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>starting a new thread this early just to advertise your shitty edit

Fuck off

still waiting for u to prove me wrong

cool meme bro

Actual old thread

Wind Lace on jugg during laning is viable
No one can run away from your spin


QUICK! is he viable or no?

>Pick TB

Good shit.

report gay OP

get a new thread

Anti mage

>Yeah AM spending 6400 on an item that gives him literally 10 damage. Every AM is gonna get Bloodthorne now. 70 dmg, silence, attack speed, mana regen, true strike and 175% crit

Okay I'll bite the bait.

Blink + overwhelm combo is still insanely powerful in late game

You can get vanguard after manta, which gives you some quality HP - something anti mage lacks even with manta - and continue into butterfly or moonshard or whatever dps item you want.

All in all yeah it's a shame we lost 60 dmg on the thing, but it's far from garbage on AM.

I wish Mobas would just die out already. They are without exaggeration the worst genre to ever surface.

ogre magi still shits on him

MMORPGs hold that title though.

Viable ?

>AM's don't get abyssal for the bkb piercing stun, but for its damage
>therefore AM's are going to get bloodthorn in 6.87
haha holy shit
gulag, you're hitting new trenches by the day

At least MMOs bring fun sometimes from nostalgia-induced trips. MOBAs caused nothing but grief.

If Icefrog doesnt want us to fuck off to jungle for easy stacks, then he shouldn't have dumpstered the mana costs.

>buuuuut vortex costs less!


rule 63 always sucks. It's never interesting or sexy. You took away everything charming and interesting about storm spirit, and replaced it with a generic animoo grill.

I don't care that it's anime, but you destroyed the old character completely with that garbage pic you posted.

Rule 63 should be the SAME CHARACTER, but female. Not an entirely different person

rule 63 should be always lewd and porn, otherwise what's the point

Do not go memethorn on clinkz every game, it is a dogshit item in the vast majority of situations. It's tempting and new and shiny but trust me, by the time you get it the enemy just has too many things to instantly counter it, including bkb, manta, diffusal, linkens, even euls.

Don't fall for the memes, grab a blightstone.

I have about as much respect for this patch as I do for the dogshit on my shoe. It is reddit. It is video game hotpocket. It is capeshit. It is cheeto dust. I'm literally screaming right now and slamming my arms down on my desk just thinking about it.

It is the most depraved video game infantilized manchild degeneracy. It is saturday morning cartoon. It is non-neurotypicality. It is memes. It is video game. It is casual. It is League of Legends.



and a *tip* for you, good sir ;)


>Playing with my stack
>Every death I have is the amount of times they're allowed to cum in my throat after the game is over
What are some supports which are hard to kill?

Stop giving him (you)s idiots.

>quads of truth calling out reddit

you should use your time more productively, like getting back in touch with friends and family, or working at a charity. perhaps purchase some dumbbells and work out

here i'll give you one (you)
just stop posting

>not being sustained purely by grief, rage and doturds' assravageness

Rylai (wink)

sorry, i'm not an energetic vampire

Wraith King

I mean if you do well in the early game you'll be fucking insane post midgame
After Orchid you get the upgraded Bloodstone, then you can either finish Bloodthorn first for DPS or get aghs first for teamfights

Problem with all this is getting the gold for it. It's either
>have ridiculous laning phase
>delay the game to 40 minutes with constant pickoffs

But yea, I think a Storm's ideal 5 slots would be
With slot 6 being dependent on whatever the game needs

>rushing a 7k item
>falling for new items
only trench would do this


Finally dota is dead

I can finally stop playing and actually focus on life

I think the new bloodthrone is actually pretty good for storm ?
Doesn't make him viable i think he needs some changes in the way his ulti mana cost scales

So people were overreacting as always.
Nothing really changed for better or worse.

Do you really take an entire 5stack like that? That's really impressive, I can barely take one..

just got home and saw there is gameplay update
alot of new crazy items
but hero-wise there arent really THAT crazy changes, are there?
looks more like a 6.84-tier update

>+60 Attack Speed
>Armlet Buffs

ur moderately better and for whatever reason legitimately broken supports like Bane/Lion/Dazzle are allowed to keep being broken so you might come back as a niche pick


you dont rule shit

you are the lowest link of the chain, youll get replaced by bots when hte opportunity arise and be enjoying the fruits of your work

Same dea for yur kids if you happen to have them

Not him but
>not keeping to the originals personality
Whats the point?

I dont like agha at all desu
Maybe if you lack initiation on your team i guess or as a 6 slot

Hurricane Pike meme is real. Yes.

>tfw you ban Axe in ranked and it goes through

What boggles me most is that you can grab something that makes you hornier and even more satisfied that isn't rule 63. It's just a pathetic attempt to cover up that they want to fap while they enjoy some character, but that's just plain retarded.

Fap to what gets you off, but don't kill characters' personalities for it.

the rules for my stack are

>Every death is worth a creampie, they can choose
>Every kill I steal is worth 1 load on my waffle for breakfast in the morning
>Every last hit = 1 minute tied up with a vibrator in my ass on full blast
>Every deny = 1 stroke on my cock

tfw have never banned and never will cause I'm not a fucking pussy

>you are the lowest link of the chain, youll get replaced by bots when hte opportunity arise
I don't care. Better to die for the Collective than to live for yourself. Too bad the human cattle like you can't understand that.

Guys how do you counter a stove?
Why has stove been OP twice in history?


Thats the spirit goy... umh guy


Forgot the hurricane pike :^)

fear is freedom

subjugation is liberation

contradiction is truth

Just pick Elder Titan.

>be at safe distance from the blink
>axe blinks in on ally
>spirit + stomp
>axe has no armor
>ult if your team can follow up
>win game

Elder Titan one of the best off laners right now. Pick Elder Titan if you want to win.

Another counter to Axe (when he was cancer), was Silencer, but you have to be good.


>homosexual anime NEETS have friends

>good with silencer
>Use E and right click him

wew 8k silencer here btw

u guys are seeing this waga stream right?

it's not gay if we're girls, user

scorched earth tactic

ward your every camp and hope that he goes back to his jungle after seeing there is nothing to farm on your side of the map

>not giving a (you) to quads

>having a drunken snot-nosed chav as your husbando

how is pike not broken??

I mean it is essentially a 2.5 second 475 AoE stun
Also note that without aghs the range is 300, so its a massive buff to that as well
Even with initiation the set up potential is ridiculous, especially on a hero like storm. Zip Zap in, garunteed blackhole/rp/call whatever

>you have to be good
>doesnt know how natural order works



am I the only one that gets super thirsty while playing dota? oh man I could drink a

Are games batshit insane random now, or am I just in hidden pool?

You wish you were

what should I play on my stream?

I-I have friends..

Reminder that reddit won't stop buffing support until you just have to press R to win game

patch days are weird

i stomped 3 games that were complete shitshows in a row and then got 3 games where my team just straight up left after feeding first blood

Fuck off

I know how it works.
It doesn't reduce +armor (like Axe's call), but not only the stomp lasts longer than the call, but the ult following up will hit exactly when his bonus armor ends.
Free tip for you.

Why doesn't Dota introduce support gold gain items like LoL does? It's not fun to have nothing but boots 20 minutes in

I want f/a/gs to leave

1v1 me any hero after the game sarkeh, then lets see who "?"

deleting dota posts and leaving the shit op no wonder most people left this site

Maybe try not being a shitter.

thanks guys
Gonna play pudge
I am 4k mmr and gonna go through basics of pudge

>mods deleting gay posting

about damn time

Also why is Pike a broken ass item? who thought "Hey just give them shit loads of range it will be just like lense!"

Those anime posts were actually dota related.

Any CM tips?

>New item: Bag of Gold
>Costs 100 gold
>When used you gain 200 gold
>1 second buy cool down


>it's a weeaboos get blown the fuck out episode

>getting kills and objectives is so hard in LoL you literally have to reward supports for doing damage to enemy heroes or towers

that's not a problem in dota

>be solo support
>have to buy all the wards and smoke, stack camps by myself and gank
>team flames me for not having wards everywhere when I can't even afford them anymore
>jungler proceeds to buy tome of knowledge for himself

what if there was an item where you lost a level but you gained as much gold as you lost in xp

My post had no anime but then again to be janitor on Veeky Forums would mean you are mentally handicapped so I don't blame the guy for not knowing the difference.

Why is Lion such a bad hero?

>mfw hurricane pike

I bet you think that dota supports are supposed to babysit their carries like they do in LoL

roam and help your team get kills

that was single handedly the best doujin i've ever read and i'm not even gay