>Fates FAQ (Please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>New DLC Translations (In Progress)
>Fates FAQ (Please read before asking dumb questions)
>/feg/ Castle Addresses
>New DLC Translations (In Progress)
Other urls found in this thread:
We just hit the bump limit my dude
>imoutofags in charge of counting
Azura is shit
What Fates items would you like to see become hats in Team Fortress 2?
Do it nerds
>Favorite drink
>Nohr waifu / husbando
>Hoshido waifu / husbando
>Favorite FE game
>Favorite FE character/s
>Favorite class
Azura and lucina are shit.
>Cis privelege
The Sniper hat is pretty cool.
Cutest family
Sully is trans.
It's a tumblr joke. She has short hair, so apparently it must mean she's an SJW or whatever.
I love Sakura!
So what happens if you kill Taco in ninja village on Hoshido?
>actually posting a different picture
>not posting immediately, but rather taking time to settle into the thread
If you are who I think you are, then I'm proud of you, my friend. That's a cute cosplayer, too.
user, just don't reply to them
I don't understand why you faggots feel the need to break a link in the OP every time a new thread is made.
Just close your eyes and walk away from the screen, my dude. Literally no one cares.
Berukaquck shitposting because we ran him out.
Ebin trolling
>palla catria and est will never triangle attack you
>it's a drill episode
In this case it isn't just Veeky Forums being retarded, Sully actually does have a chip on her shoulder about men and gender roles.
Best sibling!
Make that Palla and Catria and you've got a deal.
Cutest mamui family.
>implying that isn't Camilla or Oboro
I bet you don't even DLC.
Kjelle fits the description more than Sully, really. Sully just wanted to prove she's just as capable as anyone. I'm pretty sure Kjelle flat out states that all men are pigs
>it's a same shit every thread episode
You're overthinking a meme pic dude.
The CUTEST family
I'd fuck all the siblings even when genderbent
This is a hack, right? I see Chrom there; you can't fool me /feg/got.
I asked in the last thread and got nothing.
Anyone got a FE4 ROM with the updated translation?
>Sacred Stones
>Camilla, Hector, Mozu
I like Hana
I do too!
yes, it's new, I got kind of giddy when I found it..
So do I.
>he didn't unlock Chrom
>Iced Tea
>Either 7 or Fates
>L'Arachel, Camilla, Niles, Nino, Henry
>Sage/Magic Knight
Felicia is the cutest! She has brought me happiness i have never felt before! She is the only thing i could ever need! My life wouldn't be worth living without her! She gets me through every single day! I love Felicia!
Make Flora happy.
would you
Check serenes, hombre.
What the fuck.
If we're talking DLC then Flora is literally the best mom my man I don't know why Oborofags and Camillafags even fight over that. It's a no contest kind of thing.
It's really cute, user. Thanks for finding it
They only have the patch and I can't patch it, keeps giving me an error.
>I leave for a few days and other people like Azura too now.
Go to the campus library with me cucks, we need to study for that big speech presentation tomorrow.
Well we need to make our adorable daughter, so yes of course!
She deserves to be happy, i`m sure she`ll find someone one day!
>Sencha tea
>Turning 19 in a month
>Fates Conquest. Though I haven't played much FE.
>Camilla, Mozu, Odin/Ophelia, Noire, Olivia.
>Mechanist and Hero.
>mountain dew
>rekka no ken
>Dr. Pepper
>Peri (I'm not really a fan of any of the Nohr girls, but she has nice hair so I'll pick her)
>Fates, I haven't played the others in a while
>Spear Master
Only if you go to Sonic with me my dude. I need to not look like a complete loser when I ask for those hot new mamma mia toys.
I flip-flop between liking Azura and disliking her. Like, I briefly consider how soft and amazing she would be to hold, but then I can't get over the fact that her voice is dopey and there's something weird with her face in in-game art that I can't quite put my finger on that makes her unattractive.
Semen demons.
I honestly just never posted much about Azura because it generally just turns into a shitposting fest of people saying how much they don't like her
You did waifu her in all 3 routes, right?
About to Play FE4 for this first time.
Anything i should know?
>no Fire Emblem happy meal promotion with exclusive Ryoma lead paint toy with real-time OUGI action
What the fuck?????
Dubs decide which FE character I write and perform a song about
If your posts gets trips I'll perform it in front of an audience
>4 edges
Only in Conquest unfortunately.
I've been having a bit of trouble motivating myself to actually play Birthright and don't want to play Revelations until I finish Birthright.
>on Veeky Forums
I'm a fucking sucker for papercraft. They gave out some if you pre-ordered at gamestop.
>on /v/
Remember faggot, 000 is still possible.
Green autismo
>Favorite drink
>Nohr waifu
>Hoshido waifu
>Favorite FE
Radiant Dawn
>Favorite FE character
>Favorite class
look at this mamui problemshitter over here
>Nohr waifu
>Hoshido waifu
>Dr Pepper
>None yet
>Dread Fighter (Awakening)
But... I genuinely like them as characters.
No you don't. Literally no one likes them.
That's why I started with Birthright then went to Conquest second; I knew that Birthright would probably end up being a letdown after playing Conquest.
Birthright is still fun though, and the story is done better, imo.
Yes he does. Literally everyone likes them
>Save Gunter on the bridge BOTH in BR and Conquest by not letting Hans die
>Have both save files with saved Gunter before starting Revelations
>Chrom is unlocked because you are a righteous leader who saves his men
Took me a while to get him because fucking Hans is an idiot. The trick is you gotta block the bridge before Hans can engage the guard stance Samurai/Archer on the fort.
Sure you do.
Hey, fill in the blank.
You are a _ _ _ _.
>Vanilla milkshake
>Nohr: Peri /Hoshido: Setsuna
>Sacred stones so far
>Joshua, Raven, Lonk
>green tea
>izana(does he count as hoshido?)/kagerou
>sacred stones!
>is anankos an acceptable answer?
>adventurer/spear master!
I was supposed to have finished with Nohr Lunatic a while ago, I can't motivate myself to finish it. I've got a team that can do it, but I'm so crushed by my last defeat.
Azura is shit. Kill yourself
Do dread fighters have the normal 20 level cap or do they have 40 level cap like some other special classes?
Nah, you just have shit taste user.
>Orange Juice
>Hector, Joshua, HAAR, Nephenee, Virion, Camilla, Azama
>Wyvern Rider/Lord
It's the latter
I have shit taste for not liking characters who don't even like me back?
What kind of fucked up logic is this?
I regret drawing this.
All DLC classes have a level cap of 40, Dark Falcons and Dread Fighters included.
>Favorite drink
Citron tea
>Nohr waifu / husbando
>Hoshido waifu / husbando
>Favorite FE game
Holy Wars (the maps were unique, actually felt like a war zone)
>Favorite FE character/s
Hector, Lilina, Cherche, Katarina
>Favorite class
Bow Knight, though debating on Adventurer
Wait, can you legitimately get Chrom by saving Hans?
I regret posting this.
>Root Beer
>Path of Radiance
>Ike, Pelleas, Henry, Lucina
Yeah, he's a secret character we found in a datamine
You should probably delete your Conquest save and start over if you didn't know.