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Orion IICs are good viable robots Edition

New /gerg/ game, from the makers of Shadowrun Returns

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fuck off Jules can you write a single post without memes?

Anyone here is new or relatively new, not in a unit and would like to play with me from time to time?
Nothing too serious, just someone to have your back in a 2 man team or something (perhaps if we have fun, supporting each other with playstyle). No strings attached.

why aren't you in space yet?


>wolfhound left
>he's fighting 2 stripped enemies
>gg easy win
>the mouth breathing brain dead retard starts overriding and kills himself fighting two robots that have no guns

real fucking good jub buddy

10/10 would have sex in this.


people using Maulers as LRM boats.
I've seen this more often then I like.
Use a few LRMS to soften up targets at the start of the battle.
Then put in more Dakka then LRMs for the end of the fight.
It pisses me off. Stock Builds I was pulling 600dmg~800dmg regularly.
Tweak it and easy get more.


B-b-b-but the mauler 1R is for SRM boating with Dakka.

Question Which one should I get first, Radar Dep, or Seismic

Radar derp, not even a question.

Guys is MWO p2w?

Good cicada memes.

Hello, Jules AKA Monkey Bone here.

I am very concerned about the current state of Kong and the Kong lords.
There are rumors, that Rather Dashing, the creator of Kong still has not received his invite to the official Kong Lord team for the upcoming 100.000 dollar tournament.
Meanwhile, steambirth such as Hucast have been invited to the team over an obvious Kong lord choice. Such actions degrade both the moral and performance of the Kong lords who are going to play in the upcoming tournament.
As one of the key Kong Lords, I had to express my opinion in this matter. I can't stay silent in matters like these on such grim times we are living right now.
Rather Dashing made Kong, then again he made Kong great again after the dark times of steambirth invasion. Such treatment towards the pillar of Kong is unacceptable. He is an Elder Kong lord and should have the respect of one.

I hope you understand and thank for your time reading this post.


>be PGI
>release nigger spheroid mech after nigger spheroid mech that you quirk and model to be top tier
>have a game mode that denies one side access to these mechs
>wonder why that game mode dies in a week right after you release an expansion to it that you spent months creating

Where's the clan equivalents to the warhammer and marauder?

Never forget.

No its not, unless you want the jewish oxide.

>Decide I'll try playing again
>Log in

>all I've got is my one Timberwolf and hero Centurion
>Loved the fuck out of the Centurion but could never get a viable build that could live through a match
>I'm only averaging 100k creds per match anyway.
>Sold the engine & weaponry out of my Cent for my Timberwolf armaments.

Fucking fuck
At least my Timberwolf is doing well.

>top tier

Buy something cheap and fun, like hunchbacks or blackjacks

So my Cent is basically scrap metal?

it's not great but not compleatly worthless.
What are you using on it? Do you have it elited?

What mechs can boat triple uac5 that's not a jager or a king crab?

I haven't played in years or however long.

I stripped it of engine & armament to buy my Timberwolf.

I'm enjoying my Timberwolf, I just wish mediums could be brawly

my Timberwolf is more like a fucking cutting beam hiding in the shadows.

In the game since 2014 and better.

You already sold your equipment for it anyway
Cents are just eh.

I wish they would let you sell the fucking things.

Goddamnit PGI.

You can't be brawly in 12v12 because you'll just die.

You have to wait for chances to brawl, and those usually come 6 mins after the start or never at all.


Anyone else have an issue with the ultra AC/5 jamming on the second round multiple times in a row?
I ended up just switching to a pair of AC/2s on that arm instead because I couldn't deal with my main gun jamming every time I fucking needed it.

>THE UAC boat
>no UAC kwirks
one job PGI

Ok. Your madcat should be able to grind spacebux easy. You should also elite it, since that increases its power immensly. You also can brawl in a madcat if you wish. Try this fresh meme:

If you want to reactivate your cent and brawl, maybe try faction warfare scouting mode. Its a 4v4 with 55t limit that usualy devolves into a brawl.

I'm rocking a laser Madcat right now, double LPulse with 5 MPulse lasers. (TBR-C)

>latest update happens
>suddenly people are one shotting heaivly armored components instantly
>damage on end screen is showing lower than ever
>multiple people in unit are experiencing this

What bug did pig resurface now?

I often get fucking huge disk activity spikes after closing the game, windows is reading page file and some MWO data files like the fist of the north star but not writing anything. I can't find anything about this anywhere and it doesn't happen with other games.

Get a madcat S and an A/D and elite that shit.
I would also swap the medicine pulse for er madicine lasers and more heatsinks. 2x lpl 5xmpl is just way too hot.

I was mistaken, For some reason my Meds being yellow made me think they were Pulse.

They're C-Meds

If I weren't so damn broke I'd have elited them by now. Hell I'm not even sure how you would elite an omni mech, could I just buy the Omnipods and it'd "Become" a TBR-Xwhatever?

My days of doing more then casually playing a couple of matches are long gone. I don't get the joy in large enough doses to want to grind through 60m Credits to buy 2-3 more of the Same goddamn mech.

>can put all weapons in side torsos, several have energy range or burn duration quirks that make them great pokers
>ridiculous hitboxes coupled with structure quirks that make it extremely tenuous to kill, can put on enough guns to outlast any clan mech

Also been having a shit ton of crits, can't go a match without getting my weapons critted out before the component goes.

You need three variants to elie it. C, S and D for example. The omnipods of oher varians do nothing for skills. The skills and double basic that elite gives is just so strong that it's mandatory in the long run.
This is MWO for you. Grindy robots.
At least the madcat is so flexible that you can use a compleatly different build on every single one.
Have some ancient OC.

still not better than meme knights or good old mad cats

and marauder only has one good variant and even then all the best loadouts on it can be completely trivialized by shooting the massive side torso (which is also why the marauder cant run XL)

or grasshoppers

warhammers also cant really run XL, sides are really easy to hit

Deep-rooted cryengine errors.

>mad cats
>good any more
In the time it takes for a clan medium laser to burn, a burn duration quirked IS mech will have finished nearly half a second earlier and will be torso twisting to spread that damage already.

Mad cats can vomit damage, but it's either spread, or takes a long time to apply, which means it'll be laughably easily absorbed by the defensively overquirked IS mechs.

mad cat is still the best heavy in the game, get the fuck out steambirth

Fucking PGI.

Maybe in terms of build variety, yeah, but there's several IS mechs that, thanks to quirks, can outperform it in it's chosen specialized role.

nah, clan laser vomit still shits all over IS thanks to range and damage

in medium/brawling range? sure, IS wins

Can't wait for them to fuck it up.


>those arms

It has two good variants and one has a meta build that is minimally viable with only one side torso but yes.

I find I get cored from the side really easy too, it just doesn't seem that good at shielding. It's too bad because if it wasn't for that I think it might be better than Black Knight now. At least it justifies its huge structure quirks.

TBR is still the second or third choice for heavies in comp.

TBR can out brawl Black Knight.

Quirks are a retarded mechanic. They memed too hard to make clans "balanced".

should I downgrade to a std engine on my jaeger? I feel like I die too often from side torso shots rather than center torso

I can already immagine how horrid the hitboxes will be on this thing.
>dat snout
>getting cored from the side a la ebin
>while having shit for podspace

>TBR can out brawl Black Knight.



>put XL in robot.
>you can bring guns and ammo and move fast.
>you die like a bitch after fighting for half the game.
>put standard in robot.
>you can't bring guns or ammo, move slow, and take increased damage everywhere because your twist speed gets cut so much.
>you die like a bitch because you fall behind your team.

that's a nice laser vomit build you have there

Shame nearly every CW map is limited to close range.

Vass, Vass, he's our man!
Sucks cock just because he can!

Medusa will unironically be good.


dont smash that mf double tap button

>most of the -1R's quirks aren't there to make it a 90-ton Awesome-8R

Timber Wolf is still the best Clan heavy out there, while the Cent is, well, middling (but workable). It really, really helps getting a chassis elited- but that means basically doing three versions of said chassis and many a newbie doesn't realize that people have grinded the fuck out of the machines that are magically doing things faster and better than they are.

Aight, so I was right.
It is a certain interval you have to tap it at to keep it firing. Kept it going for sixty rounds a few times

Did they fix the targeting computers reducing crits instead of improving the odds? That might be the stealth fix that did it.

The dankest meme was "We can balance Clan and IS 'Mechs 1:1".

It was a pretty good meme, but far from the dankest. That title easily goes to 'it was our position at the time' or trannyverse.

PGI is a company of true memelords.

can somebody explain the thought process of the man who takes their loyalty atlas and puts only 2erll and 4lrm5 on it?

take it a step further and try to explain why he would be frustrated when a single light takes him apart without effort?

do people really not realize when they have a shit build?

fuck off steambirth. You wouldn't believe how good that loadout is on TT.

>tfw your whole team leaves you and two other mechs behind when you've all been legged, but you end up carrying the match with no ammo, one gun each, and less than 30% life left per robot.

>fat fucking assault
>not taken apart by a single light without any effort

the dude did have 1955 in his name so maybe he is trying to relive the past

>egg-shaped dropships
At least they're finally in our cockpits now.

A big 'Mech with nothing but weapons that try to keep it as far from combat as possible is simply a player that is absolutely incapable of actually fighting.

And in a state of denial about it.

In TT, it's the loadout of a 'Mech 40 tons lighter.

I'd be more concerned about a fucking 100-tonner with no armament apart from 2 ERLLs and 20 lurm tubes. Fucking """"scout"""" mechs have more firepower than that.

>when the ACH got more kills and solid damage
>and the lights that lived managed 3 more between them

Looks like teamwork, not a carry.

>my face when I realize I'm about to try LRM30 Jenner IIC and think about his build

desu lrms are only good if you're using a mech with missile cooldown or narc quirks

I'm piloting a 35 tonner that will easily do single digit memes with SRMs if you fuck up, I pretty much don't care anymore.

I have literally never even used LRMs except for trying the trial Cat for one game and deciding they were shit.

LRMs don't really do as much damage as they feel like they do when you're getting bombarded by them, do they?

6xLRM5 I will shake you like a baby to death.

It's less "they don't do much damage" (some stupid spammy builds do have high alphas) but that the damage is spread over like every component and maybe even both front and back armour so it rarely actually does much to you.

a lrm 30 jenner will be incredibly annoying but if you get caught by another light you're fucked.

A-1 Lurm spammer.

They're fucking terrifying and annoying as shit at the very least

>it's yet an another polar highlands episode
Why the hell does everyone love this shitmap so much.

I've also come to the realization of how ridiculously garbage it's going to be for capturing.

>People keep picking shit maps and the whole team ends up getting steamrolled
By the by, is the Black Knight worth getting?
Looks cool as fuck but it seems pretty tall.
Ebon Jaguar is nice as well with the above mech weapon mounts, least I like the trial Ebon Jag Prime

Black Knight is easily the best IS heavy chassis right now.

So pretty much a Raven with arms.

I'm new what are IS mechs, are they the ones you buy normally in the store?

Inner Sphere. Two quick ways to identify an IS vs a Clan. The first is the price, Clan mechs are usually the ones that cost a lot more than the others in their weight class. The second and actually useful identification is to look at the mech- if it's mostly green, it's IS. If it has a lot more grey, it's clan.

IS is the abreviation for Inner Sphere, as opposed to clan mechs. Dont worry, none of this shit is explained in game.

Currently all the clan mechs can be identified by being omni or having IIC after the name.

LRM 20 + NARC on the other hand is pretty much "watch me run by at 140kph and watch the rain drop" if you're playing spotter on a eye-eye-see.


and you get the totally not op 650m range clan narc