some new friends.

>that pic
Sasuga Mushit

No seku


if you're cerulean and don't want to grow a pair join no sek, if you're a real manly man crimson and don't want to start hormone therapy join Friend.

Give me cute names I need cute names N O W

why is NA so divided in cliques while EU only has one guild and one server almost everyone plays on expect for people who fell for memes?

NA has more players. The other EU clans died.

What happend to NFA?

who cares LOL

No seku probably ate them.

Primordial Cum

What you gonna do about it?? Can't stop me!

I completely forgot they existed

What's the best way to get naryu coins?



This picture has some good ideas.

NA has enough people to necessitate multiple clans, eu doesn't.

To the guy who joined, new lobby is #1617376

Cuckold Connoisseur

Do you actually care about her or are you just doing this out of habit/boredom?

zth for discord