League of Legends general - /lolg/


coming for your QSS-nerfed adc ass edition

Add "Exp" on EUW if you want to play some normals.

post qts

for real though I have no words for the level of insanity that riot has displayed in changing qss this way

it's still "just on pbe" so far but I doubt they'll change anything

I want to snuggle Kog tight!

no one say anything.

Just played Kallista in a custom game.

Lmao her kit really does have everything, I love it!


>3/18 botlane
>enemy sona is 7/1/14
>their jungler is 7/1
>"why does viktor stay mid silver scrub"

>Fallen Angel

Still requesting a pic of all affected non-adcs banging a sad little adc whose hands are tied with QSS
fiora can use a dildo like the strong independent duelist she is

fake and gay



thresh is cute and i want to suck his ghost dick!

Remember kids, cass supp is freelo

welcome to the corrupting power of funsucking

How do you guys feel that ekko is going to get the victorious skin for S6 for the large impact he's had in the season so far

Good taste

So does kalista have no auto canceling? How does her passive work?

Also is lissndra worth picking up while she's on sale?

>cass supp
>not playing 'supp'erior syndra support

Don't care because I have over 2500 ranked games and am still in bronze so I'll never get a victorious skin anyway.


it's corporeal bud

LF adc gf

videogames and cuddling pls

I'm fine with it honestly.

I just hope it's better than his other 2 skins in terms of design.

If your team picks this champion they will go 0/10/0 with them in the first 10 minutes, and if the enemy team picks them they will go 10/0/0 with them in the first 10 minutes.

Who is that champion?

>Cass "I need items to be relevant so I'm going to steal your CS" supp

put jungle as secondary next time.

No way that isn't shooped.

vayne and yasuo

>boyfriend stopped supporting me because I'm toxic
>can't dump him because no way I'll find another as hot as he is


i hope his dick glows, just like those weird ghost penis cool skeletons have

hard mode: you can't say Yasuo

challenger at 4am australian time is fun :^)

Same with karthuss

She's seen nerfs like 10 times this season right?

Remember the good old times?

I need a support mage for mid and top
karma or lulu?

>10 minutes

Wow, It's fucking nothing. I get double those queue times in mid diamond occasionally.

#challenger problems

Its working fine at low plat with no issues and I can hard carry when smurfing at gold


>So does kalista have no auto canceling?

When you click and it would normally cancel an auto instead she jumps toward the spot you clicked.

If you use attack move click kiting becomes hilariously easy.

>Also is lissndra worth picking up while she's on sale?

Most people here say not buy champs with RP.

But if you feel like it and don't want to grind the IP do it. So long as her kit appeals to you.

>remember when lux made her allies invisible

yea so fun

>karthus and thresh
>not hecarim and thresh
disgusting bishounen loving fujoshis


*a foul unwashed stench reaches you at the same time you hear a low rumble from something large moving towards you*


*belches, bits of creeps dangle from the sides of his mouth above his triple chin*


*farts, likely shitting himself*


Just had a game where I now feel like giving up on League completely.

>Finally get Jungle over Support, which I really don't mind playing Support. I just wanted to try Wukong
>Mid lane asks if I want to swap, but I decline as I haven't played Mid since S3
>Everyone is warded to high heaven, can't get a gank of but burn a bunch of flashes.
>Get so much abuse from Lux who died 4 times solo against Zyra
>Ezreal bot is 14/4 against our Kalista / Braum

How do I get over this anxiety that has swelled up? I went 0/2/7

I think you missed the meme

So how was QSS changed anyway? I'm out of the loop.

he's now sexy and handsome

nope. she got changed a lot in s5 but the only change she's had this season was a bugfix and increasing the mana cost on rending a single target. if you kill more than one target with rend you get the mana cost refunded.

i think you're missing a line here but i don't remember what it was

Guys what tanky support should I learn? I often feel my team is getting fucked up by tanks and I want to be the one fucking people up. The problem is that I only play girl champions. Is Leona a good choice? She looks like my only one.

All dead boys cute senpai.
Love the skeledong a skeleton.

cant cleanse zed morde vlad fiora ults and memeblade
and a few more I can't remember

>nope. she got changed a lot in s5 but the only change she's had this season was a bugfix and increasing the mana cost on rending a single target. if you kill more than one target with rend you get the mana cost refunded.
She got huge nerfs like two patches ago, pay attention.

Leona's okay. You can also learn Thresh who's always good.
Taric is also very strong and getting nerfed next patch.
If you wanna be the tank fucking up other people, you should consider giving Leona or Nautilus a try.

>Can't cleanse trundle ult with QSS

only dispells cc instead of debuffs
so basically it's useless and it JUST lost 10 ad.

Oh I see. I must be thinking of someone else.

What nerfs? She feels pretty strong regardless imo.

Leona, Nautilus, and Alistar are great tanky and super aggro supports.

Tahm Kench is free right now and he's great at tard wrangling.

Blitzcrank can be fun so long as you grab the right person at the right time.

Don't be the blitzcrank that drops the 8/0 ribbon onto your backline.

who's ready for MAGE META?

I just noticed I have Kayle. I've played this game on/off for long but briefly every time I forget why I unlocked half the guys I have. Is she worth looking into for said purposes?

What kinda Poppy builds do you like to go for besides tank?
I've been looking for a chance to manmode and take botrk on her but I've not encountered a good match.

Well that's dumb as hell.
>Muh counterplay
So much for that buzzword. How did they even justify that?

She's not really a support.

Despite her slow and heals, and invuln ult.

You want her in top, mid, or jungle.

She builds nashors, then guinsoos, then runaan's then some CDR and just rapes with her E.

are we still RAZING THEIR RANKS!! just sad i only found out about it on the last few hours of urf, though that means ill look forward to it next time i they haven't patched it

> Your adc picks Jhin

>people haven't been building Nashor's on Morde

It's like you want to lose.

desu with Taric and Kindred about to become turbocancer and in every game I kinda understand it.
On the other hand this will make ADCs even more whiny and assassins even more pubstompy.

morde gains so much natural attack speed why would you build it?

Why is female literally everything better

Sona for me, oddly enough.

I've seen someone build RFC and duskblade on her.

Don't be that guy please.

> He has fervor

>The reasoning for the change is pretty much that the cleanse offered by these items was able to functionally negate certain champions' ability to fight the owner of the item. As I'm sure many of you will be quick to point out, the game is balanced around the existence of this effect, and you're not wrong. That said, we think we can get the outliers here to a spot where they are healthy in the game where QSS/MS do not remove all debuffs, and instead only crowd control effects.

By outliers, I do mean the Zeds, Fioras, Trundles, and other problem children there are in light of this change. However, what this change allows us to do is create debuff-focused champions that don't have their kits completely negated with an item purchase and press of a button. With this change, there likely WILL be outliers, and if so, they WILL need to be addressed. The idea here is that we'd like to get to a point where the damage Zed deals with Death Mark (or any other champion with their debuff spell) is fair in the absence of strictly a hard counter item.

Since we're at the mid season point and the next few patches will be in flux, this feels like the best time to try out such a change unless we wanted to wait until the new season.
>too much counterplay
also this guy forgets that all of these ults have a smaller cooldown than qss

still prefer my husbando as a man

>What nerfs?
Base attack speed nerfed
Attack speed per level reduced
In compensation, she gets that attack speed back when near an ally from her W.
Her ghosts have a reduced number of laps
The on-hit damage from her W was reduced
Her ult's cast range was reduced.

Her winrate dropped 5% that patch.

For some reason I really love reaction images from 2000'ish nicktoons.

Good story

most orianna players i have on my teams are useless support mains that didn't get supp so they play ori and end up being super useless most of the game, like, they're not feeding or anything. just plain useless.

if the enemy team got ori though, she'll be a goddess and will destroy everyone with her combo.

For fucking real?

i dont get this one, can u explain?

yeah how dare adcs complain about dealing no damage but also having 1hp and no defensive option

Judging by our resident lulu player, not that one


Because it made champs fucking retarded to balance. A 1300g item that invalidated a champion's ultimate entirely meant they had to blatantly overtune their basic abilities so the champs could perform even in the absense of their ultimate, and it also meant the ultimates themselves had to be strong to justify the QSS purchase for the target and reward the attacker for successfully hitting a target and them not QSSing it. IE Zeds running around deleting people despite not ulting them and missing half their Qs. You can't reasonably design a champion under the assumption that mid game their ult won't exist anymore.

The change would be for the better if it were any other dev, it's only cancer because Riot is incompetent as shit and won't successfully retune champs to accomodate the lack of QSS.


>tfw my best Orianna game I went 5/1/33

A build like that COULD work but it would make having to play around Poppy's E a lot more difficult. Maybe if you were playing her from the jungle and took warrior, but otherwise the Dusk would keep getting wasted. RFC is good on her though especially if you're going CRIT or other burst items like DMP

I too, recently bought and embraced the emperor as my lord and saviour.

>when your support picks something worthless for the lane matchup

Less mad than Kalista getting a championship skin last year for zero reason.

yes, but careful, you're forgetting riot is retarded and their balance team is silver.

>when your support hides behind you

I just wanna get to gold
what should I spam autismally for free LP


Every single time.

Idk much about her. I just know teamfights started and I was wondering why I was able to kill her with two AA.

Then I checked her build and laughed my ass off.

>good AP
>20% CDR on a manaless champion with otherwise poor CDR itemization options
>magic damage on hit on top of your magic damage on hit
>faster Q charging (I see Mordes on my team die ALL THE TIME because their attack speed isn't high enough to get the third Q off before they die)
>upwards of 150% gold efficient

Not blaming them really, I used to be one. I couldn't stand the pressure of being yelled at for getting killed by Knife Kitty though, so I had to leave.

that would be all fine and well if they nerfed the champions in the same patch that they gutted qss, but they haven't and so the complaints are still valid