Fate/Grand Order General /fgog/

Previous >[Jobber Gacha]
- 4/20-4/27
- Archer Gilgamesh 5*
- Saber Arturia 5*
- Berserker Lancelot 4*
- Caster Gilles 3*
- Lancer Diarmuid 3*

>[Fate/Zero "Special Event"]
- 4/27-5/11
- Servants that you should level for the event: Gilgamesh, Arturia, Waver, Lancelot, Ko-Gil, both Gilles, Alexander, Diarmuid and Hassan

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes:
- Update coming out in late April/early May that includes 6th bond point (+10 unique CE unlocked by reaching max bond for 10 servants), present box history UI and ability to change ascension art used by command cards during battles
- 10 quartz if you login during Grand Party 2016 5/3 4:00JST - 5/6 JST3:59



>Frequently Asked Questions

>Mega Pastebin

>Translations Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet


Other urls found in this thread:

timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20160427T22&p0=248&msg=Fate/Accel Zero Order event&font=cursive

Camelot will be even shittier than Septum

If you thought Nero getting whitewashed was awful now we have to sit through Garden of Avawank part 2

xth for no welfare servant.

Shirouface can be hardcore too.

>Still no competent 4 star quick-based assassin


Use your imagination /fgog/

What's the verdict on her?

I'm thinking about picking up this game. Is Kuro in it?

Still waiting for Semi-sama

AAAQB Anti-Army Arts NP Assassin Edition

Oh Anonymous you don't even understand yet.
Arturia won't be in Camelot, Nero will be. The Knights of the Round Table will have learned that Arturia was a woman by now, and when they see Nero they'll assume she is Arturia and just started dressing differently after "coming out".

They'll wank Nero and Arturia at the same fucking time.


>no Greece chapter

This game was destined to be shit.


Ask again when they're actually released.

xth for best archer

What do you want me to do?

>not saving the cherry on top for act 2 of the game
Come on m8, no need to include Greece with the irrelevant shitters

so what problem was the maintenance for?

>we can't find the cause of the problem


best daughteru

Literally not enough information on how her skills will be implemented, what her NP does, or how much damage it will do.

What do you think Okeanus was?

How can DW top the shit fest that is Medb's gameplay and personality in Jeru- I'm sorry Camelot

How many Arturias are in your favorite Fate/ work?

Drake and friends funtime adventure in the party cave?


Will raise but without enthusiasm.


eeeeh at least i don't need to spend any gems this time

So is Iskander just rider Attila?

>Buster NP with def down
>Military Tactics B

How can an old man be this cute?

Hanging Gardens of Babylon are above world-level

Ah shit, I fell asleep before posting the music poll results. Anyway, with 67 votes tallied, /fgog/'s music choices were:

Anthem: youtube.com/watch?v=sRhKFgmh4T0
Goal horn: youtube.com/watch?v=_QTwseDjKjo
Smug Red Man goalhorn: youtube.com/watch?v=kqGxP5kxcag
REGEND goalhorn: youtube.com/watch?v=srWg_6fMyJk

Someone put this on the wiki now.

If he has Charisma too he will at the very least have a nice damage buff for his NP.

Sadly no.
Even though we could have loli EMIYA, DW decided to give us edgiest Emiya instead.

Except Altera has actually good stats

I can safely say her NP will NOT be Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Part of the deal with HGB is that it can't be summoned using magic. It has to be manually constructed from materials gathered in Semiramis' homeland (modern day Middle East) over the course of three days.

Didn't he has a Buster up skill in the promotional video?

>Gold Assassin's NP Name is Chronos Rose
Post yfw this is Kerry

Altera hits like a truck though, especially with Star Emblem


You can say the same for Amakusa's Big Crunch and they found a way to have it in the game.

Do we know his 3rd skill yet by the way?

He had a Buster buff. No indication if it was his own or used by another character before the preview clip.

Never ever.

I really expect a proper Prisma collab and not just some CEs and Servants by Hiroyama. Aniplex can't pass on that opportunity even if that means sharing profits with another company.

And Lancelot uses a machinegun, which I'm just sure was just lying around Chaldea somewhere for him to use.

DW doesn't give a shit.

Semiramis has only 2 active skills. Which means she'll either have one of her NPs moved into her skills or she'll get a brand new skill.

Or they will change nothing and she will have only 2 fucking skills.

Not yet

That would also be a good excuse for her being a 5* Servant. Since they'll clearly want to have her SSR due to her waifu status, an Anti-World NP would be a good way to justify her as 5*.

This event seems awful desu


I half expect that the Hanging Gardens will be her NP and they'll just make the poison NP a skill.



It lost my interest when there won't be an event servant. Same standard as Garden of Order my ass.

>wow Sikera Usum is so flashy and promising NP, it totally won't be a skill

anyone else hoping they make semiramis a caster with sikera usum as her np?


I would whale for female Hakuno.

>they still don't see Lancer Irisviel
Lmaoing my ass off tbqh fampais.


>zero event
>not having zero expectations

Post YFW clearing all missions in this event gets you a free copy of Assassin Emiya like the story clear


Well, not hoping per se, but I can see DW will just change her class to Caster rather than keeping her an Assassin.

Who rolling for Broskander here?


If there's no free servant the event is automatically trash.
For me at least.

There was no event servant's ascension materials posted in the news. The chances are too slim, user.


wait and hope

DW is retarded and they don't like money, so never apparently.

I just hope her NP will be nothing but Arts.


Camelot? Fucking really?

Not me.

A countdown, because otherwise you faggots are just going to ask >Event when >Event when
over and over again.

timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20160427T22&p0=248&msg=Fate/Accel Zero Order event&font=cursive


Gotta wank that welsh failure.

The Round Table had nothing to do with Jerusalem in the first place.

If anyone still needed proof Uro ruins everything he touches, this is a good example. What a shitty event, goddamn.

retard whales for sure

I waited and hoped, but DW crushed my hope.
There is no hope left now.

>More Saber wank


>waifu status
Only cucks believe this

Nobody will fucking care when Semiramis is released and she'll be an even bigger bust than Brynhildr

Nobody gives a flying fuck about your stupid elf whore, you hipster Reddit faggot

You titty loving manchildren are literally ruining this game for the actual fanbase


You retards don't even read jap so why would you give 2 shits about the story?

Remember all the discussion we had about the story when NA was released? Me neither.

Man, fuck the Round Table. Bunch of useless cunts who wrecked their country more than any invader could.
I wanted Jerusalem goddamnit ;_;

This. Who is to say that they can't add other time period servants to the story.

>Nobody will fucking care when Semiramis is released
Lots of people says otherwise.

>actual fanbase
You mean fanbase of a eroge? Bunch of wankers?

It will happen. Once Extella or the anime is out. They can't just keep making new forms of Nero right?

reporting in

Who else is gonna skip the event here?

Who will get BTFO in Camelot
I need more art like that one Nero Bride picture (you know which one)

>They can't just keep making new forms of Nero right?
There are enough people needing braintreatment, so that should give them some money


Nasu is the one who wanks Arturia

>1 ( o n e) % chance to get a 5* servant
>3 ( t h r e e ) % chance to get a 4* servant

So hyped!!!!!!!!

Will there be any worthy gifts such as tickets or quartz?